精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64162&extra=page%3D1 Zola backs Blues for European glory 左拉支持藍軍力爭歐洲榮譽 來源:每日郵報 作者:MATT BARLOW - Last updated at 14:46pm on 29th March 2007 翻譯:切爾西中文網--球迷論壇 / dav Gianfranco Zola believes the demise of Inter Milan and Barcelona will convince Chelsea to make the European Cup their top target. 詹弗蘭科.左拉相信國際米蘭和巴賽隆納的出局,令人確信切爾西將會以爭奪歐冠冠軍為 首要目標。 Jose Mourinho welcomes his squad of players back from international duty today ahead of games against Watford and Valencia. 穆裏尼奧今天歡迎他的球員從國際賽歸來,他們將會準備對陣沃特福德和瓦倫西亞。 Mourinho's team are still eyeing a grand slam of four trophies but a route to the Champions League final in Athens is opening up and Zola claims his former club can seize the opportunity. 切爾西仍然朝著四冠王的可能,但通往雅典的歐冠決賽之路正慢慢打開。左拉宣稱他的前 俱樂部可以好好把握這個機會。 Zola, 40, said: "I'm sure the Champions League is their first target and they have a great chance. Barcelona, who in my opinion is the best team in Europe right now, is out along with Inter Milan. It's all down to them now. 40歲的左拉說:"我肯定歐冠是他們的首要目標,而他們的確有很大的機會奪標。我認為 現時最強的歐洲球隊是巴賽隆納,不過他們已和國際米蘭一起出局了。現在結果將完結取 決於切爾西身上。" "Everyone in Italy sees Chelsea as one of the big clubs. They have great respect from everybody. "每個在義大利的人都知道切爾西是其中一間偉大的俱樂部。每個人都對他們很重視。" "Carlo Ancelotti was saying that Chelsea would probably be one of the finalists. That is the respect Chelsea has in Italy." "卡羅.安切洛蒂便說過切爾西將可能會成為其中一個決賽選手。這就是切爾西在義大利 所獲得的敬重。" Ancelotti's AC Milan are in the other half of the draw with Bayern Munich, Roma and Manchester United. 安切洛蒂帶領的AC米蘭在抽籤結果的另一邊,這邊的對手有拜仁慕尼克、羅馬和曼聯。 Chelsea will face PSV Eindhoven or Liverpool in the semi-final if they get past Valencia and Zola is confident the Blues are peaking at the right time. 假如切爾西能通過瓦倫西亞這關,他們將會在半決賽中遭遇PSV埃因霍溫或利物浦。左拉 確信藍軍正在最佳的時候回到顛峰。 The Sardinian said: "It looks to me as though they are coming very strong and it's a good point of the season to peak. 薩丁尼亞人說:"依我看來,他們似乎拚勁十足,而現在正是賽季中爆發的最好時機。" "To win all four is not impossible but it's very difficult. I'm sure they would be happy to win a couple of them. The league is very difficult but they have a better chance in the other competitions. "要取得四項錦標不是沒有可能的,但這卻非常困難。我肯定他們能夠贏得當中兩三個已 經很高興了。現時聯賽的形勢十分險峻,但他們在其他競賽中卻有較好的爭標機會。" "The most impressive thing about this Chelsea team is that they have had some difficult times this year but despite them they still have a chance. "這支切爾西球隊最令人印象深刻的,是他們今年曾經遇到一些艱苦的時候,但他們卻排 除萬難保持爭勝機會。" "They are always there, they never give up. I have seen games that they were losing but they won in the last minute. That shows you their character. "他們每一刻都在努力,他們從來不會放棄。我就看過他們在一些比賽中落後,卻在最後 一刻反敗為勝。這正好顯示出他們的堅定個性。" "John Terry and Frank Lampard are really the soul of the team, always pushing the team. They are really the spirit of Chelsea and I am sure the others follow them." "約翰.特裏和弗蘭克.蘭帕德真的是球隊的靈魂,總是推動著球隊往前的。他們真正代 表著切爾西的精神,我肯定其他人都會跟隨他們一樣努力。" Zola, currently coaching Italy's Under 21 team with another Chelsea old boy Pierluigi Casiraghi, is a great admirer of Mourinho's team and rejects the criticism that they do not entertain like the teams he starred in under Gianluca Vialli and Claudio Ranieri. 左拉現正和另一個切爾西舊將皮埃爾路易吉.凱西拉奇一起執掌義大利21歲以下國家隊。 他對穆裏尼奧的球隊讚不絕口,並反駁那些批評,指他們的娛樂性不及以往他所效力由詹 盧卡.維亞利和克勞迪奧.拉涅利帶領的切爾西。 "It was a different football then," said Zola. "It was easier to play a spectacular match. 左拉說:"以前的足球和現在的並不同。那時候比較容易踢出一場精彩的賽事。" "I don't know what Chelsea are looking for but they have to be satisfied because the results are coming. I don't really think anyone can complain. "我不清楚切爾西的期望是什麼,但他們必須感到滿足因為成績就會隨之而來。我不認為 有任何人可以抱怨些什麼。" "As a player, you always want to play in a winning team. I had a great time and I don't regret the times I had with my old team-mates. "作為一個球員,你總是希望在一支勝利球隊中出賽。我曾經有美好的時光,我毫不後悔 與舊隊友一起的時間。" "Maybe we didn't win the league, but we had a lot of satisfaction. We really enjoyed ourselves." "或許我們沒有在聯賽勝出過,但我們擁有很多的滿足。我們真的覺得很享受。" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zola salutes battling Blues 左拉向奮力作戰的藍軍致敬 來源:TEAMtalk 翻譯:切爾西中文網--球迷論壇 / dav Gianfranco Zola says Chelsea have shown remarkable character to remain in the hunt for the quadruple despite their injury problems this season. 詹弗蘭科.左拉說切爾西顯示了非凡的性格,即使這賽季面對傷患問題仍然繼續力爭當上 四冠王。 The Premiership champions were without skipper John Terry for more than two months when they ground to leaders Manchester United but are still only six points behind with eight games to play. 這支英超衛冕冠軍曾經一度在與現時榜首的曼聯並排時,缺少了隊長約翰.特裏超過兩個 月的時間,但他們在餘下八場比賽之時仍然可以力保六分的距離。 Terry and goalkeeper Petr Cech have returned to the first team from injury and results have picked up, although Joe Cole is still sidelined. 特裏和守門員彼得.切赫已經傷癒重返一線隊作賽,球隊戰績亦開始穩定起來。不過喬. 科爾暫時仍然只能坐在替補席上。" The Blues have already picked up the Carling Cup and are in the latter stages of the Champions League and FA Cup as their players start returning from injury. 藍軍已經取得了聯賽杯,同時受傷球員相繼歸隊後,已身處於歐冠和足總杯的較後階段。 "What surprises me is that despite the problems and difficulties they are still there," said Zola, who never won the Premiership while at Chelsea. 從未替切爾西贏過英超冠軍的左拉說:"令我驚訝的是,他們即使面對重重困難卻仍然屹 立不倒。" "I have a lot of respect for them because they are showing a lot of character." "正因為他們正顯示出許多的個性,我實在十分敬重他們。" Zola, who is now involved in the Italy Under-21 set-up, feels the quadruple is still on. 現正著手建立義大利21歲以下陣容的左拉覺得四冠王仍然是有可能的。 "They have the possibilities, though I think it is going to be very difficult," he said. 他說:"他們仍然保持住(四冠王的)機會,雖然我認為這將會是非常困難的事。" "I am sure if they get a couple of them they will be very happy. "我肯定他們假如能贏得其中兩三項亦將會感到非常高興。" "I think for them the main target would be the Champions League. And they have got a great chance, especially with Barcelona and Inter Milan out, it will givethem more chance." "我覺得他們的主要目標會是歐冠冠軍。他們有很大機會勝出,特別是巴賽隆納和國際米 蘭已雙雙出局更給予他們更大的機會。" Zola only played with Terry at the start of the defender's Chelsea career but feels it is vital for the champions to secure his future by agreeing a contract. 左拉只曾在特裏於切爾西初出道時跟他當過隊友,但他覺得這支冠軍球隊必須盡力跟特裏 續約,以穩住他在球隊的將來。 "I am sure he can get better and better," said Zola. 左拉說:"我肯定他會變得越來越強。" "I don't think Chelsea will let him go. He's the core, the spirit alongside Frank Lampard, so I'm sure the club will do everything to keep him." "我不認為切爾西會放走他。他和弗蘭克.蘭帕德都是球隊的核心和精神所在,所以我肯 定俱樂部將會不惜一切去留住他。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
LarrikinLove:ZOLA推一個 XD 04/01 19:47
JamesCaesar:LAG補推 04/05 05:32