精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Former PM sidelined as media spotlight falls on Mourinho http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article3007144.ece By Elizabeth Nash in Madrid Published: 28 September 2007 Portugal's leading private television station revealed the priorities of the nation when it broke off an interview with a former prime minister to switch live to the homecoming of Jose Mourinho, the former Chelsea football manager. 葡萄牙的一家私營電視台,因為莫老大回到葡萄牙了, 就將進行中的與前首相的訪談節目 切到莫老大回來的 live 畫面。 The former conservative prime minister, Pedro Santana Lopes, walked off in a huff when his words were cut short so that SIC television – a channel that specialises in Brazilian soap operas – could broadcast the triumphal return of the self-proclaimed "special one" to Lisbon late on Wednesday. 前首相講話講到一半被切掉,就很不爽。 "To be interrupted because of the arrival of a football coach... I think the country has gone crazy," Mr Santana Lopes told his interviewer on the SIC Noticias programme. "I'm not going to continue this interview. People will have to learn." The former PM had been explaining his Social Democratic Party's election plans when he was abruptly upstaged. "I like Mourinho," he insisted afterwards. "But I won't be interrupted by the arrival of a football coach. There are rules." "因為一個足球教練的抵達而被中斷,我覺得這國家已經瘋了。 我不會繼續下去這段訪談。 大家應該要學到教訓。" 當時,前首相正在替所屬的黨解說選舉策略,接著 ... 就被切走了。 "我喜歡莫里尼奧, 不過我不會讓人因為這樣就中斷了我。 這裡是講規矩的。" Mr Santana Lopes is fully aware of his compatriots' enthusiasm for football. He was a popular sports commentator before he entered national politics. During the 1990s, he was chairman of Sporting Lisbon – the very club that later signed up Jose Mourinho as translator for Bobby Robson during the Englishman's stint as manager. 這位前首相當然理解他同胞對足球的熱情。 他從政前就曾是位很出名的轉播員。 而且他在 90 年代還是里斯本體育會的主席, 也就是簽下莫里尼奧當 Bobby Robson 的翻譯的那家球會。 Mr Mourinho went on to coach rival Benfica, then Porto, before moving to Chelsea, the club he left last week "by mutual consent". 這段就講莫老大接下來去過哪幾家球會主教。 Despite his trip back to his native country, Portuguese hopes that their returning hero might lead their national football side appear doomed. 然而,即便是老大回來了, 他的同鄉們對他能帶領國家隊的期望 眼看也破滅了。 Mr Mourinho seems to have outgrown his homeland, and has ruled out coaching at home for the time being. He says he wants to coach a big or up-and-coming European club. 莫老大看起來已經對他的家鄉失去熱情了。 他現時拒絕了在葡萄牙執教。 他說他想要去一家大球會,或者是正要起來的球會。 The television station said Mr Santana Lopes's walkout was "out of place and disproportionate". 電視台說前首相的不爽走人是不對而且不合當時的狀況。 "Mourinho's arrival was the news event of the night. The decision to broadcast live from Lisbon was taken during the programme in the light of events," said Ricardo Costa, the channel's news director. "莫里尼奧的抵達是晚上的新聞事故。 衡量過後,我們在節目還在進行的當下,就下決定要轉播里斯本的現場。" -- 看到莫老大在機場 一堆閃光燈刷刷刷 真有氣勢 ... 那位前首相真的是囧了 XDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
JUNstudio:叫魔力鳥選總統!!!動算動算! 09/28 22:56
DemonRing:Mourinho for president! 09/28 22:57
Nvil:推老大選總統XD 我覺得這國家已經瘋了->XDD 09/28 23:06
selinachen:XDDD 09/28 23:33
wei7515:http://tinyurl.com/2vquw8 09/29 00:16
qaisgood:莫帥選總統阿!!!! 政治人物的嘴砲應該也輸你很多 09/29 00:19
alixia:Mourinho for president! Mourinho for president! 09/29 00:24
momo7426:老大好想你 〒△〒 09/29 00:25
※ 編輯: stranck 來自: (09/29 02:31)
jftsai:XDDDDDDDDDDD 不過是前首相..當然要切畫面! 09/29 08:12
FrankChiu:我早就覺得他適合去當政治人物啦 XD 09/29 20:25
stranck:帥,有領導能力,嘴砲又無敵 ... XD 09/29 21:20
momo7426:前首相你認命吧 09/29 22:55