精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1010003,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64895&extra=page%3D1 SPY ON THURSDAY - WORK TILL YOU DROP 週四陣地觀察--血戰到底 新聞翻譯:cumtowen 版權所有:切爾西中文網 Chelsea's Spy In The Camp has been bringing inside news, banter and comment for 20 years in the matchday programme, on Chelsea TV and now on the web. 切爾西的"陣地觀察"節目是一檔報導球隊內部新聞、搞笑以及評論的比賽日節目,已經在 切爾西電視臺播出了20年的時間。現在這個節目也被搬到了切爾西網站上來。 Yesterday was the players' only day off this month. 昨天球員們終於迎來了這個月以來的的一個休息日。 Even then, work didn't end from the previous day until early in the morning. They arrived back at Cobham from Valencia after 3am. 即便如此,球員們在比賽結束後並沒有閑著,直到第二天早上他們才終於得到休息,淩晨 3點他們從瓦倫西亞返回科巴姆訓練基地。 Victory in Valencia ensured midweek games every week until the end of the season, and the busiest schedule possible. That ensured that Wednesday 11 April was the only free day. 在瓦倫西亞的獲勝也意味著我們本賽季以後的比賽都會面臨一周雙賽,估計這段時間是最 忙的時候了,4月11號,這個週三是唯一一天可以好好休息的日子了。 Yes, yes, they earn a lot of money, and yes, training isn't exactly work like regular people toiling for a living, so in some ways you can't compare it to your average working 20-something year old. 是的,是的,他們的確薪水很高,而且確切的說訓練不能算是工作,這就好像人們必須要 上廁所一樣。因此從某種程度上講,你不能把他們的工作和你20多歲時從事的工作放在一 起對比。 But at this stage of a long, exhausting, demanding season, with unbelievable pressures mounting around each subsequent game, neither can you compare the work of an average 20-something to that of a Chelsea player. 但是在這個漫長、無休止的同時需要達到眾多目標的賽季裏,我們後面的每場比賽都會承 受超出想像的巨大壓力,這些你都無法拿20多歲時的日常工作去和這些切爾西球員去比較 。 The travelling for top players now has become unbelievably demanding. In the ten days before the Watford game on 31 March, virtually all our squad were playing in two different countries for their national sides. 對於球隊裏的核心球員來說,這段時間的頻繁奔波已經超出他們的想像,在3月31日與沃 特福德比賽之前的十天裏,我們的隊員們又因為有國家隊的比賽而在英格蘭和國家隊比賽 地來回奔波。 The manic schedule has even passed down to young hopefuls. During that March few days, Ben Sahar played two games in Israel, Michael Woods and Nana Ofori-Twumasi played two games for England Under-17s in Bosnia and Jonas Elmer was with Switzerland Under-21s in Turkey and Bosnia. Then they all went to Dallas for six games in eight days with Chelsea Under-19s. 這種令人發狂的密集賽程甚至也影響到了那些年輕的希望之星,在三月份,薩哈爾代表以 色列打了兩場比賽,伍茲和Nana Ofori-Twumasi代表英格蘭U17國家隊在波士尼亞打了兩 場比賽,埃爾默代表瑞士U21國家隊參加了在土耳其和波士尼亞的比賽。然後他們跟隨切 爾西U19代表隊前往美國達拉斯開始8天6賽的密集賽程。 They returned at lunchtime on Tuesday, having reached the final of that tournament, and last night with their jet lag were in Borehamwood for the reserve match at Watford. 他們本週二中午返回倫敦,他們在美國的邀請賽中闖入最後決賽,而他們還來不及倒時差 ,昨天晚上又在Borehamwood與沃特福德進行了一場預備隊的比賽。 Extraordinarily, even when they are relaxing players tend to hang around the training ground pinging balls at each other. 但值得一提的是,即便如此,他們也沒有絲毫鬆懈,甚至他們在訓練場上進行放鬆時也不 忘彼此之間倒倒球。 But there is also a lot of hurrying away to be with family not seen for several days. When John Terry got back from the internationals he trained, changed and left - very rare for him to be so quick - complaining that his twins wouldn't recognise him. 不過也有很多球員趕著返回離別多日的家庭,當特裏從國家隊回來後,他訓練之後就進更 衣室換了衣服--很少看到他這麼急切--他擔心他的一對雙胞胎孩子很可能都不認得他了。 It is unbelievable that we are in mid-April with four trophies still being a possibility this season. As I write now, today's training has been taking place with two groups: those who played on Tuesday evening doing light work, those who didn't doing something with more tempo. 很難相信本賽季到了4月中旬,我們仍然保持了四冠王的希望,就在我寫這篇報導的時候 ,今天的訓練已經開始了,訓練分成了兩組:參加週二晚上比賽的球員進行低強度的訓練 ,那些沒有參加比賽的球員則進行比較高強度的訓練。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chelseamiyu:蔣特里真是完全轉性了 推顧家好男人一個!! 04/14 00:52
JohnTerry:推顧家好男人 04/14 00:55
meja:隊長~~這麼晚還在打B啊? 快去餵你的雙胞胎喝牛奶吧 XD 04/14 01:49
lowlydog:那兩個孩子光喝母奶就撐爆肚子啦~ 04/14 02:17
Ladywolf:射手座的男生定下來以後就會變得很居家 XD 04/14 11:25
chelseamiyu:話說藍軍好爸爸真不少...S7.LP.B13.JT...etc. 04/14 23:46