精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://chelsea.sina.com.cn/news/2007-09-27/19184043.html 2007-09-27 19:18:55 切爾西中文官方網站 切爾西足球俱樂部就英足總對俱樂部和我們的助理教練斯蒂夫-克拉克今天早些時候作出 的處罰給予了回應。 聲明如下:切爾西足球俱樂部將堅強的對英足總今天作出的2個處罰作出辯護,在10 月12日之前,我們將考慮辯護並作出回應。 英足總的處罰聲明如下:由於在9月23日於曼聯的比賽中無法控制其球員,切爾西被 處罰。該處罰針對切爾西球員在約翰-米克爾-奧比被罰下場後對主裁判邁克-迪恩的行為 。斯蒂夫-克拉克由於在老特拉福德的比賽結束後對比賽官員使用了辱罵和/或無禮語言而 被處罰。切爾西和克拉克須在10月12日前對處罰作出回應。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11668_2759050,00.html Charges have been issued against Chelsea and their assistant coach Steve Clarke following incidents which occurred during the Old Trafford clash. The charge with regards the behaviour of Chelsea's players relates to the manner in which they responded to referee Mike Dean, following the first-half sending-off of John Obi Mikel. Captain John Terry was seen to try and snatch the red card from Dean's hand, in an incident that has landed the England captain in hot water with the FA. Clarke has been charged with using abusive and/or insulting words towards the match officials at the game's conclusion. The FA has already rejected Chelsea's appeal against Mikel's red card, as they upheld Dean's decision, meaning the Nigerian is serving a three-match suspension. Chelsea and Clarke, who have until 12th October to respond, have confirmed they will 'strongly defend' the two charges. "Chelsea football club will be strongly defending the the two charges issued by the Football Association today and will be considering that defence until we have to respond on October 12," read an official club statement. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: wei7515 來自: (09/28 00:24)
qaisgood:送足總那群過肩摔 來個呼力呀 09/28 00:24
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: lynna (給點陽光就燦爛) 看板: Chelsea 標題: Re: [情報] 切爾西將對老特拉福處罰作出辯護 時間: Fri Sep 28 10:56:00 2007 借wei的文章回覆一下中文翻譯 http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11668_2759050,00.html Charges have been issued against Chelsea and their assistant coach Steve Clarke following incidents which occurred during the Old Trafford clash. 切爾西和克拉克因為在老特拉福發生的衝突而遭到指控。 The charge with regards the behaviour of Chelsea's players relates to the manner in which they responded to referee Mike Dean, following the first-half sending-off of John Obi Mikel. 指控內容是針對發生在上半場裁判麥可狄恩罰下米克爾時,切爾西球員對他的 判罰所做出的回應與行為。 Captain John Terry was seen to try and snatch the red card from Dean's hand, in an incident that has landed the England captain in hot water with the FA. 有人目擊蔣特里企圖將裁判手中的紅牌奪下,此事將令這位英格蘭隊長陷入與 足總的麻煩之中。 (有這回事嗎?我都沒看到....) Clarke has been charged with using abusive and/or insulting words towards the match officials at the game's conclusion. 克拉克被控在比賽結束時,對比賽官員使用辱罵和/或無禮的言語。 The FA has already rejected Chelsea's appeal against Mikel's red card, as they upheld Dean's decision, meaning the Nigerian is serving a three-match suspension. 切爾西針對米克爾的紅牌訴請裁決,但已遭足總駁回,同時足總決定 維持原判,米克爾將因此禁賽三場。 Chelsea and Clarke, who have until 12th October to respond, have confirmed they will 'strongly defend' the two charges. 切爾西和克拉克必須在十月十二號之前做出回應,他們也都聲明將對這兩項 指控做出「強烈辯駁」。 "Chelsea football club will be strongly defending the the two charges issued by the Football Association today and will be considering that defence until we have to respond on October 12," read an official club statement. 官方聲明說,「切爾西將會對今日足總的兩項指控做出強烈辯駁,且將仔細 思量如何辯駁,直到十月十二號,也就是回應的限期之前。」 -- 在我不知道如何是好的夏天/他說他走一走/就發現走到了海邊/突然/突然就 一切視而不見/除了一條藍色的線/沿著那條線/就一直走到/最悲憤裡面。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ise:我只有看到米克爾拉住裁判拿紅牌的手 不讓他掏牌XD 09/28 11:10
Rasheed:我看英超精華的時候依稀有看到蔣特里要搶牌的畫面~XD 09/28 11:12
PocaLays:英超精華的確有 dj牛仔大的檔 6:20~6:32 左右橋段 09/28 11:20
stranck:有看到,沒有搶啦,有摸一下下而已 XDDD 09/28 12:34
IronChef:隊長直接扁一拳算了, 幹那裁判真是欠幹 09/28 19:58
hareruya:直接插他眼睛好了 反正有跟沒有一樣XD 09/28 21:58