精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
週四陣地觀察——放松自我(官網) SPY ON THURSDAY - LETTING OFF STEAM 週四陣地觀察——放松自我 新聞來源:http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1007199,00.html 新聞翻譯:cumtowen 版權所有:切爾西中文網 http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64483&extra=page%3D1 Chelsea's Spy In The Camp has been bringing inside news, banter and comment for 20 years in the matchday programme, on Chelsea TV and now on the web. 切爾西的“陣地觀察”節目是一檔報道球隊內部新聞、搞笑以及評論的比賽日節目,已經 在切爾西電視台播出了20年的時間。現在這個節目也被搬到了切爾西網站上來。 The day after a big game like last night, players seem to fall into two camps. 經曆了象昨晚那樣的大賽之后,今天球員們也似乎各有各的減壓方式。 There are those who like to warm-down as quietly and gently as possible and then go off quickly to rest or do something non-football. 一些球員喜歡只做些少量的放松訓練,然后就很快去休息或者干一些足球之外的事情。 And then there are those who just need to let off steam. 還有一部分球員則只是需要發泄一下。 Training today, as always after a game, saw the outfield players divide into two groups - the ones who played last night and the ones who didn't. 今天和往常比賽后的訓練課一樣,參加訓練的球員分成兩組——昨晚上場比賽的球員和沒 有上場比賽的球員。 Those who played did some stretching, and then played in a circle, keeping the ball from two people in the middle. Those who didn't play were involved in some up-tempo games of one, two and multiple touch under the organisation of Steve Clarke, Brito and Mick McGiven. 那些上場比賽的球員先做了一下熱身,然后圍成一圈開始玩搶圈游戲,要盡量使圈中的兩 個人搶不到球。那些沒有比賽的球員則進行克拉克、布里托和麥克吉文的帶領下進行了一 些高強度的訓練,比如單人、兩人和多人的配合訓練。 The goalkeepers, including Petr Cech, trained separately. 包括切赫在內的幾位門將則分別進行了單獨訓練。 When last night's activists had finished, Didier Drogba stayed out practicing free-kicks, and when the harder trainers had finished, a free-kick game started. It was let-off-steam time. 在昨晚比賽中表現出色的德羅巴仍加練著任意球,當他和另外幾位球員加練結束后,他們 開始了一場任意球大賽,當然這是放松自己心情的一種方式。 Didier went in goal and had Geremi setting up the defensive wall. This, of course, was a manufactured one, and involved Geremi wheeling it precisely into space. 德羅巴充當守門員,格雷米在排人墻,當然,這個人墻是由假人模型來排的,這就需要格 雷米把他們一一擺好位置。 Then the shots came in. Petr Cech, Khalid Boulahrouz, Claude Makelele, Nuno Morais, Paulo Ferreira, Carlo Cudicini and Joe Cole provided the deliveries. 之后比賽開始了,切赫、博拉魯玆、馬克萊萊、莫萊斯(預備隊的小將)、費雷拉、庫迪 奇尼以及喬-科爾都嘗試了一把。 Carlo and Joe went off after a while. Didier was undefeatable. So in the end Maka went in goal and then everyone scored. Geremi took his turn in goal, but soon Didier was back in. Only Geremi scored against him with any consistency. Maka hit the target once. 幾輪過后,庫迪奇尼和喬-科爾被淘汰出局,德羅巴保持不敗。最后輪到馬克萊萊去守門 時,每個人都進球了(哈哈,老馬真是個漏勺啊),之后格雷米替換馬克萊萊守門,不過 德羅巴很快又替換了他,這次只有格雷米進球,他在德羅巴守門時連續都有進球。馬克萊 萊只打正過一次。 They did this for nearly an hour. At the end, Didier, Maka and Geremi had their own penalty shoot-out competition. 這個比賽進行了將近一個小時,最后德羅巴、馬克萊萊和格雷米又進行了點球的較量。 And then it came to filming masseur Billy McCulloch, or Bill Blood as he is known, for tomorrow night's Chelsea TV. His challenge involved the use of golf clubs. 緊接著要為球隊按摩師Billy McCulloch錄影了,不過叫他“鐵血比爾”可能大家更為熟悉 些(就是上次被噴牛奶的那個^_^),錄影將在明晚的切爾西電視台播出,這次他要挑戰高 爾夫球了。 The introduction of them was enough for Joe Cole, Ashley Cole and Wayne Bridge who all picked some up and started hitting golf balls all over Cobham. If it's got a ball, it's a sport some footballer will play! 錄影中喬-科爾、阿什利-科爾和布里吉也都拿起高爾夫球杆,在科巴姆訓練基地打起了 高爾夫,關於他們的鏡頭可不算少。幸好這里不是專門的高爾夫球場,否則估計那些球員 們都會參加這項運動。 You'd have to conclude, however, that none of those three are experienced golfers. In fact, it would be hard to describe them as golfers at all. 不過看了錄影你不得不承認,他們三個沒有一個算得上高爾夫的老手,而實際上,如果你 稱呼他們為高爾夫球手都有些勉強。 It wasn't a day to talk about football, about Valencia or Spurs, or to prepare match tactics, or to work on fitness. It was a day to be together if you wanted to be, to treat the highly tuned and heavily used muscles carefully, and to rest in the right way so that tomorrow can be a day when the preparations to take on Spurs can be fully focused and completed. 這是無需談論足球的一天,不用考慮瓦倫西亞或是熱刺,不用準備比賽的戰術,不用做適 應訓練。這只是你所期望的那種聚在一起隨便聊聊的一天,使自己緊張的心態和疲勞的身 體得到適當的放松,這樣明天我們就能為對陣熱刺做好充分的準備。 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chelseamiyu:巴熊和射瓦都愛小白球 應該要一起去拼一場 04/06 17:02
nancyshen:高爾夫芭樂: 04/06 21:56
nancyshen:http://myurl.com.tw/jo1k 04/06 21:59
nancyshen:http://myurl.com.tw/fi0i 04/06 22:00
nancyshen:http://myurl.com.tw/q3c4 04/06 22:00
nancyshen:http://myurl.com.tw/ncmp 04/06 22:01
nancyshen:http://myurl.com.tw/ji1a 04/06 22:02
nancyshen:http://myurl.com.tw/20kl 04/06 22:03
nancyshen:http://myurl.com.tw/hplk 04/06 22:03
nancyshen:芭樂自己說:他姿勢挺標準 技術不怎樣XD 04/06 22:04
wei7515:啥時才有老大玩摔角的圖片 XD 04/06 22:10
shinana:賽前的輕鬆是必要的,我很喜歡按摩師Bill.:D 04/06 23:16
shinana:他的笑聲聽久都覺得好笑>_<... 04/06 23:17