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http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=461026 Mikel pays Jose tribute By Lewis Rutledge - Created on 15 Apr 2007 Chelsea midfielder John Obi Mikel has thanked Jose Mourinho for steering him onto the straight and narrow. The Nigerian teenager joined The Blues from Lyn Oslo last summer but struggled to make an impression in the first half of the season. His transfer came under scrutiny, he got red carded against Reading, and he was sent for a stint with the reserves after infuriating Mourinho with his casual attitude. However, Mikel has emerged as a key member of the Chelsea side in recent months and is determined to keep on repaying Mourinho for the faith he has shown in him. "I owe him everything. I don't want to talk about what happened before but he has been there for me for a long time since he came here," he said in the Daily Star Sunday. (我虧欠他很多,過去的不愉快我不想再提,但長久以來教練對我照顧有加。) "He gave me his word and coming into the team has made me very happy for him and myself." (我很高興他承諾協助我融入球隊,我也很高興我自己做到。) Mikel believes his time away from the first team helped to resurrect his career. (米克爾認為下放到預備隊有助於他重新出發。) "I was late for training and he said I wasn't being a good professional," he recalled. (教練告訴我遲到是非常不專業的行為。) "Because of what happened I had to go back and play for the reserves for a little while. (因為行為不良的原因所以我必須下放到預備隊ㄧ陣子。) "But I am really happy now. Everything is going very well." (但現階段一切都很順利,我很開心。) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mikel: We can win all four 米克爾:我們有實力當四冠王 新聞來源:http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=460580 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / chelfc John Obi Mikel is convinced Chelsea can finish the season by winning an unprecedented Quadruple. 米克爾相信切爾西會以前無古人的四冠王來結束本賽季。 The Blues have already collected the Carling Cup and have reduced the gap to Manchester United in the Premiership title race to three points. 藍軍已經把聯賽杯納入懷中,而且也將聯賽中與曼聯的積分差距縮小到了3分。 On Sunday, Chelsea meet Blackburn Rovers in the FA Cup semi-finals and later this month clash with Liverpool in the last four of the UEFA Champions League. 星期天,切爾西將在足總杯半決賽中對陣布萊克本,這個月底還將在歐冠四強中與利物浦 交手。 Mikel admits there is an unshakeable belief inside the Stamford Bridge dressing room that the club can end the campaign with four trophies. 米克爾證實在斯坦福橋的更衣室裏面有一種不可動搖的信念,認為俱樂部會奪取四個冠軍 獎盃而結束本賽季。 "We've already got one trophy in the Carling Cup and are on course for the other three," Mikel told The Sun. "我們已經在聯賽杯中奪取了一個冠軍,而且還在競爭另外三個"米克爾對太陽報說。 "It has never crossed our minds it is impossible. "我們從來沒有人為那是不可能的。" "Even when some write us off, we have faith in ourselves. We are fighting in these competitions and our target is still intact - to win them all." "甚至當一切報導認為我們不行了的時候,我們依然對自己有信心。我們在各個賽事中奮 戰,而我們的目標是完美--全部拿下。" Chelsea showed resilience to beat Valencia in the Champions League quarter-finals in midweek and Mikel expects the same attitude to prevail against Liverpool. 切爾西在周中淘汰瓦倫西亞的冠軍杯1/4決賽中展示了他們的韌勁,米克爾希望這種比賽 態度能再次擊敗利物浦。 The Nigerian added: "People were also writing us off before our trips to Barcelona and Porto, yet we came out on top. 尼日利亞人繼續說道:"在我們去巴賽隆納和波爾圖之前,都在報導我們將被淘汰,而現 在我們是最大熱門。" "We've been in this situation many times, but luckily we've the experience and strength to be able to do that and it has helped us on many occasions. "好多次我們都處在這種形勢,幸好我們有經驗和實力去做到那些,這在許多時候都幫助 了我們。" "We believe that, even though we are away in the second leg against Liverpool, we can still score goals. "我們堅信(打利物),甚至在第二回合客場對陣利物浦,我們都能取得進球。" "We have the belief we can get through no matter where we play. Our will to win is the key." "我們有信心不論在哪里打,我們都可以晉級。關鍵是我們有贏比賽的意志。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dyce:要好好加油喔(^^) 04/15 21:37
chelseamiyu:大推四冠王信念 04/15 21:40