精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
密斯周中觀點:縱情歡呼(官網) Giles Smith's Midweek View 吉爾斯·史密斯周中觀點 Wed, 11th Apr 2007 新聞來源:http://www.chelseafc.com/xxchelsea180706/index.html#/page/NewsHomePage/list_2209129_0 新聞翻譯:fall_ark 版權聲明:切爾西中文網 http://www.chelseafc.net.cn/ Last night was without doubt a night for top drawer celebrations. The efforts were not wasted on our sofa-bound but enraptured Wednesday columnist. 毫無疑問昨晚我們見證了許多一流的慶祝動作,足以使我們陷在自家沙發里的週三專欄作 家狂喜一番。 John Terry was just a couple of sentences into his live, post-match interview with ITV last night when a figure in a dark suit abruptly landed on top of him, emitting a noise that can only be described as 'yaaaarrrggghhh!' 昨晚在接受ITV的賽后採訪時,我們的特隊還沒來得及說出幾句話,突然一個深色衣服的人 影竄到了他身上,發出了一種、只可能被描述為“yaaaarrrggghhh!”的喊聲。 Who was this crazed interloper? It was Jose Mourinho, that was who. At my house, we had to rewind this passage of the programme to check, because, even though the sight was independently witnessed at the time by more than one observer, we couldn't quite believe our eyes. 這個搶鏡頭的家伙是誰?恩,是何塞·穆里尼奧,信不信由你——我們全家在電視機前不 得不按重放鍵(史叔,有數碼電視真好)來確定這個人是誰,即使已經有不止一個目擊者 見證了這一幕,我們還是不太敢相信自己的眼睛。 But it really was him - bundling himself into the shot, with Michael Essien under one arm, and then skipping out of it again, laughing. Can you imagine Sir Alex Ferguson attempting a disruptive prank like this? Can you imagine Arsene Wenger or Rafael Benitez having either the required intimacy with their players or the inclination to smile for long enough? 但那真的是他——擁著埃辛貿貿然地闖進鏡頭,又同樣突兀地大笑離開。你能想象弗爵爺 以這種打斷採訪的形式來和球員開玩笑麼?你能想象溫格或貝尼特斯和他們的球員之間達 到這樣的親密麼?恐怕還沒人見過這兩位肯在人前保持這麼長時間的微笑呢! It was just a bit of elated fooling around, but it did seem to be richly suggestive of the unparalleled bond that currently unites players and coaching staff at this club. It also means that, to his already formidable list of the game's top honours, Mourinho can now add the trophy for Best Interruption Of A Live Sports Broadcast By A Manager In A Supporting Role. Whatever else happens in this most extraordinary of all seasons, he'll always have that. 這種“胡鬧”多少給我們帶來了些歡笑,同時也向我們展示了將現在這群球員和球隊教練 組們凝聚在一起的、那種無可比擬的深深羈絆。另外,在穆里尼奧於足球運動中所贏得的 本已多得嚇人的榮譽列表中,又能加上一頂“最佳作為配角主教練中途闖入體育直播採訪 獎”的桂冠了,不管在這個獨一無二的賽季中再發生什麼樣的戲劇性場面,這個大獎他算 是拿定了。 Something else we needed to see again: Michael Essien's goal. I don't know whether it was something to do with the advanced hour of the evening, or the rawness of my nerves at that particular point, but, for me, that ball appeared, on first sight, to go behind the goal. Because you simply can't score from that kind of angle, running at that kind of speed, can you? 還有另一個場景值得我們倒帶重觀的——邁克爾.埃辛的絕殺進球。我不知是因為當時夜已 深沉還是我自己的神經在那時出了什麼錯,總之,等我反應過來時,球已經在網里了。因 為當你以那麼快的速度帶球突破到那種角度時,你怎可能把球打進呢,怎可能呢? Yes, you can. 但,埃辛做到了。 Once the penny dropped, it was one of those classic cushions-off-the-sofa moments. Of course, I wish my penny had dropped from the vantage of a seat in the 'cauldron of the Mestalla' (copyright, all newspapers) - or as we probably ought to refer to it in future, following last night's mesmerising, Chelsea-dominant second half, 'the near-silent Mestalla'. On the other hand, had I been able to travel to Spain, I would have missed Mourinho gate-crashing Terry's interview. Sometimes not being there has it consolations. 終場哨聲終於響起,全家人再次開始亂丟沙發靠墊以作慶祝,當然,我希望我能在現場聽 到這聲哨響,坐在所謂的“梅斯塔里亞大鍋”球場(各大報刊版權所有)——或者,在昨 晚這場比賽切爾西牢牢控制著局勢的眩目下半場之后,將來我們更願稱呼的“梅斯塔里亞 靜悄悄”球場。不過從另一層面來說,要是我能隨隊去西班牙看比賽,就會錯過穆里尼奧 私闖特里訪談的好戲了,怎麼說呢?看來有時不能親臨現場也會有所回報的。 Had we gone out last night, I was all ready to blame the near certain prospect of playing Liverpool in the semi-final for demotivating our players. One doesn't go into the Champions League with the ambition of meeting England's third best team at the tournament's pointy end. 要是昨晚我們竟被淘汰出局的話,我已全副武裝地準備要歸咎於是由於九成要在半決賽中 對陣利物浦的前景讓我們的球員們喪失動力了,畢竟,進了冠軍杯的球隊,誰會希望在賽 事的收官階段面對一支僅僅在英格蘭國內排名第三的球隊哪? But clearly this thought didn't bother our players one bit. They fought as hard as they have ever fought, and concentrated as hard as they have ever concentrated, clearly undistracted by the less than exotic and, if anything, slightly cheapening prospect of meeting Craig Bellamy in the next round. And I have decided to follow their shining and deeply humane example, and try not to allow it to bother me, as well. 不過看來這個念頭完全沒有影響到我們的球員,他們一如既往地頑強奮斗、一如既往地專 注拼搏,毫不為在下一輪可能要面對既不夠“外國”又不夠水準的貝拉米之流的前途所動 。因此我也決定遵循球員們這種閃耀著光輝的深沉人道主義關懷,盡力不讓這念頭影響我 自己的心情。 I continue to reserve the right, however, to hope fervently that Manchester United crash out in the next round. Otherwise, irrespective of what happens to us, we'll be looking at the prospect of an all-English final - and who in their right mind wants to see one of those, apart from people who work in television? Must we always be lowering our horizons in this depressing manner? People will be suggesting we go the whole way and resurrect the Home Internationals next. 不過,我仍然保留熱忱期盼曼聯在下一輪比賽中淘汰出局的權力。要不然,不管我們能不 能晉級,歐冠的決賽都將成為一場英國德比了——而除了電視工作者外,有哪些神智正常 的人希望見到這樣的一場比賽哪?我們非得以這種方式來降低我們對比賽水準的品位嗎? 我想有人會建議這樣還不如直接恢復不列顛國際賽事(英格蘭、愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭三隊之間 的國際比賽,2001年停止)呢。 But this is to get ahead of ourselves, when instead we should be basking in the warm afterglow of the soulful, gutsy, supremely unified performance that last night carried us into our third Champions League semi-final in four years. For the blessing of which I am sure we can all find it in ourselves to join our manager in offering a heartfelt 'yaaarrrggghhh!' 不過現在談這些有點兒太早了,現在該做的是盡情享受在這場讓我們四年以來三度晉級冠 軍杯半決賽的比賽中所表現出的充滿情感與勇氣的偉大團隊表演的溫暖輝煌——而在這種 氣氛的感染之下,我相信我們每一個人都能跟著我們的主教練一起,喊上一聲發自肺腑的 “yaaarrrggghhh!” -- yaarrrggghhh! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chelseamiyu:大推, 興奮之情溢於言表啊 04/11 22:20
selinachen:Best Interruption Of A Live Sports Broadcast By A 04/11 22:32
selinachen:Manager In A Supporting Role XDDD 04/11 22:33
selinachen:這樣也可以酸到肝池 實在是 XDDD 04/11 22:34
willy7112:yaarrrggghhh! 04/11 23:21
wei7515:yaarrrggghhh! 04/11 23:22
clx:yaarrrggghhh! 04/11 23:24
wings0926:yaarrrggghhh! 04/12 00:12
zygotic:他一定很討厭利物普 XD 04/12 00:27
patrick13:yaaarrrggghhh! 04/12 00:28
alixia:yaarrrggghhh! 04/12 00:34
jftsai:yaarrrggghhh! 04/12 00:39
marisaac:yaarrrggghhh! 04/12 00:46
tomuya:yaarrrggghhh! 04/12 00:52
dyce:酸才是爽啊~~~ 04/12 00:52
smallwutw:推他討厭利惡卜! 04/12 01:05
heavygauge:yaarrrggghhh! 04/12 01:28