精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
兩個科爾再次合璧!(官網) WE'VE GOT TWO COLES AGAIN! 兩個科爾再次合璧 新聞來源:http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1007333,00.html 新聞翻譯:cumtowen 版權所有:切爾西中文網 The Tottenham team may have become a little over-familiar to most of the Chelsea squad in the past month - but one player can't wait for a few minutes of action against them. 在本賽季已經過去的賽程中,對於大部分切爾西隊員來說,熱刺已經是老對手了——不過 有一名球員卻迫不及待的期待著本週末的這場較量。 As Jose Mourinho prepares his personnel for a third meeting with Spurs in under a month, Joe Cole is preparing for some more miles in his legs as he plays himself back into full working order. 隨著穆里尼奧開始備戰一個月內與熱刺的的三次交手,喬-科爾要想參加整場比賽還必須 付出更多的努力。 In the 74th minute of Wednesday night's game against Valencia, Cole ran on for his first competitive football since the last week in November. 在週三對陣瓦倫西亞比賽的第74分鐘,喬-科爾得到了上場的機會,這是他自從去年11月 底因傷缺陣后的首場比賽。 'It was great to be back on the pitch,' he said afterwards. 'I wasn't expecting it to be honest because I have only been back training a few days. But the gaffer thought I had done well enough and the quicker you get back in there, the quicker you get your match fitness.' 賽后他表示:“重回球場的感覺的實在是太棒了,說實話我並沒有想到我會上場這麼快, 因為我只是康復后參加了幾天的訓練而已。不過教練認為我訓練中表現的不錯,而且對於 我來說,上場比賽越早,適應比賽的速度也就會越快。” The England international isn't putting an exact time frame on his return to peak condition. 現在這位英格蘭國腳並不急於給自己規定恢復最佳狀態的具體時間。 'When it comes, it comes. You just get the feeling. The manager will be watching me closely both in training and when I come off the bench and he will know when I am ready to start. “機會總是會到來,你只需要把握住它就好。現在不論我在訓練還是坐在替補席上,教練 都會關注我,他會知道我什麼時候可以首發出場。” 'Once I get my fitness and sharpness back I'll be able to make a bigger impact and it is good to have big games ahead to do it in. From being my worst season, it could become my best with three trophies still to play for.' “一旦我的身體狀況完全康復,我將會為球隊貢獻我的全部力量。現在在我們前面有一堆 的大賽要打,這正是我表現的機會。雖然這個賽季對我來說很糟糕,但如果能夠拿下剩下 三座獎杯的話,這仍是我最開心的一個賽季。” Cole was still in the latter stages of his recovery when Chelsea played Spurs twice in the FA Cup and an unused sub when we lost at White Hart Lane in the league in November. 切爾西在足總杯上與熱刺兩次交鋒時,喬-科爾仍處在復原的最后階段,去年11月聯賽中 ,我們在白鹿巷球場客場負於熱刺時,他也是無法上場比賽。 That defeat came during the short time window when he was back playing. 當他傷愈復出后不久,再次遭受了傷病的困擾。 'It's been two major injuries - a three-month knee injury and then a four-month foot injury. I have never had anything like this in my career so it was a challenge mentally as well as physically. “這兩次受傷都非常的嚴重——膝傷治療了3個月,腳傷治療了4個月,在我之前的足球生 涯里從沒有遭遇過這樣的情況,因此這次傷病對我身體上和精神上都是巨大的考驗。” 'Maybe if I had had this season when I was 21, I would have found it hard to come through it but I have grown up over the last few years. So I just got my head down and worked hard everyday.' “如果現在我還是21歲的話,這個賽季對於我來說可能會十分的艱難。但是這幾年間我已 經成熟了許多,所以對於這種艱難時刻我只是耐下心來每天努力的進行恢復訓練。 ” His namesake, and the player he may well be lining up in front of in games to come, welcomes the return. 和他同名的切爾西球員也對他的回歸表示了歡迎,今后這兩位球員很有可能組成球隊左路 的搭檔。 'Hopefully Joe can bring something different, get back in the team and score some goals for us,' says Ashley Cole. 阿什利-科爾說:“希望喬的回歸能給球隊帶來變化,重新融入球隊並為我們進幾個球。 'He is so tricky, the defenders don't know which way he is going to go so hopefully he can bring that edge to us and stretch teams. “他是個天才,防守他的后衛都被他搞的暈頭轉向,所以我希望他能發揮他的進攻天賦來 為增強球隊的實力。” 'He can bring us width, especially now Robben is out. When you play without wingers it is sometimes hard and if I can get the ball and give it to Joe or Shaun or Salomon on the wing, it can help. “他能給我們帶來很多東西,特別是現在羅本因傷缺陣。比賽中沒有邊鋒的滋味總是不好 受。如果我控球后可以把球傳給喬、小賴特或是卡勞的話,這會給球隊很大幫助。” 'Hopefully if I keep my place and he keeps his, we can get working well together,' Ashley adds. 阿什利-科爾還表示:“希望我倆都能獲得上場的機會,我們倆搭檔會發揮的很好。” 'We have done it for England and I enjoy playing with him. Hopefully we can get that back together again.' “在英格蘭國家隊時我們就有這樣的合作經曆,現在我希望我們能有再次合作的機會。” -- http://chelsea.sina.com.cn/news/2007-03-24/02161992.html 期待兩個寇在左路的配合~ 另外這是官網的視頻 裡面有一點點的喬柯爾訓練跟他養的兩隻狗 XD 原來史坦福橋的工作人員還要負責 溜球員的狗 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chelseamiyu:期待小喬放無雙! LP也是愛狗人士:P 04/06 14:59
acmonkey: 期待小喬放無雙! 04/06 17:11
JamesCaesar:可惜卡爾頓太不成器,不然就有三個柯爾 04/06 17:44
JamesCaesar:再買個安迪˙柯爾來板凳就有四個了 XDD 04/06 17:44
DemonRing:Cole FC = CFC (惡趣味) 04/06 18:54
chelseamiyu:推   CFC!! 04/06 19:10
heavygauge:從芹菜改丟油菜 04/06 19:50
beerkoala:They were running so hard XDDD 04/06 20:17
wei7515:小喬跟LP都喜歡養臉垂垂的狗 :p 04/06 21:13
hackertonyfr:推樓上XDDD 04/06 21:16
AliceYang:單單小喬放無雙...諸位把大喬置於何處?(對不起..我冷了) 04/07 00:23
chelseamiyu:大喬是哪位?XDD 04/07 12:09
AliceYang:想來未央妹妹沒玩過PS2的真三國無雙吧.....(遠目) 04/08 14:10