精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64782&extra=page%3D1 REACTION: ESSIEN COULD PLAY A GAME A DAY 賽後訪談:埃辛可以一天一賽 新聞來源:http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1009291,00.html 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / cumtowen Quite understandably, his team's 90th minute victory in Spain had Jose Mourinho casting his mind back three years to the moment that first truly made his name on the world stage. 太不可思議了!在西班牙,莫里尼奧的球隊在比賽最後時刻獲勝,這讓他仿佛又回到了 三年前,那一次他讓全世界都知道了他的名字。 Then as now, his team (Porto in those day) conjured up a goal away in one of Europe's major stadiums to go through to the Champions League next round, although there were differences - Porto were on their way out before scoring while Chelsea were heading for extra-time against Valencia. 那時的情況和現在一樣,他率領波爾圖隊在客場取得一粒夢幻般的進球使球隊晉級冠軍杯 的下一輪,儘管細節有些不同--波爾圖如果不進球就會被淘汰,而這次切爾西對陣瓦倫西 亞的第二球則使他們領先。 Even so, it didn't prevent a thrilled Mourinho reminiscing after the final whistle in the Mestalla. 即使如此,當梅斯塔利亞球場的終場哨聲響起的時候,激動的莫里尼奧仍然禁不住回憶 起了以前的那些場景。 'I was ready for extra-time, the team was very strong at the time, and I had changes to make so I was preparing myself for that. When I saw the ball in the net in the last minute, with Valencia needing to score two, it was like a golden goal. "我都開始為加時賽做準備了,當時隊伍的攻勢很猛,我決定做些變化,所以我開始思考 加時賽的戰術了。當我看到最後一分鐘球破門入網,而這意味著瓦倫西亞必須攻進兩個球 才行,這是一粒金子般的進球。" 'It happened to me when I was with Porto in Old Trafford when we scored in the last minute to go through. It is a great emotion these golden goals. "對於我來說這一幕又來臨了,當我還在波爾圖的時候,我們在老特拉福德球場最後1分鐘 進球從而晉級比賽,這些寶貴的進球總會讓我激動萬分。" 'It was a great performance tonight,' he continued, bringing his analysis up-to-date. 'Especially the second-half. 他繼續著他對比賽的看法:"今晚是一場偉大的比賽,特別是在下半場。" 'Against a good team in a difficult stadium and at half-time going out, the second-half as amazing - very dominant - only one team in it. "在一個十分困難的客場挑戰一支實力強勁的球隊,而且已經浪費了上半場的機會。但是 我們下半場的表現太驚人了--完全控制了比賽--只有一支球隊能夠做到這一點。" 'It was not one of those hot half-times in the dressing room. I was just telling them to be strong mentally, to resist the pressure of losing. "中場休息時,更衣室裏每個人都顯得很灰心,我只是告訴他們要堅強,要承受住失球的 壓力。" 'From a tactical point of view we made a changes - Essien as at right-back is a very offensive player, a very powerful player coming from the back, and Joe Cole is a creative player and with Joe and Sheva playing from the sides, we had more chances to create two against one situations.' "從戰術的角度講,我們做了一些變化--埃辛在右後衛的位置上表現的十分有攻擊型,十 分有活力。而喬.科爾是一名富有創造性的球員,當有喬和舍瓦在場上的時候,我們有了 更多二打一的機會。" There was no way the Chelsea boss was going to head back to England without a few words for the man who scored in the final minute of normal time despite only playing his first game in over a month. 如果穆帥不給那位在比賽最後1分鐘進球的小夥子一些讚賞的話,估計他都不好意思回英 格蘭面對廣大球迷了,而這場比賽是埃辛一個月以來的首次上場亮相。 'Essien is a special player, he can run for ever. He can play a game every day and he is an absolute superb athlete. When we lost him one month ago I was saying it is a big, big lose but he was ready to come for this crucial game. "埃辛是一名特殊的球員,他就是跑不死的那種球員,天天參加比賽他也不會有問題,他 絕對是一名天才運動員。一個月前他受傷不能和我們在一起,那時我就表示這對於我們是 一個很大很大的損失,但是在這場關鍵比賽之前,他卻已經整裝待發了。" 'I know next Champions League game he is suspended.' "不過我也知道下場冠軍杯比賽他將會被停賽。" Our midfielder picked up his third yellow card of the Euro campaign on Tuesday night. 週二晚上,我們的這位中場大將吃到了歐洲比賽中的第3張黃牌,下場將停賽一場。 'But the next is the next, today was the crucial game. And the next round we will still have a second-leg to play.' "不過下一輪會是兩場比賽,今天是一場生死大戰,下一階段的比賽我們仍需要打主客兩場 比賽。" Speaking of second-legs, Mourinho clearly has zero faith in PSV Eindhoven's abilityto overturning a 3-0 deficit at against Liverpool at Anfield on Wednesday evening. 談到下一輪的對手,莫里尼奧對週三晚上埃因霍溫在安菲爾德球場打出3:0去扭轉敗局 的可能性並不報希望。 'Every Chelsea fan must be proud of their team - and why not?' he said.'And it is an amazing situation for English football - three teams in the semi-final. "每一個切爾西的球迷肯定會為他們驕傲--為什麼不呢?"他說:"這對於英格蘭足球來說 太讓人吃驚了--三支英格蘭球隊晉級半決賽。" 'Against Liverpool it is a tie we know we start from behind. Why? Because Liverpool play only Champions League and we play three competitions. We have players suspended and a lot with two yellow cards and Liverpool are in a very clean situation. " 對陣利物浦會是一場惡戰,我知道我們一開始就處在被動的位置。之所以這麼說是因為 利物浦現在只需要打一項賽事,而我們卻要面臨三項賽事,我們有球員會被停賽,而且還 有很多累計兩張黃牌的球員,相比之下,利物浦輕鬆多了。" 'So I think they start in front of us. But the mentality my players are showing, we will be ready for them.' "所以我覺得一開始他們就比我們有優勢,不過我們球員們的強大精神力量正在爆發中, 我們將會為對陣他們做好準備。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chelseamiyu:小喬無雙mode啟動!!! 04/11 22:20