精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/2007-04-11/05422861456.shtml 莫里尼奧鏡頭前雀躍驚呆特里 狂人同為曼聯晉級欣喜 2007年04月11日05:42 新浪體育   憑藉舍甫琴科52分鐘的門前補射和埃辛補時階段的大力絕殺,切爾西最終2:1完成了 對瓦倫西亞的逆轉,昂首挺胸闖入了冠軍杯四強。賽後,切爾西主教練莫里尼奧按耐不住 興奮的心情,居然雀躍到特里面前與其慶祝,以致於打斷了切爾西隊長接受 ITV體育的採 訪。   對於主教練的這種表現,特里也表示球隊上半場的表現險些讓這一幕成為泡影:" 我 想他現在很高興。但在中場休息時他不是這樣的。我們必須比上半場做得更好。我們沒有 做得足夠好,以致於我們一球落後。"特里認為球隊堅強的獲勝意志是贏得比賽的關鍵," 下半場我們回來了並掌控了比賽。我們沒有放棄,我們曾經告訴自己即使落後一個球,也 不會改變任何事情。"   而在接受採訪時,莫里尼奧顯然還沒有從歡呼雀躍時的興奮中走出來:" 下半場是一 出偉大的表演,我們承受了很大的壓力。我們曾經1:0落後,這真是一場難以置信的比賽 。"埃辛最後的時刻的進球,避免了球隊打加時賽的命運,而狂人坦言自己並沒有預料到 埃辛會在最後時刻上演絕殺,"我已經在調動自己的大腦來準備加時賽了,但是我們在90 分鐘之後還是贏得了比賽,而且配的上這個結果。"   莫里尼奧高度評價了球隊下半時的表現: "我們在下半場佔據了主動,對方沒有機會 。切爾西在客場的表現向來不讓人滿意,不過本場比賽卻讓莫里尼奧由衷地感到高興," 這可能是我們三個賽季來在客場最精彩的表演了,這是一支讓人難以置信的團隊,在賽季 我們做得所有的事情都讓人驚奇。"   隨後,狂人將目光放在本賽季更遙遠的地方,畢竟還有更多的榮譽等著切爾西去爭取 :" 能晉級半決賽對於球隊來說是偉大的,對於團隊來說也是偉大的。我們贏得了比賽, 並晉級了兩個半決賽,這真令人難以置信。星期天我們有另外一場不同的半決賽,但是我 希望可以晉級決賽,並繼續為聯賽而奮戰。"   在高興之余,莫里尼奧也不忘記對競爭對手曼聯發動心理戰:" 我很高興曼聯也晉級 了半決賽。因為他們將必須多打兩場比賽,而且他們的注意力也是分散在三個賽場上。" (於洋) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/europe/6539823.stm Mourinho delight at Chelsea show Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho said his side's last-gasp 2-1 win in Valencia was the best away performance in Europe in his time in charge at the club. "I was starting to prepare my brain for extra-time but we deserved to win over the 90 minutes, clearly," he said. "We completely dominated in the second half and they had no chances. "It is maybe our best performance away from home in three seasons. This is an unbelievable group and what we are doing this season is amazing." Mourinho added: "I am proud of this group because this is a special season. Nobody has had so many problems as we had. We have had big problems with more than 50% of the team. "But they resist and resist and mentally they are very strong. I could not be more proud of these players. "It is an amazing situation for English football with three teams in the semi-finals of the competition. "But we deserved to win the game over 90 minutes. Santiago Canizares made two unbelievable saves - especially the one against Michael Ballack's header. "I thought the team was very strong. I had the changes ready if it went to extra-time. But when I saw the ball in the net in the last minute with Valencia needing to score two, it was great. "It happened to me when I was at Porto - we scored in Old Trafford in the last moment. Like all goals, there was great emotion. "Michael Essien is a special player. He is an athlete. He can run forever. He could play a game every day. He is a superb athlete. "When we lost him one month ago it was a big, big loss. But he was ready to come for this crucial game. I know he is suspended for the next game but this one was the crucial one. The next one is not crucial." The win means that Chelsea remain challenging on four fronts this season. The Carling Cup winners are also in contention for the Premiership and FA Cup. "It was a great performance in the second half, we were under pressure. We were losing 1-0 and it was an unbelievable performance," he said. Chelsea will be joined in the last four of the Champions League by Manchester United, their rivals for the Premiership crown. "I am very pleased Manchester United are also in the Champions League semi-finals because they will also have to play two more matches and their focus is also in three competitions," he said. The Portuguese was also upbeat about the extra games facing Chelsea. "Being in the semi-final is great for the team, great for the group," he said. "This is amazing. We have won a competition and are in two semi-finals. "We have a difficult semi-final on Sunday but hopefully we can be in the FA Cup final and we are still fighting for the Premiership." Chelsea skipper John Terry admitted that Mourinho had given his players a verbal rocket at half-time, when they went in trailing 1-0. "We had to be a lot better than in the first half. We were not good enough and we got a kick up the backside. "We came out in the second half and we dominated. We never gave up and we had said before if we went a goal down it wouldn't change anything." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: