精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=72001&extra=page%3D1 http://observer.guardian.co.uk/sport/story/0,,2175253,00.html Mourinho: 'Even with you journalists I'm sad to be leaving. I like you' 莫里尼奧:"就算是記者我也不捨得。我喜歡你們。" 來源:衛報 作者:Duncan Castles 日期:Sunday September 23, 2007 翻譯:dav 版權:切爾西中文網 -- 球迷論壇(http://bbs.qieerxi.com/) Twenty-four hours after leaving Chelsea, Jose Mourinho says this is 'the most painful moment of my career'. Duncan Castles asks the questions (在離開切爾西24小時以後,何塞.莫里尼奧說這是"我的生涯裏面最痛的時刻"。以下由 Duncan Castles和他作專訪。) Were you sacked or did you resign? 你到底有沒有被革職?還是自己辭職? The Chelsea statement is a correct statement. The relationship broke down, it is true, and a 'mutual agreement' is true. They didn't sack me, I didn't close the door. It is true that we both agreed I should leave. (切爾西的聲明是正確的。我們的關係破裂了,這是真的,"雙方同意"也是真的。他們沒有 開除我,我也沒有主動分手。我們真的是雙雙達成我應該離開這個共識的。) Is that the official line? 這是個官方的說法嗎? You know that I'm not the kind of guy who will be told what to say. If I was sacked I would say I was sacked. If I had closed the door I would say I'd closed the door, that is the truth. So when I say the relationship broke down I am telling you the truth. They haven't said why the relationship broke down and I'm not going to say why it happened either. (你們知道我不是那種會受人擺佈的人。如果我是被開除的話我會說我是被開除的。如果 我炒了老板魷魚我會說我炒了老闆魷魚的,這就是事實。所以當我說我們的關係破裂了的 時候,我的確是把真相告訴你。他們沒有說為何會決裂,而我也沒有打算說是什麼原因。) Would all this have happened if Chelsea were top of the table? 如果切爾西處於聯賽榜首,這一切會發生嗎? I don't know, but the relationship had broken down. So if we had beaten Blackburn, but lost or drawn the next game, the next week it would still have been the same problem all over again. (我不知道,但那種關係已經破裂了。所以就算我們擊敗了布萊克本,然後平了或者輸了下 一場,下個禮拜仍然會再次出現同樣的問題。) The relationship broke down not because of one detail or because of something that happened at a certain moment. It broke down over a period of time. (關系決裂不是因為一件事或因為在某個時候發生的某些事,而是經過一段時間的。) Do you blame yourself for that? 你有因此而自責嗎? No. I'm Jose Mourinho with all my good qualities and all my bad qualities. I'm Jose Mourinho and I don't change. I don't want to change anything I do, so blame myself? No, no, no. (沒有。我是何塞.莫里尼奧,擁有我的一切優點和一切缺點。我就是何塞.莫里尼奧,而 我亦不會改變。我不想改變我的任何東西,所以自責嗎?不會,不會,不會。) How can I blame myself when I'm leaving a country and the people there are not happy that I'm going? The club is not happy, the fans are not happy, my opponents are not happy - even the referees are not happy. Yes, a few of the referees have rung me to say they are sad to see me go. But not the linesman against Blackburn. (當我離開一個國家,而那裏的人對於我的離開並不高興,我又怎會自責?俱樂部不高興, 球迷們不高興,我的對手們也不高興…甚至裁判都不高興。沒錯,有幾個裁判打電話給我 ,說他們看著我離開很傷心。不過當中不包括對陣布萊克本時的那位邊線裁判員。) So is Avram Grant to blame? 那麼應該歸咎於埃夫拉姆.格蘭特嗎? It doesn't matter to me, I don't care. I don't care about anything that happens at Chelsea any more. Who they buy, who they sell, who is the manager - I just don't care because I'm not a part of it now. (這和我沒有關係,我並不在乎。我不會再在乎任何在切爾西發生的事了。他們收購誰,出 售誰,又或者誰是教練 -- 我都不關心,因為我現在不再是它的一部份了。) I don't care if I was stabbed in the back, I really don't care if that's true. I don't want to spend my time and energy fretting about that. (我不關心有沒有人在我背後說壞話,就算是真有其事我也真的不在乎。我不希望浪費我的 時間和精神去為此而操心。) What about the owner? 對于老闆? I don't know his life, I don't know his mind, but my feeling is that he still has the enthusiasm, still loves Chelsea. He wants to be in football. (我不清楚他的生活,我不瞭解他的心思,不過我的感覺是他仍然有那份熱衷,仍然深愛切 爾西。他希望投入於足球裏。) Will you be going back to Chelsea to say goodbye? 你會回到切爾西說再見嗎? No. It is over. Chelsea is over. It is the end for me at Chelsea. And I'm very happy with what I did - the way I started and the way I finished. (不會。已經結束了,我在切爾西的日子已經完結了。而我對於我所作的感到非常滿足 -- 包括我如何開始和結束的方式。) I will be around the area, taking my kids for a bicycle ride, but I won't go back to the fans. Just imagine if I did - I would die in the crush out in the middle of the pitch. It is better that doesn't happen. It is so difficult, though. Not difficult from a football point of view, that's life, that's football. But the emotional strain of it all is not easy. (我會在這附近,跟我的孩子們去踏單車,但我不會去找那些球迷。只要想像一下如果我回 去的話 -- 我會在球場的中間被壓扁而死的。所以還是不好了。然而,這實在很不容易。 從足球的觀點就不難接受,這就是生活,這就是足球的一部份。但是由此造成的情緒壓力 就不容易了。) I won't watch Chelsea play United. I have no problem watching Chelsea on TV again soon, no problem at all. But not the next two or three matches. Later, a bit later, I will watch again. (我不會看切爾西作客曼聯。我很快就可以正常地在電視上看切爾西比賽,根本沒問題。 不過不會是接下來的兩三場比賽。過一陣子吧,我會再次觀看的。) You sound very upset. 你聽起來非常不安呢。 I must admit I caught a tear. Just as the tear was coming out I was catching it. I did not want to cry even though I felt like it. This was so hard for me. This is the most hurtful, painful experience of my career. My worst moment at any club anywhere. It hurts me more than anything that has gone before. This was the longest period I was ever at a club. (我必須承認我熱淚盈眶。不過當眼淚正流出來的時候我馬上捉住它。我並不想哭,即使我 有這種感覺。這對我來說是如此的難受,是在我的生涯裏面最傷感和最心痛的經歷。是我 在任何地方的任何俱樂部以來的最壞的時刻。這比我以前的任何東西都更傷我心。這畢竟 是我待在一傢俱樂部的最長時間的一次。) How angry are you with what has happened? 你對所發生的事有多生氣? Not at all. I'm just sad from the human point of view. Even with you journalists I'm sad. I like you. I'm sad to be leaving you behind, so it is not easy. But there's no anger. Not a single part of me is angry. There's no anger at all. (一點都沒有。我只是從一個常人的角度感到傷心。就算是你們記者們我也不捨得。我喜 歡你們。要離開你們令我很傷心,所以這並不容易。然而卻沒有怒氣,我身體沒有任何 一吋感到生氣,一點都沒有。) What happens next? Will we see you managing in England again? 接下來會怎樣?我們會再次看見你在英格蘭當教練嗎? I want to come back very, very much but I don't want my next step to be another English club. It needs to be something different. The next job is at another club somewhere else and then later, if destiny wants it, then I want to come back to an English club. (我非常非常希望回來,但我卻不想下一站會是另一家英格蘭俱樂部,必需要是一些不同 的東西。下一個工作會是在另外某個地方的另一傢俱樂部,然後在將來假如命運安排的話 ,我便希望回來一家英格蘭的俱樂部。) Peter Kenyon doesn't think you'll be back... 彼得.肯揚卻不認為你會回來呢… Peter Kenyon is wrong. That's what he thinks, but I will come back, I will - unless nobody wants me - but I will come back. (彼得.肯揚錯了。這是他的想法,不過我卻會回來的,真的 -- 除非沒有人想要我吧, 不然我是會回來的。) So where is the next job likely to be? 那麼下一站有可能會在哪里呢? I know it will be a very good club in one of the top football countries. I believe in Spain or Italy. I have had two offers already - but I don't tell you from where, just that I wasn't interested in either. (我知道會是在其中一個頂尖足球國家裏的一家非常優秀的俱樂部。我相信會在西班牙或 意大利吧。我已經收到兩個邀請了 -- 不過我不會告訴你是來自哪裏的,因為我對他們並 不感到興趣。) Waiting is not a problem for me. I'm only taking time off because of the circumstances of football. Nobody sacks managers in September or October. Well not normally. (等待對我來說不是一個問題。我只是因為足球的狀況而暫停一會兒。沒有人會在九月或十 月開除教練的。嗯,正常來講不會吧。) So I'm ready. I'm not taking time out because I'm tired, not because of stress, not because I need a break, not because I want to go around the world for three months. I'm ready. (所以我是准備就緒的。我暫停並不是因為我累了,不是因為有壓力,不是因為我要休息, 也不是因為我要環遊世界三個月。我准備好了。) What about the Portugal job? 葡萄牙國家隊一職如何? I don't want to be an unsettling influence. People in Portugal are all saying I'm going to the national job, but no way, no way. (我不想成為一個令人不安的影響。葡萄牙的人們都在說我準備去接掌國家隊,但不可能, 決不。) How have your family reacted? 你的家人有什麼反應? My wife can read everything that's inside of me, so I think she knew I was not happy at Chelsea. And now I think she is happy that I'm going to a different life again with a happy heart. (我的老婆完全瞭解我的心事,所以我相信她知道我在切爾西並不高興。而現在我相信她很 高興我准備以一顆快樂的心去迎接一個不同的生活。) How have other Premier League managers reacted? 其他的英格教練們又有什麼反應? I think they are not happy to see me go - the same way I was not happy when Chris Coleman was sacked. We don't like that, we are not happy with that. Yes, I had a couple of cross words with Arsene Wenger in the past, but I also had a couple of very nice dinners with him in Geneva at Uefa meetings. I had a little fight with Sir Alex Ferguson, but I also had some great moments with him too. (我想他們看著我離開也不開心吧 -- 正如當科爾曼被開除的時候我也不開心。我們不喜 歡見到這種場面,我們感到不開心。沒錯,過去我曾經數次和溫格罵戰,不過在日內瓦 的歐協會議期間我亦數次和他共晉非常棒的晚餐。我和弗格森爵士有過一些小爭執,不 過我亦同樣和他有過一些美好的時刻。) What will you miss most about managing here? 對於在此執教,你最懷念的是什麼? The passion, the full stadia, the culture before and after games. It is not boring, it is fun. The players in this country with their great attitude and with their respect for their work. (那種熱情、那些滿座的球場、比賽前後的文化。這並不無聊,而是一種樂趣。在這個國家 的球員們對他們的工作都有一流的態度和非常的尊重。) And I will miss being the boss. When people in every section of the club from the cook in the kitchen to the security people and the ball boys, when they call you 'boss' it means a lot. They really look at you as the boss and it is fantastic. (我還會懷念作為老大的日子。當俱樂部裏面的每一個部們的人,由廚房裏的廚師,保安人 員,到球僮們,當他們叫你"老大"的時候,實在是意義重大。他們真的把你當成老大一樣 看著你,這種感覺很美妙。) People love me, loved me. And I love people too. That's why one day I want to come back. (人們熱愛我,敬愛我。而我亦同樣熱愛他們。這就是我為何希望回來的原因。) Do you have any regrets about joining Chelsea in 2004? 你對於在2004年加入切爾西有任何後悔嗎? When I came here, I could choose from virtually every club in every country. This was the right decision. It was right to choose Chelsea. (我來的時候,我可以說是在所有國家的所有俱樂部中挑選。然而這是個正確的決定。我選 擇切爾西是正確的。) What was your best moment there? 那一個是你在那裏的最美好的時刻? Every trophy is a great moment, but the FA Cup final last season was so special. Wembley was a fantastic moment. As a kid I had grown up watching Cup finals at Wembley and I was frustrated at not having the FA Cup yet. So moment by moment that day was very special, especially as it had been a difficult season. It was the last trophy we hadn't won so winning it finally was very special. But also to be champions is very important, that's fantastic too. We had so many good moments in the Chelsea family. (贏取每一個獎盃都是個偉大的時刻,但去季的足總杯決賽卻是如此的特別。在溫布利那一 次是個美妙的時刻。我從小就觀看在溫布利的決賽,未能贏得足總杯令我很沮喪。所以每 個時刻比較起來,那一天實在非常特別,尤其是經歷了一個艱難的球季。這是我們最後一 個未得到過的獎盃,所以最終能夠贏得它是非常有意義的。不過成為聯軍冠軍也是非常重 要,同樣是很美妙的。我們在切爾西大家庭裏有過如此多的美好時刻呢。) And the worst? 那麼最差勁的又是? Now. Leaving, coming to the end of the process. It is not easy. I have to control myself. I have to fight not to be too emotional. I feel so sorry to leave so many good people behind. People I have worked with a long time, people I have big empathies with - it is not easy. (現在吧。離開,走完這個過程,實在不容易。我需要控制自己。我要拼命令自己不太激 動。對於要撇下那麼多的好人,我是感到多麼的抱歉。那些跟我一起工作了許久的人,那 些和我互相很了解的人 -- 這是不容易的。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
heinzyie:淚推~~ 09/24 12:13
Rasheed:這就是魔力鳥~就算離開還是要酸一下邊裁跟球隊高層~XD 09/24 12:26
IronChef:Boss! 09/24 12:32
yashirochi: 09/24 12:34
momo7426:老大~~~~~~~~~ 09/24 12:56
alixia:老大 T^T 09/24 12:57
tomuya:BOSS!! 09/24 12:59
superbecky:老大!!! QQ 09/24 13:00
qaisgood:老大!祝你在走一個事業的高峰 09/24 13:12
moulinrouge:好感人 >"< BOSS FOREVER!!! 09/24 13:22
heavygauge:BOSS!!! 09/24 13:25
budfe:Boss!! 09/24 13:36
willy7112:BOSS FOREVER!! 09/24 13:50
RBarrichello:BOSS!! 09/24 13:58
lowlydog:老大的感言的嘴砲度都比格蘭特的賽後訪問高 .... 09/24 14:18
Verriasen:老大的言論就是那麼引人入勝 09/24 14:46
FrankLampard:BOSS!!!!!! 09/24 15:06
LarrikinLove:THANK YOU JOSE 09/24 15:10
JamesCaesar:除非希丁克來,否則這兩個字我不會再用了。 09/24 16:18
Nvil:每看一次跟老大有關的新聞都想哭.. 老大~~~/____\ 09/24 16:22
selinachen:老大!連感人的告別都還是有精采的嘴砲!!! T︿T 09/24 16:45
budfe:可不可以不要希丁克 我不想要Chelsea成為全歐洲最髒的球隊 09/24 17:41
chelseamiyu:推樓上 09/24 17:48
kenyshsu:Boss!! 09/24 19:43
silinduo:髒不髒都有一套說詞吧,不過希丁克有一樣的求勝意志。 09/24 19:46
plumg:Boss!!! 09/24 21:45
clx: The Special One! 09/24 22:41
alixia:http://tinyurl.com/2coafv 09/25 06:10
wei7515:老大~~~~~ 09/25 17:07
stranck:走之前還要嘴砲酸一下 XDDDDD 09/26 20:33
stranck:這篇真的很讚 ... Q_Q 09/26 20:45