精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://chelsea.sina.com.cn/news/2007-04-14/03052229.html 切爾西全力備戰布萊克本 穆帥看重足總杯 2007-04-14 03:05:27 切爾西中文官方網站   在當地時間本週五上午,切爾西俱樂部進行了備戰足總杯以前的最後一次訓練課,主 帥莫里尼奧進行了細緻的部署,著手準備這場即將到來的重要比賽。   熱身訓練以後,切爾西隊進行了針對性很強的分組對抗訓練,莫里尼奧讓主力和替補 混和編隊,進行了小半場的分組對抗訓練,除了羅本以外,全體球員都參與了對抗。第三 門將希拉蕊奧則客串到特里和蘭帕德的這組。   週二出現在冠軍杯當中的加納中場埃辛也參加了訓練,狀態恢復非常良好,看起來他 依然會在周日的比賽中扮演重要的角色。舍甫琴科繼續良好的狀態,數次破門之外還有一 次精彩的挑射打中了橫樑。   本賽季的三次交鋒中,切爾西聯賽中客場2-0,主場3-0,聯賽杯客場2-0三次擊敗布萊 克本隊,三場取勝不丟一球,更讓全隊加強了對勝利的信念。   對於現在的切爾西來說,足總杯是阿布入主以來唯一沒有贏得過的獎盃,本賽季藍軍 對於足總杯非常看中,莫里尼奧強調切爾西非常注重足總杯的成功," 我們上個賽季就期 待著能在新溫布利贏得冠軍,我們上賽季期待贏得這個獎項,但是沒能成功。我們在半決 賽中輸掉了比賽。這個賽季從一開始我們就對待足總杯非常認真,對陣熱刺的比賽中我看 到了球隊希望取得成功的巨大願望,我們踢了兩場偉大的比賽後,向著溫布利又前進了一 步"。   上賽季切爾西曾殺進足總杯半決賽,但是被最終冠軍利物浦擊敗。這也是切爾西隊第 17次殺進足總杯的半決賽。   (新浪體育特派編輯楊帆發自倫敦) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://chelsea.sina.com.cn/news/2007-04-14/03102230.html 莫里尼奧否認流言 主帥再次表態留在切爾西 2007-04-14 03:10:10 切爾西中文官方網站   在週五早上,切爾西隊進行了訓練,主帥莫里尼奧進行了對陣布萊克本隊之前的最後 一次針對性訓練,隨後,切爾西隊進行了週五的例行新聞發佈會,主帥莫里尼奧以及球員 米克爾和喬科爾相繼出席。   這次新聞發佈會顯得稍微有些跑題,因為主要問題並非是有關週末對陣布萊克本隊的 足總杯,也不是有關歐冠和英超,英國記者在反復追問莫里尼奧有關他的前途這方面的問 題。    甚至在新聞發佈會結束後,莫里尼奧和新聞官西蒙來到了另外一間房子,這裏是對來採 訪的英國平面媒體提問準備的,莫里尼奧的前途問題再次成為不斷提問的話題。新聞官試 圖回避這些問題,但總有記者拐彎抹角的把這個問題拋向莫里尼奧。   無奈之下,莫里尼奧最後只能提高聲音分貝,並且語調放慢的再說了一篇," 在最近 一段時間以來,我接受的所有新聞採訪中,我至少20次說到了這點,我不會說謊,我對球 員,球迷,董事會甚至那些並非切爾西的球迷都這麼說,我希望繼續留在切爾西隊,我很 喜歡這家俱樂部,我不會離開,我禁止我的經紀人和其他任何俱樂部商談,我不希望自己 的名字和其他俱樂部聯繫在一起"。   莫里尼奧還提到,俱樂部上層對於自己非常支持," 我對你們是這麼說的,我對董事 會其他成員也這麼說的,肯揚(首席執行官)聽到後很高興,他擁抱了我說,這太好了"。   對於周日的足總杯半決賽,莫里尼奧展望到," 人們都不相信沃特福德和布萊克本之 間會進行決賽,但是這是可能的。我希望球員們明白球場上一切都有可能,這將幫助我們 集中精力準備即將到來的困難比賽。"   " 我們希望著能最終殺進決賽,因此我們已經做好了準備。周中我們剛剛參加了一場 重要的比賽,因此現在要延續那樣良好的表現很不容易。瓦倫西亞那場比賽我們踢的很棒 ,但是下一場比賽同樣並不容易"。   "布萊克本是一支很不容易擊敗的球隊,馬克-休斯教練很善於捏合球隊。這場比賽對 於我們來說意味著很多,對於他們也一樣。布萊克本有很好的球員, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1010762,00.html FA CUP SEMI-FINAL: ONE STEP FROM A DREAM Jose Mourinho has welcomed a fixture list that places a game to win a place at the first FA Cup Final in the new Wembley just days after one of the biggest European tests in Chelsea history. In past seasons, a cup semi-final alone has felt like the high point and the focus of all the team was working towards. Not in this remarkable campaign. Instead it is just one of a long line of what the Chelsea manager refers to as 'finals', right up to the last game of the season. With Tuesday's big victory in Valencia now behind him, Mourinho has begun his look forward to Sunday's meeting with Blackburn at Old Trafford. 'Normally it is not easy after a big European game when the team played very well, we fought against the odds and it was a really great night for us. Normally after, the next match is not a great match for us. 'But this time the next match is also a big match, so I believe we don't lose our motivation, our commitment nor our desire if we can go to Wembley. It is something everybody wants very, very much. 'It is something we have spoken about for a long time,' he revealed, 'even last season when we thought there could be a chance of an FA Cup Final at the new Wembley. 'We were dreaming about it but last season of course we lost the semi-final. 'This season we played the FA Cup very seriously from the beginning. We saw against Tottenham a strong desire to succeed in this competition. We fought very hard in two great matches to be one step from being at Wembley.' Mourinho acknowledges that the desire to be present at the historic day on May 19 will be just as strong at Ewood Park. 'If it means a lot to us, it means a lot to them too, because it is a club that doesn't have many chances to be year after year in finals and they have also fought hard. 'They deserve credit because they beat a big team like Arsenal and they also played two matches to win. 'As a person, I don't know Mark Hughes. I know him from the tunnel to say hello, goodbye and good luck to but no more than that. As a manager, he is getting results adapted to the ambition of his club and if he does that, it is because he is good. 'I respect Blackburn. But we want to be the Final very much and I think we will be ready.' Part of being ready includes meeting the challenge of playing a team with half the workload of Chelsea in recent weeks. Mourinho has indicated that any changes to the team at Old Trafford will be for tactical rather than resting reasons. 'The fact Blackburn don't have the busy schedule we have is the law of life. We progress in a lot of competitions so we go to the end of the season with a lot of matches. To be fair, Blackburn fought hard as well in the UEFA Cup and they did okay for a team without big European experience. 'Of course their legs can be fresher than ours but hearts and brains, I don't think there is a difference.' Mourinho is looking for an energy boost for his players for a traditional source. No special diet, training regime nor energy drinks in this case. Instead, he seeks help from the Chelsea support who will travel to the game. 'That the game is at Old Trafford is something I cannot control but I love the stadium. The information I have is it is not an easy place to travel to, especially if you don't have a car. 'But in Valencia there were only 2,500 Chelsea people there and the support was huge. They silenced a big stadium like the Mestalla. So I believe they can give us the support we need for the semi-final.' Tickets for Sunday's game are on general sale (four per person) until 2pm on Saturday. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premiership/chelsea/article1651949.ece Mourinho bans agent discussions April 13, 2007 Jose Mourinho has underlined his desire to stay at Chelsea next season by banning his agent from contacting other clubs, although speculation continues that he will leave Stamford Bridge in the summer. Reports today again linked Mourinho with a move to Real Madrid, but he insists he is not a "liar" and wants to stay at Chelsea at least until his contract expires in 2010. "What I have said 20 times at least is that I want to be here and I can not do more than that,” he said. "I have forbidden my agent to speak with other clubs, I don't want my name to be linked with other jobs." "I am not a liar. I am honest. So when I say 200 times to my players, to my supporters, the board, to everybody, even the people who don't support Chelsea, that I want to stay at Chelsea, I want to honour my contract, I want to be here, I love the club, and I love English football, I can do no more that.” Despite helping the club to two Premiership titles and closing in on an unprecedented four-trophy haul this year, speculation persists Mourinho will be axed by the owner Roman Abramovich when the season ends. Mourinho claims the uncertainty over his future is unsettling his players as up to 13 other managers have been linked with his job. "If the players love the manager it is not nice for them and if you compare that with the other clubs, there is a big difference,” he said. "In Chelsea every day it is 'Mourinho stays or Mourinho goes', 'Lampard signs or doesn't sign', John Terry 'goes or stays'. So you live in a different atmosphere." "There are no problems with Arsenal and Arsene Wenger, Manchester United and Sir Alex [Ferguson] or Liverpool and Rafa Benitez. They speak about the future of Liverpool, the new owner and projects for the future." Meanwhile, Guus Hiddink, the Russia coach, dismissed reports he will replace Mourinho. "It's not an issue, I work with a lot of satisfaction where I am now," Hiddink told BBC's Football Focus. "I still have a year on my contract with Russia. I hope we will qualify for Euro 2008 and that I can go on with Russia." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 賽前記者會照片 Joe Cole JM http://tinyurl.com/3y4nh4 http://tinyurl.com/383g6g http://tinyurl.com/2n2wh8 http://tinyurl.com/3ddzfm http://tinyurl.com/2vupaz http://tinyurl.com/3b6k93 http://tinyurl.com/3bsgec -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (04/14 21:17)
Abramovich:"這太好了"(抱) 04/14 21:17
jftsai:抱歉,修到誰了 :P 04/14 21:22
Rasheed:我說 明晚有人要出門看比賽嗎? 衛視只播大黃蜂對曼聯 04/14 21:53
jftsai:唉,隔天要上班,我應該去不了... 04/14 22:07
GoldSky:足總盃加油阿!! 04/14 22:31
guns:衛視搞啥阿 八強每場都撥耶 04/14 22:55
wei7515:一樓的老闆要留住老大啊.. 04/14 23:16
lowlydog:http://ilook.tw/d9e5 04/15 01:10