精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Essien targets trophies 埃辛目標更多的冠軍 轉自:football.co.uk 翻譯:samuel 版權:切爾西中文網球迷論壇 日期:07.04.08 Injured Chelsea midfielder Michael Essien believes the never-say-die attitude of his Stamford Bridge team-mates will mean the Blues end the season with more silverware. 正處於傷病中的切爾西中場邁克爾埃辛相信他的斯坦福橋隊友們得那種又不言敗的態度將 會使藍軍在賽季結束時擁有更多的榮譽 The Ghana international could make his long-awaited return from a knee injury that has sidelined him for four weeks when Chelsea travel to Spain to take on Valencia in the second leg of the Champions League quarter-final on Tuesday. 這位加納國腳將能夠從長期的膝蓋傷病中復出,傷病已經使他缺席了四周的比賽,而在下 週二與瓦倫西亞的歐冠四分之一決賽次回合的比賽中加納人將會隨隊前方西班牙 Essien wasn't risked in Saturday's 1-0 Premiership victory over Tottenham despite having a fitness test on the morning of the match, but whether he plays against Valencia or not, the former Lyon midfielder believes the Blues will progress despite the first leg 1-1 stalemate. 盡管在週末的比賽之前埃辛已經通過了健康檢測,但是主教練沒有冒險在這場1:0擊敗熱 刺的比賽中讓他出場,不管周中是否會在與瓦倫西亞的客場比賽中出場,這位前里昂的強 力中場相信,切爾西會最終晉級,盡管在主場與瓦倫戰成了1:1 "For me, one of the best things about this Chelsea team is that we never give up," he said. “對於我來說,對於這支切爾西隊來說其中最好的一面是我們永不放棄,”埃辛說 "Even when we go behind we can change things around and still come back right up until the very end. “即使當我們在聯賽中落后了,我們能夠改變這個不利的現狀,並且在賽季末段緊隨其后 ,並追回一些分數。” "Luckily, we've got the experience and the strength in the team to be able to do that and it's helped us on many occasions. “幸運的是,我們的隊中擁有豐富的比賽經驗和實力使我們有能力做到這一點,而且它確 實已經在多條戰線上幫助了我們” "We have to believe that even though we are away from home in the second leg, we can still score goals. “我們必須相信這一點,即使我們在下一回合中客場作戰,我們也有能力取得進球。” "We have the belief in ourselves that we can do it and get through to the semi- final." “在我們當中一直有著一個信念,那就是我們能夠做到這一點,並晉級歐冠四強。” Chelsea have already secured the Carling Cup this season and Essien is looking to add to their trophy haul with the reigning Premiership champions still in contention for the league title, FA Cup and Champions League. 切爾西在這個賽季已經奪得了聯賽杯,埃辛也一直希望能夠球隊能夠繼續前景並在賽季結 束后將聯賽冠軍、足總杯冠軍和冠軍聯賽冠軍都成為球隊的戰利品 "We've played more games than any other club in England - every three days we' ve had to play a game and for us the intensity of every game is so great because we are fighting all these competition and want to do well," he continued. “我們比英格蘭的其他任何一支俱樂部踢得比賽都要多,每三天我們都要踢一場比賽,而 且對於我們來說,每一場比賽的強度都很大,因為我們在每一條戰線上都拼盡全力,希望 能打好比賽,”埃辛補充道 "But I don't find it too hard - my system has got used to it and football is what I love doing. “但是我並不覺得這有多艱難,我對這些感到習慣了,而且足球是我所熱愛做的事業 "I love playing in as many big games at possible. It's what you want and it's what happens when you are at a top club. “我喜歡多在一些重要的比賽中出場,這就是我所想要的東西,這就是當你在一家頂級俱 樂部里效力時所要面臨的” "It also means we're doing well. Hopefully, we can win the maximum number of trophies." “這也意味著我們一直踢得很好。希望我們能夠賽季結束時獲得最多的獎杯。” -- ^^Y -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lowlydog:感覺依稀聽到黑傑克的笑聲耶 04/09 00:56
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