精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://chelsea.sina.com.cn/news/2007-04-07/01102137.html DROGBA AND DIXON - THE 30-UP MEN SPEAK Fri, 6th Apr 2007   在週三的歐洲冠軍聯賽的比賽中,切爾西1比1戰平瓦倫西亞,在上半場落後的情 況下,下半場德羅巴以一個頭球得分打進了他自己本賽季中各項賽事中的第30個進球 。   對德羅巴來說,達到這個成功並不容易,在這麼多年的歷史上,只有凱利˙迪克 森在22年以前達到了這個成就。那個時代正是迪克森的狀態巔峰時期,他很好的施展 了自己的速度,力量和高空球本領。   如今對德羅巴來說,他需要再射進三個進球就需要超過自己歷史上的單賽季最佳 進球紀錄,當然要超過迪克森在1984-85賽季的單賽季36個進球的紀錄還需要繼續努 力。   切爾西的歷史紀錄製造者是吉米˙格雷夫斯的單賽季40球的成績。而德羅巴在接 受切爾西電視台和俱樂部官方網站的採訪時承認,“我很高興自己射進第30個進球, 但是達到前輩這樣的成績有點困難,因為也許我們並沒有那麼多的比賽。但是如果我 的進球數字打不到過去那些老前輩的話我不會遺憾,我需要幫助球隊贏得更多的獎盃 。”   德羅巴本週末的進球勢頭還能延續嗎?對手是他的一個剋星,“熱刺,我非常希 望能在對陣他們的時候破門得分,因為我還沒能在面對他們的時候的分過。這讓我不 是很開心,就像我面對曼聯隊時從來都沒能得分過一樣,這很難接受,但這就是足球 。”   德羅巴本賽季突然大面積爆發,祕密在哪裡?“每個人在賽季開始以前都有不一 樣的想法,但是對我來說,我充滿了覺醒,我知道自己的身體情況,我準備的非常好 ,我祈禱讓自己不要受傷,因為要在一個賽季中踢50場以上比賽的前提就是別受傷, 而且在鋒線上安排兩個中鋒的確給我製造了空間,尤其是舍瓦。”   “對一名前鋒來說身邊有搭檔會更加容易,可以看看週三比利亞的表現,他一個 人突前會很困難,如果有莫倫特斯在鋒線上和他搭檔將容易很多。有了空間就能移動 ,進球也隨即而來。”   德羅巴隨後提到,雖然自己本賽季有30個進球,但是哪個是讓自己最滿意的? “技術角度上是對陣利物浦和埃弗頓的進球,主場打利物浦的時候,那個轉身掃射是 一個本能。有時候你總是嘗試控制後射門,卻會錯過機會。有時候你不需要思考太多 ,把注意力集中在球上。”   “重要意義上對陣埃弗頓的比賽是非常重要的,因為我們後來居上,因為我們開 賽前落後了曼聯達到9分。當然同樣重要的還有對陣阿森納的聯賽盃決賽上。” (新浪體育特派編輯楊帆發自倫敦) http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1007546,00.html 官網跟上面那篇的大同小異,不過還是補充一點東西 Valencia can now be added to the list of teams he has found the net against and the goal was sweet, not just because it was the 30th but also because his final game for Marseille before joining Chelsea was a 2-0 defeat in the UEFA Cup Final against Valencia - a Valencia side containing eight players still at the club. 'The first game against them I lost, the second one we drew but now I hope we beat them because they are a tough team and we have to keep dreaming. 'I am just proud to score 30. It is a good feeling.' ....... Playing as a strike partnership with one forward to occupy the thoughts of each central defender was very much the trusted method in Kerry Dixon's day. David Speedie was his main foil in his 36-goal season, his 30th coming away to Sunderland in the old Division One at a similar stage of the season. The exact date was March 30. 'A Chelsea striker reaching 30 has been a long time coming and I am glad it has been put to bed now,' Dixon says as he congratulates the latest in a long line of great Chelsea centre-forwards. 'But I wasn't thinking about 30, I was thinking about as many as I can and if Didier gets to 36 or more, I'll be delighted as it will mean he and Chelsea finish the season strong. 'Jimmy [Floyd Hasselbaink] went close one season to 30 and it is surprising it's taken 22 years but goals aren't an easy commodity to come by and Didier has had a fantastic year. I'm sure he'll be desperate for more chances having broken a little barren spell.' -- 以伊露維塔的名為證發誓 — 若有誰敢奪取屬於我們的藍色之魂,不論對方是天使 、惡魔、男人或女人,包括尚未出生者,若有任何的生靈,不論偉大或渺小,是善 還是惡,我們都將懷著復仇與憎恨之心直追到天涯海角,直追到世界結束之日。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: