精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1005465,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64377&extra=page%3D1 BRIDGE OF BLUE ON WEDNESDAY 週三藍色的斯坦福橋 來源:切爾西官網 翻譯:切爾西中文網-球迷論壇 / dav Flags will once again be waving on a Champions League night at Stamford Bridge this Wednesday. 這週三晚上在斯坦福橋的冠軍聯賽將會再一次旗幟飄揚。 There will be 30,000 free flags paced around the stadium as we look to recreate the special atmosphere that helped the team to big victories against Barcelona and Porto. 為了期望再度營造出協助球隊大勝巴賽隆納和波爾圖的氣氛,到時將會有3萬張旗子放置 在體育館。 And supporters are urged to hang on to their flags after the game and take them to Old Trafford for the FA Cup semi-final. Flags from earlier Champions League nights can of course also be brought. 同時我們鼓勵支持者們在賽後保留他們的旗子,並於足總杯半決賽時帶到老特拉福德。 來自較早前的冠軍聯賽的旗幟當然亦可以帶來。 Colour, or more specifically blue and white, is something the supporters' 'Return to the Shed' campaign is encouraging within Stamford Bridge as well. 顏色-尤其是藍和白色-亦是在斯坦福橋受到《重回謝德》支持者活動所鼓勵的一些東西。 The campaign, which urges non-season ticket holders who enjoy singing at games to congregate together in the Shed End upper tier, is asking fans to dig out their old-style blue and white Chelsea scarves and bring them along to twirl high at matches. 《重回謝德》活動鼓勵非季票持有者,到"謝德端"看臺的上排聚集一起高唱。這項活動 現正要求球迷們拿出他們的舊式藍白領巾,並把它們帶到比賽當中熱烈地舞動。 Tickets for the home game against Bolton on Saturday 28 April went on sale to members today. Also from today, season ticket holders can buy tickets for the away match at Newcastle on Sunday 22 April. 四月二十八日主場新戰博爾頓的門票今天起向會員發售。同時從今天起,季票持有者可以 購買四月二十二日作客紐卡斯爾的門票。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: