精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1004938,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64267&extra=page%3D1 賽後總結:唯一優勢 信念、態度以及門將(官網) 出處:切爾西中文網 / j0ec0le If Britain's first super casino does eventually open its doors, maybe Jose Mourinho should think about moving next door. 如果英國第一家超級賭場最終能打開門做生意,也許穆帥可以考慮一下進去創業的。 Looking like a man who could scarcely believe his number had come up once again, the Chelsea manager faced the media after the scarcely deserved 1-0 win over Watford. 也許他也不敢相信球隊積分能夠又一次上升,切爾西主帥在以1:0戰勝沃特福德的驚險 戰役賽後發佈會上說到 'The way we gamble, one day we can have a bad day,' he smiled. "我們這種孤注一擲的打法,也許有一天會導致我們落敗"他微笑著說 'Today when we finished the game with three defenders and they brought Bouazza on, they could easily have scored on the counter attack. "今天,當我們本場比賽使用3後衛戰術而他們換上博阿紮的時候,從攻門次數來說,他們 本該有所收穫" 'But if you have to die, it is better if you gave everything than feel at the end of the game there is more you could have done. "但是假如你最後落敗,那麼在此之前付出你的一切比起在賽後回想自己能做更多東西的 感覺要好的多" 'So I gambled everything and my players accepted once more the risk and they have the belief in themselves. They fought and they won the game.' "因此我賭上了一切,而我的球員又一次承受這種冒險帶來的壓力,同時他們都抱著這一 種信念。他們努力的戰鬥並最終獲勝" By giving everything, Mourinho was talking in tactical rather than physical terms. But on the back of a heavy international break ('always a nightmare'), he was uncritical of his players' application. 在付出一切努力之後,穆帥的重點不是在於球隊的體能問題,而是戰術打法上。但是由 於經歷了一個國際比賽周(通常都將帶來一場惡夢),他對於球員的應用方面不與評論 In fact it was one of the few aspects of the display that had not disturbed him as his title chasers struggled against the bottom-placed club. 事實這只是在場面上有一些驚險,在與墊底球隊之間的戰爭並沒有打亂穆帥的爭標之旅 'The only good thing we had today was the attitude, the belief and the keeper. "今天我們唯一的優勢就是態度,信念以及門將." 'Watford pressed hard, the pitch was not good. It was maybe a little unfair for the way Watford fought but the players' effort deserved that little bit of luck.' "沃特福德給我們很大壓力,球場也不大好。就沃特福德今天的表現而言也許結果對他們 有點不公。但是我們球員們的努力值得他們得到那麼一些運氣" Mourinho compared the risk he had taken in throwing men forward to the one in the FA Cup against Spurs at the Bridge. And once again it was a Salomon Kalou goal that saved the day. 穆帥將今天這場冒險與足總杯主場對陣熱刺時作了一些比較。又是卡盧的關鍵入球挽救了 球隊。 Would the pursuit of Man United been over had that header not gone in he was asked? 他被問及假如最後時刻那個頭球沒有打進,是否意味著追趕曼聯的目標將失敗呢 'It is the law in football to say it is only over when it is over mathematically and I have to respect that law. But to go from six points behind to eight or nine, it would almost be done. "在足球規則上來說,唯一的結束是在計算積分上已經無法追趕,而我需要遵守這個規則 。但是如果6分變成了8分或者9分的差距,這將 幾乎 結束" 'But like every game, this was crucial for us and we have known for a long time we could not drop points. We won every game in March. We know to win more trophies, we have to do the same next month. Our life now is this.' "但是就象所有比賽一樣,我們很早就知道比賽至關重要,我們不能丟分!3月份我們贏得 了所有的比賽。我們確信我們能贏得更多的戰利品,在接下來的一個月我們必須一如既往 。這就是我們現在的生活" Now the attention switches to the Champions League and after that, Spurs in the league. Next Saturday will be a rare opportunity to play before the leaders and put pressure on by cutting the gap. After that, the fixture schedule advantage falls Man U's way. 現在焦點集中于歐洲冠軍聯賽接著就是對熱刺的聯賽。下個週六由於先賽的緣故,切爾西 將有一個機會能夠縮小比分之間的差距給與曼聯更大的壓力。接下來的日程表,優勢也許 就在曼聯方面了 'Something curious always happens with us,' shrugged the boss, 'fixture, referees - strange things happen all the time and that is a strange one. "我們常常會發生一些奇怪的事情"穆帥聳聳肩說道:"賽程、裁判--奇怪的東西不斷地發 生著,這還真是奇怪。" 'Another strange one is that a game that can be crucial against Man U is midweek and the weekend before, they play Saturday lunchtime and we play Sunday 4 o'clock. "另一個奇怪的是對陣曼聯這樣的至為關鍵的比賽居然在周中,然後在此前的週末,他們 是週六的午後比賽我們卻被安排在周日下午4點" 'And I do not say [referee] Uriah Rennie had a bad game today but this week I received three emails - the first said the ref is Mike Riley, two days later another came saying the ref is Mike Dean, and two days later, the last email, the ref is Uriah. "同時我並沒有說(裁判)Uriah Rennie今天的執法不好,但是這一周我收到了3封電郵-- 第一封說裁判是Mike Riley,2天後又有一封說裁判是Mike Dean,然後又過了兩天,我收 到的最後一封郵件說裁判是Uriah Rennie" 'I don't want to know why because I trust every referee. It is not a conspiracy because Uriah did a good job, one mistake here or there but how many mistakes compared with my players? "我不想知道為什麼,因為我相信每一名裁判。這應該不是什麼陰謀因為Uriah Rennie今 天做的還不錯,一個錯判在這裏或那裏,但是我的球員犯了多少個錯誤呢?" 'The fixtures is something I cannot control so I cannot worry about that because I have too many things to worry about. "賽程表是我無法控制的,我沒辦法去擔心那個,因為還有更多的東西需要我去擔心" 'I have a final every three days and I have an injured player every two days.' "平均每三天我都會有一場決賽,更要命的是平均每兩天我就有一個球員受傷" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
stranck:it is better if you gave everything than feel at the 04/02 10:15
stranck:end of the game there is more you could have done. 04/02 10:15
chelseamiyu:穆帥說的很對...詭異的事情還真不少... 04/04 19:58