精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1121917,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=72257&extra=page%3D1 THE THURSDAY INTERVIEW: ANDRIY SHEVCHENKO 周四專訪:安德烈.舍甫琴科 作者:Andy Jones 日期:Thu, 27th Sep 2007 翻譯:dav It has been a tough few months for Andriy Shevchenko, but, fit again, he reveals he is just getting back into his stride, and is hoping for a birthday goal against Fulham on Saturday. 過去數月對安德列.舍甫琴科來說可以說是一段艱苦的時期,不過傷癒復出的他透露,他 正逐漸回復自信和狀態,並希望在週六對陣富勒姆時可取得一個生日進球。 September 29 marks the Ukrainian's 31st birthday, and his wish is to add to the goal he scored against Rosenborg in our Champions League opener. 9月29日就是這個烏克蘭人的31歲生日,而他的願望就是繼在歐冠對陣羅森柏格打開記錄 之後再取得入球。 Rested for last night's win at Hull, the player affectionately known as Sheva has appeared three times in Chelsea colours this term, and freely admits that first of the season against the Norwegians was an important goal for his confidence. 'Yes, and every game is important for me for Chelsea,' he added. 'I want to do my best every game.' 這位一般被昵稱為舍瓦的球員在昨晚於赫爾城的勝仗當中在場邊休息。他今季曾三次穿起 藍軍衣服,他坦承對陣挪威球隊時的球季首個入球對於他的信心是很重要的。他補充道: "是的,而每一場比賽對我為切爾西來說都是很重要的。我想在每場比賽都竭盡全力。" Shevchenko, who signed for a club record fee in the summer of 2006, is yet to show the Premier League his full goal scoring repertoire, but hopes that Saturday is the day he begins to show what he is capable of. 舍甫琴科在2006年的夏天以破俱樂部紀錄的轉會費來投,然而仍未向英超所有人展示他完 全的得分能力。不過他期望週六會是他開始證明實力的一天。 With three games without a win in the league, a result at Fulham is a must, and Shevchenko believes the team is in the right frame of mind despite the difficulties we have faced over the last few games. 由於在聯賽中已經連續三場不勝,作客富勒姆爭勝是必須的。儘管球隊在過去數仗面對了 很多難題,舍甫琴科堅信我們正處於適當的心境去克服。 'I think it's ok, it's a difficult moment for the club, the players, the team, because of big changes in the house, so it's a moment for the players to stick together and do our best for the club,' he explained. 他說明道:"我覺得我們應付得了的,現在對俱樂部、球員們和球隊來說都是個困難的時 刻,因為隊中有重大的變化。是以現正是時候讓球員們團結一致去為俱樂部盡我們的所能 。" He points to the performance in the early stages against Manchester United as proof of the team's potential, where until John Mikel Obi's red card, we had matched the champions on their own patch. 他指出對陣曼聯時的比賽較早時候的演出,正好證明了球隊的潛力。直到約翰.奧比.米 克爾領紅離場之前,我們都可以在上屆盟主的主場跟他們踢成均勢。 'It was a tough game, and after 30 minutes playing with 10, the team played well, were good in defence and tried our best on the pitch,' he said, before conceding: 'We played against Manchester United with 10 and that's very difficult. To score a goal there also is very difficult.' 他談到了球隊落敗之前的表現:"這是一場嚴峻的比賽,在30分鍾後以十人應戰,球隊在 場上仍然表現不錯,防守出色,並且盡了最大的努力。我們以十個人去應付曼聯,這是非 常棘手的。要在那裏取得進球亦同樣是非常費力的。" These were encouraging signs for new first team coach Avram Grant, who, despite persistent rumours, Sheva insists he knows no better than any of the other players. 這對於新的一線隊教練埃夫拉姆.格蘭特來說都是一些鼓勵的跡象。盡管謠言流傳已久, 舍瓦卻強調他不會比其他任何一個球員更了解這位新教練。 'I know him as director of football with the team, like every player. He tries now as a manager and every player has the same relationship,' said the forward, who has scored 34 times in 76 appearances for his country. 這位前鋒曾經在76次替國家隊上陣中取得34個入球,他說:"我對他的認識跟每個球員都 一樣,就是球隊的足球總監。現在他試著成為教練,而每個球員和他的關係都是一樣的。 " Shevchenko appears to be hitting form at the right time, with the crucial Champions League visit to Valencia just around the corner. 在作客巴倫西亞的歐冠賽事即將來臨之際,舍甫琴科看來正在適當的時機回復狀態。 Having scored the winning penalty in that competition in 2003, and then seeing the flipside of a shootout two years later, the forward knows all about Europe's elite club competition, and has fond memories of his last visit to Valencia. 曾經於2003年在這項賽事中打進致勝點球,然後在兩年後於點球決勝中嘗到落敗的滋味, 這位前鋒經歷過歐洲精英俱樂部賽事的一切。他對上一次到訪巴倫西亞還有親切的記憶。 'It was a very difficult game and they are a good team,' he pondered. 'Last year was a good result in Valencia, 2-1. We'll try the same this time,' he added, clearly with the prospect of more European glory on his mind. 他深思著說:"那是一場非常不容易的比賽,他們是一支好球隊。"他的心中顯然期望得到 更多的歐洲榮譽,他補充道:"去年在巴倫西亞的成績不錯,2-1。這一次我們亦會再次爭 勝。" He dismisses the idea however that scoring in the Mestalla was his best Chelsea memory, saying: 'No, every game when you score for the team and the team wins is a good moment for a player.' 然而他卻否認在梅斯塔利亞球場取得入球是他在切爾西的最佳回憶,他說:"不,對一個 球員來說,每一場為球隊進球然後獲勝的都是個美好的時刻。" With 60 goals in European competition (47 in Champions League), Shevchenko, sits alongside former Milan team mate Filippo Inzaghi, just two goals behind Gerd Muller's record, but he insists as nice as they are, it's not personal records that matter, instead focusing on the greater good. 舍甫琴科在歐洲賽事中曾經取得60個入球(47個在冠軍聯賽中),和他的前米蘭隊友菲利 普.因紮吉同樣以兩球之差落後于蓋德.穆勒所保持的紀錄。不過他強調個人紀錄雖然美 好卻不是重點,反而應該專注於更重要的東西。 'It's a good, magnificent competition, with magnificent players. It's very nice, and very prestigious,' Sheva said. 舍瓦說:"這是個高質和壯觀的賽事,有傑出的球員。非常令人尊敬,而且享負盛名。" 'But I don't think about how many goals I've scored, it's important now every time for the club. It's important for the team to win, if I score it's okay, but if the team wins then very good.' "可是我不會想我打進了多少入球,現在每一個時刻對俱樂部都是重要的。勝利對球隊很 緊要,如果我進球那很好,不過假如球隊獲勝的話就非常好了。" For now, Shevchenko, European Footballer of the Year in 2004, is just happy to be playing football again, following hernia and back problems. These he says, also kept him from his second passion, playing golf. 目前對於這位2004年歐洲足球先生來說,舍甫琴科經過了疝氣和背傷困擾後,可以再次作 賽實在很滿足。他說這些傷病亦曾經同時阻止了他接觸他的第二最愛 -- 打高爾夫球。 'I don't play so much, because we have a lot of games and I had my back problem, and I don't play for a long time, maybe a couple of times but I don't have so much time to play,' he confessed. 'It's difficult because it's so busy, life on the pitch. You need the pitch, competition and to play with the team.' 他承認:"我不是經常打高爾夫球的,因為我們比賽頻密而且我亦有背傷。我沒有玩了很 久,或許有兩三次吧,我也沒有很多時間去玩。實在很難找時間,因為球場上的生活太忙 了。你需要訓練、比賽,和跟球隊一起作戰。" He'll hope to be even busier in the coming weeks as he contemplates success on three fronts, starting with a birthday goal on Saturday. 他將會期望在未來數周變得更加忙碌,因為他打算在週六以一個生日進球來展開在三線作 戰上的成功。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lowlydog:叫他在家打打WII 努力康復吧 09/28 10:12
FrankChiu:加油啊!舍瓦生日快樂!如果有生日進球更好啦~ 09/28 10:25
hareruya:舍瓦 范尼 歐文 ..有前鋒容易疝氣的八卦嗎 09/28 11:30
chelseamiyu:Sheva6月的時候才被拍到去打高爾夫啊XD 09/28 19:07
Schlingko:Sheva生日快樂!!!>///< 09/29 13:07