精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1006023,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64387&extra=page%3D1 CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: JOSE COMPARES AND CONTRASTS 冠軍聯賽:何塞比較及對比 翻譯:切爾西中文網-球迷論壇 / dav Jose Mourinho has begun the build-up to the Champions League quarter-final against Valencia by comparing injury lists with his Spanish opponents. On that criteria alone, he is willing to swap. 何塞.莫里尼奧已經開始為對陣瓦倫西亞的冠軍聯賽四分一決賽作準備,他會由比較雙方 的傷員名單著手。單單從這個標準來說,他會很願意跟他的西班牙對手交換位置。 The Chelsea manager announced that Wednesday night's game will come too soon for Michael Essien, not yet fully fit after straining knee ligaments three-and-a-half weeks ago. 這位切爾西教練公佈了邁克爾.埃辛將不能趕及在週三晚上上陣,他在三個半星期之前 拉傷了膝部肌腱仍然未完全康復。 That important absence is added to by Arjen Robben but there is better news with Wayne Bridge's return to availability following his own knee operation. 這個重要的缺席還要再加上阿揚.羅本,不過仍然有較好的消息,就是韋恩.布裏奇接 受過膝部手術後已傷癒歸隊。 On Joe Cole, who has expressed a desire to make his return this week after four months out, Mourinho said: 'He is not injured anymore. If he is ready to play or not is still a doubt.' 至於已缺陣達四個月之久的喬.科爾,就已經表達了渴望在本周重回球場。莫里尼奧談到 科爾時說:"他已經不是一名傷員。不過他是否已準備好上場則仍然是未知之數。" Cole trained with the rest of the squad on the Stamford Bridge pitch on Tuesday afternoon, a chance to further push his claim. 科爾在週二下午跟隊伍一起在斯坦福橋球場進行了操練,正是一次更進一步推動他的要求 的機會。 Mourinho's choice may be affected by the loss of Robben, with the manager stating: 莫里尼奧的選擇或者會因失去羅本而受到影響,這位教練有以下的聲明: 'Tomorrow is a game we have to try to win, Robben is an attacking player and we don't have many at this time. But there is nothing new for us. All season we never can play with our best team. "明天是一場我們需要全力爭勝的球賽,羅本是一個攻擊型球員而我們此刻並沒有太多這 類的球員。不過這對我們來說已不是什麼新鮮的事。我們整個賽季都從未試過可以排出最 完整最強的陣容。" 'When I read some articles where people say this Chelsea does not play so well as in previous seasons, I laugh because the reason is obvious. On the day JT was back, we lost Essien. When Joe Cole is coming step-by-step, we lose Robben. "當我閱讀到一些文章指這支切爾西的表現及不上過去幾個賽季時,我笑起來了。因為原 因根本顯而易見-在JT回來的一天我們失去了埃辛。當喬.科爾逐步康復之時我們又失去 羅本。" 'Some of the players are playing every game and for the team to survive, these players have to do everything they can. I cannot rotate. "有部份球員參與著每一場比賽,而為了令球隊活下去他們必須竭盡所能。我實在沒辦法 讓他們輪換上陣。" 'Valencia last game rested some players - Miguel, Albelda and Silva. I cannot do that.' "瓦倫西亞在上一場比賽中讓一些球員休息了-米格爾、和席爾瓦。但我並不能這樣做。" Mourinho was challenged over his right to bemoan his injury misfortune when Valencia can point to list of missing players containing Marchena, Gavilan, Edu, Morientes, Navarro and Baraja. 莫里尼奧被質疑他並無資格抱怨他的球隊傷員大災難,因為瓦倫西亞隨時可以拿出一份 冗長的缺席球員名單-包括了馬切納、加維蘭、埃杜、莫倫特斯、納瓦羅和巴拉哈。 'I think you are going over the top mentioning all those names,' he retorted. 'For instance Marchena and Baraja would be disputing the same position anyway so that is like only missing one player. 他作出了反駁:"我覺得你提到這所有的名字實在開始超出想像了。比方說馬切納和巴拉 哈無論如何將會爭奪同一個位置,所以根本就像只缺少了一個球員一樣。" 'The main people who are missing are Morientes, one of those two and Edu. In reality, a lot of those names are squad players. I could mention my fourth choice goalkeeper who is also injured. "主要缺席的球員其實是莫倫特斯、上面兩位的其中一位和埃杜。實際上,那些名字許多 都是替補球員。我甚至可以提及我那位同樣是受傷了的第四號門將。" 'If you want to talk about injuries, Valencia can have all their players back in if I could just have Essien and Robben back. "假如你真的要比較受傷的程度,我不會介意讓瓦倫西亞重獲他們所有的球員-只要埃辛 和羅本可以回來的話。" 'The injured players, everyone is giving their best to be back. Bridge tomorrow will be involved which is magnificent just three weeks after surgery so he gave everything. "所有受傷的球員都為了儘快歸隊而竭盡全力。布裏奇明天將會參與比賽,這實在是太棒 了,他動手術後只用了三周便康復,可見他付出了一切。" 'Even Robben knows if Chelsea reach another final, he can be involved so he has motivation to recover.' "再者羅本知道假如切爾西打進另一個決賽的話他便可以參與其中,所以他亦有動力去 康復。" Mourinho insists that Valencia's infamous brawl against Inter Milan that led tosuspensions for Navarro and Marchena has not been brought up in the preparation for the quarter-final. 莫里尼奧強調瓦倫西亞因在對陣國際米蘭時的打架惡行而被罰停賽的馬切納和納瓦羅,並 不在備戰四分一決賽的考慮當中。 'What happened in that game happens once in a life and I think Valencia come here to play their game and not to make a fight. I have to look at them as a good football team,' he said. 他說:"人生中只會出現一次像那場比賽所發生的事,而我認為瓦倫西亞來這裏是為了比 賽而不是製造打架場面。我必須把他們看成一隊好的足球隊。" 'I just tell my players the same whenever we play a Latin side. I tell them that the mentality is different from the pure English mentality where almost nobody cheats, people try to be correct and respect opponents. "每當我們面對一支西班牙球隊時我都會對我的球員說同一番話。我告訴他們對手的心態 和純英格蘭心態很不同,差不多沒有人會使詐、所有人都試圖表現端正和尊重對方。" 'When we go to Uefa competition you have to ready. I have showed the players one image from Valencia versus Inter. There was a dual with Ibrahimovic, and Ayala and Canizares sprint 40 metres to try to make a mess. "當我們出戰歐洲聯盟比賽時,你必須作好準備。我對球員們展示了一張瓦倫西亞對陣國 米的圖片。那是一場'伊布拉希莫維奇VS阿亞拉'的決鬥,然後卡尼薩雷斯狂奔40米就為了 製造混亂。" dav注:相信這裏的dual應該為duel。 'But I see a team that plays very well, tries to play good football and a coach that looks a correct man.' "不過我亦看到一支表現非常出色的球隊,設法踢出好的足球,還有一個貌似端莊的教練 。" Amongst all the talk of injury problems and differing attitudes towards the game, there was a moment of humour towards the end of the Chelsea manager's media conference. 在所有受傷問題和比賽的不同態度的談論當中,在這位切爾西主帥的媒體會議在快將完結 時曾經出現一刻的幽默。 A Spanish sports tabloid has been carrying a story suggesting Chelsea are using the away dressing room at the Bridge as a weapon against our opponents with only three showers and one mirror available. 一份西班牙的體育小報一直傳播著一種說法,指出切爾西在斯坦福橋的客隊更衣室只得三 個沐浴室和一面鏡子可用,以利用此招來作為對付我們的對手的武器。 Mourinho was informed of this report before departing the room. He returned, some three or four minutes later. 莫里尼奧在離開房間之間收到有關這個報導的通知。他在大約三四分鐘後返回來。 'I'm back,' he shouted, calling for quiet before announcing proudly: 'Ten showers and two mirrors!' 他首先令大家安靜,大喊:"我回來了!"然後自豪地向大家宣佈:"十個沐浴室和兩面鏡 子!" ~~~~ XDDDD ~~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wei7515:就說我們沒有那麼壞咩 XDDDD 04/04 09:53
chelseamiyu:有機會真的很想走一趟主場更衣室XD 04/04 09:59
dyce:老大太好笑了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XD 04/04 11:33
Santos:當然要有所準備阿~ 傢伙都已經藏好在板凳下面了.. 04/04 12:47