精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=71982&extra=page%3D1 Yes, but what did Roman's magician ever do for us ..? 沒錯,但是阿布,你究竟為我們做了些什麼....? 作者: Giles Smith 來源: The Times 譯者: 小小切米 版權: 切爾西中文網及譯者 Jose Mourinho? Over him already. He's history. What did he ever do for us anyway? It's common knowledge that it was all down to Steve Clarke. We've moved on. All together, then: "Avram Grant's blue-and-white army . . ." (何塞.莫里尼奧?忘了他吧。他已經成為歷史了。他到底為我們做過些什麼?地球人都知 道,所有的成就都是史蒂文.克拉克取得的。莫的離開,意味著我們前進了一大步。讓我 們放聲高唱:"阿弗拉姆.格蘭特的藍衫軍團...") Not convincing you? I'm not convincing myself, either. If you support Chelsea, the loss of Mourinho is going to gouge a deep hole. Not the idea of it - because going at some point, and most likely in a shower of electrical sparks, was always clearly part of the deal - but the fact of it. (沒有說服你,是吧?連我自己都不相信這套鬼話。只要你支持切爾西,就會知道莫里尼奧 的離開是種多麼大的缺失。天下無不散之筵席,總有分離的一天,特別是身處電光火石之 中。這是個事實,而不僅僅是個想像。) I'm not sure I'd go quite as far as the fan on a phone-in yesterday who said it was like losing his dad. But it's a tangible sadness and a kick to the stomach. (昨天,一個球迷在電話裏說,這感覺像是死了老爸。。。我不確定自己是否也如此悲憤, 但我確實感到無比悲傷,而且我的胃在不停翻騰。) Mourinho was the greatest manager Chelsea have had, or are likely to have - brilliant, passionate, dangerous, funny and sometimes all of those things in the same five seconds. Great suits, too. (莫里尼奧是切爾西有史以來最出色的主教練,或者,他也將是切爾西空前絕後的最佳教練 ----精明,熱情,危險,風趣,而且這些特點往往會同時爆發。而且.....他的西裝也很 漂亮(還有那件經典的阿瑪尼風衣呀,史叔)。) The things his critics found to vilify him for were things we supporters particularly loved about him. He was accused of harping on about the injustice of the "goal that never was" in the second leg of the Champions League semi-final at Anfield in 2005. Well, maybe he did. But either these things matter to you or they don't. And to Mourinho, clearly, they mattered. (批評家們用來誹謗和攻擊他的東西,正是我們這些支持者所津津樂道的、愛他的原因。有 人指責他不斷地懷疑2005年歐冠半決賽中那個"子虛烏有的進球"的公正性。好吧,也許他 的確一提再提。我不知道你是否在意這個球,但很明顯的,對莫里尼奧他來說,這真的很 重要。) Grindingly successful? Again, there was a grain of truth in that. But you would say this much in favour of grindingly successful: it has a lot to recommend it over grindingly unsuccessful, which is the historical background that most Chelsea fans are necessarily coming from. (醜陋的勝利?恩,這也似乎有點兒道理。不過你本應該支持這樣的勝利:作為切爾西的死 忠,我們已經歷了太多"醜陋的失敗",你會發現,與之相比,"醜陋的勝利"更加誘人。) And, yes, I can see that the magic has been fading for some time. Why, last year Chelsea only won the FA Cup and the Carling Cup, finished runners-up in the league and reached the semi-finals of the Champions League, so what a season of withering underachievement that was. (是的,是的,我也看出來了,魔力鳥的魔力正在消退。從哪里看出來的?上賽季,切爾西 僅僅贏得了足總杯和聯賽杯,聯賽排名第二,止步于歐冠半決賽.....這是多麼慘痛的失 敗呀!) Mourinho goes, then, and the task of converting Stamford Bridge into a non-stop footballing gasp-o-rama lies in the hands of somebody who, not long ago, was in the boot-room at Portsmouth. Do fairytales come true? I guess we're about to find out, starting against Manchester United at Old Trafford on Sunday and then, gloriously, away to Hull City in the Carling Cup three days later. (莫里尼奧離開了,於是,復興切爾西的重任落在了某人身上,而這個人,在不久之前還待 在樸資茅斯的靴室裏。童話故事成真了嗎?我想我們很快就能知道答案。周日我們就將在 老特拉福德迎戰曼聯,三天之後,又將在聯賽杯中迎來Hull City的挑戰。) The fact is, though, that Roman Abramovich could announce this morning that he had secured the services of Frank Rijkaard and Guus Hiddink in football's first civil partnership, declare that all three of them will be at the airport in January to welcome Ronaldinho to Chelsea, and it wouldn't feel like any kind of consolation right now for the loss of Mourinho. We would take him back in a heartbeat. (問題是,即使羅曼.阿布拉莫維奇現在宣佈,他已經確定了裏傑卡爾德和希丁克的加盟, 明年一月,他們三個將一同在飛機場歡迎小羅的到來,即使這樣,也絲毫無法給我們 以安慰,似毫無法彌補失去穆帥的損失。我們寧願激動著迎接穆帥的歸來。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
budfe:最後一段是小羅喔 不是胖羅 09/24 13:37
JamesCaesar:這種文章能出現在官網真讓人感到訝異 09/24 16:13
jftsai:來源: The Times 09/24 16:18
※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (09/24 16:19)
JamesCaesar:難怪不是史密斯專欄 XDD 09/24 17:59
superbecky:史密斯也不爽阿布的決定吧 09/24 18:52
dyce:哈...原po矯枉過正了﹐也不是小小羅... 09/25 04:14
※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (09/25 09:13)