精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premiership/chelsea/article1654836.ece http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65007&extra=page%3D1 Jose's fitness club April 15, 2007 Ian Hawkey 翻譯: 切爾西中文網 / lesleygreytear Chelsea's strength and powers of recovery have exhausted opponents chasing shadows in the later stages of matches 比賽最後階段,切爾西的力量與扮平比分的能力總讓追逐其腳步的對手精疲力竭。 Asier Del Horno, the former Chelsea full-back, felt he'd run out of gas. The first 60 minutes had left Del Horno and most of his Valencia colleagues wheezing. Though Del Horno was not offering it as an excuse, he had been back in action barely three weeks after a long injury. Chelsea's Joe Cole, meanwhile, had been back in first-team action after a five-month lay-off for barely seven days. For a large portion of the next 47 minutes Cole ran Del Horno ragged. 前藍軍後衛德·奧爾諾感到自己快沒有力氣了。60分鐘下來,德·奧爾諾與他的大多數瓦 倫隊友們一樣氣喘吁吁。儘管德·奧爾諾並不想以此作為藉口,不過事實上他從長期的傷 病中恢復還不到3周。與此同時,經歷了5個月的等待之後,切爾西的喬·科爾回到了一線 隊伍的時間不過7天。在剩下的47分鐘的大部分時間裏,小喬在跑,奧爾諾在喘。 So, spot the difference. Del Horno reckoned that by the end of the Champions League quarter-final between his previous and present employers, you could measure the difference in yards, territory, as if it were a game of American football or rugby. "They just kept gaining metre upon metre," said Del Horno of a second half where Valencia's players experienced the sort of claustrophobia they like to think they can impose on the visitors to their intimidating home ground, the Mestalla. 怎樣,高下立見。在面對其舊主的歐冠1/4決賽裏,德·奧爾諾能夠預測到這一點。你能 夠在自己的院子,國土上測量這樣的差距,仿佛這是一場美式足球或橄欖球。" 他們一 波又一波地壓迫過來。" 他這樣評論比賽的下半場。在梅斯塔利亞,他們具有壓迫性的 主場,瓦侖西亞的球員遭受了一種幽閉恐懼症,儘管這是他們本想用來招待來訪的客隊的。 "With that strong midfield of theirs they picked up all our clearances, and in the end they pegged us back. We had talked about the dangers from their set-pieces but we still struggled to control their aerial game. It's hard when you are up against a team that just pushes you like that." " 他們強壯的中場每次都把我們衝撞開,最後把我們牢牢地控制在半場。我們注意到了他 們的定位球,但還要努力地去對抗他們的空中威脅。要與這樣一支如此壓迫你的球隊抗衡 ,實在很難。" At this stage of the season, stamina intimidates. Chelsea had fallen behind in both legs of the tie, but became the first British team in eight attempts to win at the Mestalla.Within the comebacks would be several tales of individual resurrection: Cole's season, Andriy Shevchenko's reputation. Then there is Michael Essien, whose 91st-minute goal would propel Chelsea to their third Champions League semi-final in four years. Essien was playing his first match for a month, a knee injury having kept him out. He would in effect play two games against Valencia on Tuesday: one in midfield, where he imagines he belongs; the second, after half-time, at right-back, a site Jose Mourinho governs like an intolerant landlord, evicting tenants short-term in favour of his trusted Proteus, Essien. Even yesterday, four days after the event, one Spanish newspaper was still celebrating the "Ghanaian superman, a force of nature who plays football". Del Horno was in awe. He had been covering the flank from where Essien struck. "We were thinking about extra time," the Valencia player said. "Essien overlapped perfectly. Maybe they just had more petrol. All the work we'd done went down the drain." 到了賽季的這個階段,體力決定一切。在這一輪的兩站比賽中,切爾西均先處於落後,但 他們最終成為了挑戰梅斯塔利亞球場的8支英格蘭球隊中的第一位勝者。在這場關於"回歸 "的主題裏,我們看到了一些人的復蘇:小喬重燃起對這個賽季的希望,舍瓦以進球捍衛了 自己的名譽。還有艾辛,他在91分鐘的進球將切爾西更推向了4年來第3次的歐冠半決賽。 一直說艾辛要上場上場,可一個月來他一直受制於膝傷的困擾。從效果上看,週二對瓦倫 他其實踢了兩場比賽:一是作為中場,他認為自己屬於那個位置,二是在下半場,他打了 右後衛。在這個位置的部署上穆裏尼奧仿佛一位偏執的房東,把所有短期住戶全部趕走, 只為了他信任的變形小桿菌--艾辛。[查到proteus啥意思的時候,我真抽了…]甚至在昨 天,距離比賽已經過了4天,一家西班牙報紙仍然在大肆報導"加納超人,為足球而生。" 德·奧爾諾對此表示敬畏。他所在的邊路正是艾辛起腳打門的地方。"我們已經考慮到加 時賽了,"這位瓦倫承認。"艾辛打這個位置非常完美。他們可能只是多加了些油罷了。 我們所有的付出便付諸東流。" By then, Valencia felt utterly drained. "Physically, they are so powerful," said Joaquin, the winger, "the way they ran in the second half was outrageous. They were making chances every other minute." He wasn't that far off. Chelsea had 18 shots at goal, 60% of possession, figures that sit awkwardly with the notion of Mourinho's spare, minimalist, dry football. 那時瓦倫西亞完全精疲力竭了。邊翼球員華金說:"他們的身體實在太強壯了。他們在下 半場的跑動很恐怖,每一分鐘都在製造機會。"他基本說到點子上了。切爾西射門18次, 控球率60%。當這些資料跟穆裏尼奧宣導的功利足球理念排排坐的時候,顯得有點奇怪。 Chelsea's spring momentum also acts as rebuke to the manager's long, loud complaints about sparse resources and insufficient cover that accompanied the coincidence of two or three absences through injury earlier in the season. If Chelsea have become famously good at recovering in the course of 90 minutes, specialists in the art of the late goal, they appear just as expert in recovering fitness. Essien had played the majority of his previous match, an FA Cup-tie against Tottenham Hotspur, with the knee complaint that would keep him out until last Tuesday. Cole, absent since November, had been in full training for only week before his decisive introduction at the Mestalla. 賽季前半程,教練一直在抱怨少人、缺錢,那段時間球隊一直有2-3名球員因傷缺陣。現 在切爾西的爆發讓這一切成為了歷史。如今的切爾西以善於在90分鐘內返超而著稱,並成 為了在比賽尾聲進球的專家,應該說他們在恢復體力方面相當內行。艾辛在他的上一場比 賽(足總杯對熱刺)裏大部分時間受膝傷困擾;這使他在上週二之前始終無法上場。去年 11月以來一直無緣賽場的小喬,在決定讓他遠征梅斯塔利亞之前,參加了完整訓練不過一 星期。 "For me," said Cole, "anything that happens this year will be a bonus. All the medical people said I wasn't going to play again this season. But the surgeons have done a great job on my foot. To come into a game like that was hard, but I was pleased." At half-time, he had been told to alter the strategy. Instantly he felt at home, recognising the routines around him. "對我而言,"小喬說,"今年發生的所有事都將是意外之喜。所有醫護人員都說我這個賽 季不能再踢球了。但是外科醫生治好了我的腳。踢那樣一場比賽十分艱難,不過我很高興 。"在中場休息的時候,教練告訴他要派他上去改變打法。那一刻他如魚得水,完全知道 自己該做什麼。 "It's because we've been together a long time now, and we're an experienced team. The movement and everything was better in the second half. We were always going to win given the way we come out and really got hold of the game. It was a good performance as well as a good result." Had it been a gamble asking Cole, gingerly stepping back from injury, to change the game-plan? "It is difficult to come back because I'd more or less been out all season," he said, "and I had to hit the ground running. I had a couple of tasters [two previous appearances as a second-half replacement], but I'd only been training a week. Still, I felt I gave the team a good bit of movement when I came on, a good bit of zip and that. " 這是因為我們球員在一起那麼長時間了,我們是一支富有經驗的隊伍。球隊的運轉以及 一切在下半場都更為出色。如果我們能夠打出自己的東西,牢牢地掌握住比賽,我們就一 定能贏。我們表現得很好,結果也很好。" 讓一個精神不錯,但畢竟剛傷癒複出的小喬去 改變戰術,算不算一場賭博?"重回球場是很艱難的,因為整個賽季我基本是個局外人," 他說," 我必須上場奔跑[來尋找狀態]。我有過幾次(在前兩場比賽中替補上場)這樣的 機會,但畢竟我只訓練了一個禮拜。不過,我覺得我上場之後,還是給球隊注入了點活力 吧。 "I'm getting a little fitter. When you come back from any injury you pick up little niggles but it's going well. And there's no hiding now, no games to run into it. I want to get back into the starting lineup, because when I left the team I was starting, so I won't feel my rehab is complete until I'm starting regularly again. The great moments are when you win games like this. I enjoyed it." His attitude? "Head down," he smiled, "battling away." " 我現在更健康了。當你傷癒付出的時候你總會聽到一兩句牢騷,不過事情總會好起來的 。現在不需要隱藏什麼,也沒有這種競爭。我希望能回到首發陣容中去,因為我離開的時 候我是首發的。所以除非再次進入固定的首發名單,我會覺得我的複出並不徹底。所謂偉 大的時刻,就是當你贏得像這樣重要的比賽。我很享受這樣的時刻。" 那他的態度是怎樣 的呢?"低調,"他微笑道,"繼續努力。" Suddenly, it was even possible to view Shevchenko through an altered lens. The striker, en route to his fourth European Cup semi-final in five years - the other three with Milan - had scored his second equaliser in as many rounds of the competition, his third goal in five Champions League matches. It is for that sort of return, in European company, that the Ukrainian was hired last July. "When you change team, change country, change football it takes four or five months," Shevchenko explained, "and you find it difficult. Now I feel much better, more confident on the pitch and more understanding of the other players." For which, it may be noted, he offered credit to Mourinho. "He builds the players up with belief. I think you could say he's a great manager, with a strong mentality who gives off character." 一下子,人們可能要從另一個角度重新認識舍瓦了。這位向自己5年內第4個的歐冠半決賽 (3次作為米蘭球員)進發的射手,本場比賽中打進了他的第二個扳平比分的進球,他在 5場歐冠比賽中的第3球。這是自去年7月加盟切爾西以來,烏克蘭人在歐洲賽場上的回歸。 "當你去到新的球隊,新的國度,接受新的足球理念,這通常需要4到5個月去適應。"舍瓦 解釋道。"而且你會發現這很艱難。現在我感覺好多了,在場上更自信了,能更好地理解 其他隊員了。"需要注意的是,他表達了對穆裏尼奧的贊許。"他用信心去塑造球員。可以 說他是一位偉大的教練,很有智慧,散發著個人魅力。" Yes, Shevchenko added, the Chelsea Quadruple was on. Cole was careful not to actually forecast four trophies. But he did offer a helpful idea for the kings of the comeback: "If we can just get the way we start games right . . ." 是的,舍瓦補充說,切爾西四冠王的夢想在繼續。小喬很小心地沒有確切預測球隊能拿到 四座獎盃。不過他的確給回歸中的王者們提出了很有幫助的想法:"如果我們開局再好一 些的話..." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
momo7426:其實小喬想說的是 想要開局好一點 就是要派我首發啦! XD 04/15 16:52
lowlydog:唉~但是這種獸人格鬥法在歐冠都是英超球隊下沒啥用... 04/15 17:03
chelseamiyu:推小喬首發XD 04/15 17:14
jftsai:衛視4月24延播,今晚沒法看球的人需要動用"延播條款"嗎? 04/15 20:24
jftsai:意思是板上標題不打比分 04/15 20:26
meja:網路會播吧? 04/15 20:37
jftsai:哈哈哈!我裝校為,網路衛視體育台和泰星66台會播 04/15 20:47
meja:那...就可以PO進球文囉 XD 04/15 20:52
dyce:其實不能po進球文的痛苦﹐我不介意多感受幾次(^^)╯ 04/15 23:00