精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1005731,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64344&extra=page%3D1 COLE: MY COMEBACK SO CLOSE 喬-科爾:復出近在咫尺 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / cumtowen Jose Mourinho expressed hope he would have Joe Cole in full training this week at the moment Arjen Robben's injury was announced on Friday. His wish has been granted. 在上週五公佈羅本受傷的消息後,穆帥表示希望本周喬-科爾能夠完全康復參加球隊訓練 。現在他的這個願望實現了。 The England international rejoined the squad for their Sunday session and repeated the process on Monday, bringing to an end a lay-off that began in late November when a stress fracture in his foot was diagnosed. 這位英格蘭國腳參加了周日和週一兩天的球隊訓練,這也宣告著他自從去年10月因骨裂缺 席比賽之後終於複出。 Such has been the effort Cole has put in to returning and so confident he feels in his fitness that he has not ruled out playing some part in the very next game. 喬-科爾在康復的過程中一直十分努力,現在他感覺自己的狀態很好,可以上場踢一段時 間的比賽了。 'You get your rewards,' he told Chelsea TV after Monday's training. 'Some people said I wouldn't play this season but I am going to comeback and I want to make an impact - hopefully it will be Wednesday night and hopefully it will go well. "付出總有回報,"在週一訓練課結束後,他接受了切爾西電視臺的採訪:"有些人認為我 這個賽季不能再踢比賽了,但是現在我即將復出,而且我想告訴大家一個驚喜--復出有可 能就在週三晚上的比賽,相信一切都會順利。" 'There are always little niggles when you come back and I may have been fit for the Watford game but I got a little niggle on my thigh. So I erred on the side of caution with that - but now I feel fine. "當你剛剛康復時,總是還有些小毛病。我本來可以參加對沃特福德的比賽,但是我的腿 還是有些不舒服,所以我只好接受建議不參加比賽--不過現在我感覺已經完全沒事了。" 'I'm feeling good. It is tiring but I am ready to give 10 or 15 minutes. I've been out a long time but hopefully I can hit the ground running.' "我感覺不錯,雖然有些累,但是我還是準備好上場踢10到15分鐘的時間。雖然我離開賽 場已經很長時間,但我希望自己能夠適應場上的節奏。" Cole has been limited to just three starts and eight sub appearances this campaign, having suffered another injury during pre-season, the return from which was halted abruptly by the foot problem. 這個賽季,喬-科爾只有過三次首發、八次替補的經歷,在賽季前他就遭遇傷病,之後 傷癒復出後又因為腳傷而被迫缺席比賽。 'My knee injury from before was a little bit worse than we thought and when I came back last time I was feeling it. Now is the first time I feel my body is so close to being absolutely perfect.' -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
shinana:J Cole終於健康的回來囉~不過歐冠應該會是替補吧 04/03 13:13
stranck:懷念他去年主場的進球,獸巴抱大腿→喬科將球在腳下兜了幾 04/03 18:13
stranck:下→衝過防線→進球→脫衣→踢旗子→黃牌... (爽) 04/03 18:17