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http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1122847,00.html FOCUSED FOR FULHAM Fri, 28th Sep 2007 Avram Grant has expressed his pleasure that Didier Drogba could return to the squad tomorrow, and insists the squad is fully focused on gaining a first league win in four games. Drogba has been on the sidelines since damaging his knee in the defeat at Aston Villa on September 2, but returned to training with the rest of the squad this week, and the manager is hopeful he will be involved. 'We will check the players this afternoon and tomorrow to make sure everything is okay but probably Didier will be back tomorrow,' Grant said. 'Frank Lampard not yet but almost. Ricardo Carvalho needs a few more days and he will be okay,' he added on the other long-term injured. 'They do everything that they can to be back quickly and they are already coming back quicker than we thought. 'As a manager or a coach I want all the players available for the game, I'm very happy Didier is back.' This means that Grant has four forwards at his disposal, but has given nothing away with regard to the combination he will pick to face the Cottagers. 'I'm looking at all the team playing together. My target in the attacks is good combinations, many players involved in the attacks so I'm not speaking about this player or other players,' he said. Grant is pleased with the players' focus over the last week, and is adamant there will be nobody looking ahead to Valencia on Wednesday, as first of all we have to overcome a dangerous Fulham team. 'I'm very confident because I see quality and I see character. That's very important in football, and maybe life also. This was important, I think you saw when we lost against United, quality and character.' On the Blues squad, Grant said: 'They are fully concentrated on the game against Fulham, and then will concentrate on the game against Valencia. I don't believe that you can think now about Valencia because then we will lose against Fulham. He is also well briefed on what the west London derby means to the two clubs, and the history of the clash. 'They told me about the 2-2 last year, about this derby, this team is from the same street, no? I know. I don't think any team will make our life easier but it is our target that they will not have an easy life against us.' Grant accepts that the Blues have failed to fire on all cylinders this term, but is sure that the right recipe is not far away. 'First I think the past was a good base to continue, but we follow the base and yes I would like Chelsea to attack. You saw against Hull it was open but sometimes it was too open. We need to keep the balance. 'Sometimes it's not going well and there is a problem you need to fix. I don't have, even as director of football, anything against their will. Even if they didn't score they didn't lose too many games before. There is something we need to do better and that's what we are trying to do. 'We will make the right tactic for this. Chelsea is Chelsea. We want to win any game, but we know they are not going to give us an easy time. They are a good team, they know how to play football, having scored many goals this season. I respect them and will try to do our best, and our best is to win the game.' Hospitality packages still remain for the match, in which Didier Drogba is 10/1 to score a hat-trick, with online betting partner Paddy Power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1123162,00.html GRANT: FEELING THE QUALITY Sat, 29th Sep 2007 As he makes final preparations for his first home game, just over a week after he became first team coach, Avram Grant is finding the challenge of managing a group of truly world class players for the first time an enjoyable one. He made that clear as he spoke to newspaper reporters in the build-up to the Fulham game, comparing it to previous jobs he has held in his native Israel. 'I think it is more easy, because with all respect to Israeli players, they are not of the quality of Cheslea players,' Grant admitted. 'The best player from Israel, who I think is Yossi Benayoun, is a squad player at Liverpool. 'Here at Chelsea it is more easy to put your philosophy over because the players understand the game more, they have more quality, so we just have to show this philosophy with these players on the pitch.' Big player personalities are no problem either according to the man in charge. 'I like it when players have egos on the pitch. I think it is good, but only on the pitch. Off the pitch they are simple guys and I enjoy being with them. By the way, egos are with everyone, even in the Israeli team.' -- 以伊露維塔的名為證發誓 — 若有誰敢奪取屬於我們的藍色之魂,不論對方是天使 、惡魔、男人或女人,包括尚未出生者,若有任何的生靈,不論偉大或渺小,是善 還是惡,我們都將懷著復仇與憎恨之心直追到天涯海角,直追到世界結束之日。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: