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http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1005178,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64299&extra=page%3D1 Saluting Salomon 向薩洛蒙卡盧致敬(官網) 翻譯:切爾西中文網 / j0ec0le It was a March to remember for Salomon Kalou. 今年的三月對小卡盧來說是十分值得紀念的 Saturday's lifeline late winner at Vicarage Road confirmed his status as Chelsea's most in-form net-finder with four goals in his seven appearances last month. He has proved an impact player too with three of those goals coming in the final ten minutes after coming on as a sub. 週六在維克雷奇路(沃爾福特主場)最後時刻的關鍵進球使他成為了切爾西最活躍的得分 手之一,他在過去一個月的7場比賽中打進了4個關鍵進球。他成為了一名很有衝擊力的球 員,在上個月他的三個進球是最為替補球員在比賽最後10分鐘攻進的 Add to his club record his first international goal for Ivory Coast and March looks even better still. 載入他的俱樂部史冊的還有他代表象牙海岸第一個國際賽入球。目前來說他三月的表現還 不止如此. 'That is why I am on the bench, so I can come on and bring some quality to the game,' Kalou said after his stoppage time header had finished off Watford and, at the same time, prevented his own team's title hopes going the same way. "這就是我作為板凳球員的原因,我上場的時候能夠給比賽帶來一些新的活力"卡盧在頭槌 攻入沃爾福得贏得比賽後的採訪上說道。與此同時,這個進球也是切爾西的衛冕之路能夠 得以繼續下去." 'I am happy that I could make a difference. The football game is 90 minutes so if the game is not over, we still believe and we are still pushing. "我對於自己能夠改變比賽感到很高興。足球比賽是90分鐘的,因此如果比賽沒有結束, 我們就仍然相信同時我們仍然不懈努力去爭取獲勝" 'When the ball was crossed, I saw Didier go towards the near post so I aimed my run so that if he didn't get the ball, I would get it. "當皮球滑過,我看到迪迪爾朝著近柱走去,因此我對準目標跑去,那樣子假如他無法夠 到球,我也許能夠補位" 'It was difficult because so many players come from playing a lot with their national teams,' he added, 'but we did the most important thing, win the three points.' "這場比賽挺艱難的,因為不少球員都剛從國家隊歸來"他補充道"但是我們做了最重要的 事情,那就是取得3個積分" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Terry has revealed that the players attempted to avoid the news of Man United's final score before kicking-off at Watford, but with little success. 特里透露在對沃爾福特比賽之前球員們試圖忽視先前曼聯比賽的結果,但是不大成功 'We knew they were 1-0 down in the first-half but we half expected them to come back. Before kick-off, everyone was trying to tell us they were 4-1 up but we were trying to stay away from that - but people were talking and we found out. There is always someone who wants to tell you the result. 每個人都想告訴我們賽果是4:1,我們試圖不去理會--可是每個人都在討論,我們不可能 不知道。畢竟總是有人想告訴你結果" 'But it is up to us to keep winning and put pressure on them. They are playing well at the minute and keep winning and we need to keep winning ourselves. We needed to win at places like Watford. "但現在輪到我們保持勝利並且把壓力還給他們。他們目前為止表現很出色也不斷獲勝因 此我們自己也需要不斷的獲勝。我們需要在不同地方獲勝,就像對陣沃特福得的比賽一樣" 'Watford made it tough from the word go but we kept plugging away, the manager made some great changes and we chased the game. "沃特福德一開始就很硬朗,但是我們都一一回敬,教練作出了很好的調動我們最終也贏 得比賽" 'You could say it has been a busy week but that is no excuse, we are professionals and we had two or three days to recover. They started much better than us and the manager wanted a lot more from us at half-time,' revealed the skipper. 的時間去恢復。他們開始的表現筆我們要出色,同時教練半場時需要在我們身上看到更多 的表現。" 隊長透露。 'I think he got that second-half. I asked him if I should go up for the last three minutes but he said we had enough people up so I stayed back. Thankfully there was a great ball from Sheva and great finish from Salomon.' "我認為他掌控了下半場,我問他我能否在最後3分鐘充當攻擊球員,不過他告訴我他目前 的人手夠用,因此我留守後方。感謝舍甫琴科的妙傳以及薩洛蒙的精彩進球。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: