精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65086&extra=page%3D1 http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1011336,00.html REACTION: JOSE PRAISE FOR PROPAGANDA GAME 賽後訪談:穆帥稱讚比賽的價值 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / cumtowen Jose Mourinho spent time prior to the semi-final insisting that English club football was the finest in the world. At Old Trafford on Sunday, the two teams played out 120 minutes he believes proved his case totally. 在周日老特拉福德舉行的足總杯半決賽之前,穆帥表示英格蘭聯賽的足球是世界上最好的 ,而這場120分鐘的比賽也佐證了他對英格蘭聯賽的評價。 The watching public had been treated to a match that see-sawed between Chelsea and Blackburn's grasp - Mourinho's men shaking up the pattern of recent weeks by playing their best football in the first-half and then losing control after the break. 切爾西和布萊克本給到場球迷獻上了一場你爭我奪的焦灼比賽--穆帥的球隊有些反常,並 不像最近幾周的表現那樣,他們在上半場踢的十分出色,但下半場卻沒能繼續控制比賽。 But with both sides having missed chances that will haunt the players responsible, it needed extra-time to find a winner - a muscle-sapping, lung-burning extra 30 minutes that had left the manager in awe of his team's effort. 不過雙方都錯失了一些進球的機會,而這也讓球員們為之付出了代價,他們不得不通過加 時賽決一雌雄--這30分鐘的加時對球員們來說如同經歷地獄一般,而這也讓主教練對球員 們的努力致以無比的敬意。 'I think there is not one Chelsea supporter who does not respect these players,' Mourinho decided as he looked back on the 2-1 win. 當穆帥回顧這場2:1的勝利時,他表示:"我想任何一位切爾西的球迷都會對這些球員充 滿尊敬。" 'In extra-time, we controlled the game well and the players are heroes. After Valencia which was an incredible 90 minutes, to play now this 120 minutes is superb. The boys are fantastic. "加時賽中,我們很好的控制了比賽,每個球員都是英雄。在經歷過瓦倫西亞那神奇的90分 鐘之後,這次120分鐘的比賽同樣精彩,小夥子們表現的真是太棒了。" 'This is a special group but this is also a special country. In many countries, after this game the players would need one week off. We play a game in three days we must win. In this country the competition is massive and the players become mentally very strong. "這是一個很特別的隊伍,而這個國家的賽程也很特別。在很多國家,一場比賽之後,球員 們會休息一個禮拜,而我們每3天就有一場比賽,而且還必須去獲勝。英格蘭聯賽裏的競爭 者其實是太多了,也正因為如此,球員們的精神力量才變得如此強大。" 'The players either die or they get better and I think almost all of them become better. "不管球員們在比賽中被淘汰還是晉級,我想他們都會變得越來越好。" 'This game was incredible propaganda for English football. To play this kind of game in mid-April is unbelievable. "這場比賽也為英格蘭足球起到了很好的宣傳作用,在4月份中期還可以打出這樣的比賽, 真是太不可思議了。" 'We are very happy because it is a Final we said from day one we wanted very much to be in,' he continued. 'No word can change the bad feeling for Blackburn of not being in the Final but at least they can say they gave us a real game.' "我們都很開心,因為我們進入了我們夢寐以求的決賽。"他還表示: "對於布萊克本的失 利,現在說什麼也無法讓他們變得開心,不過至少他們可以說他們給我們奉獻了一場真正 的足球比賽。" Indeed Rovers manager Mark Hughes did just that. 事實上,布萊克本的主帥馬克.休斯也的確做到了這一點。 'I think we ran an exceptional Chelsea side very close and I doubt whether they have had a game that hard this season,' said our 1997 FA Cup winning former striker. 這位曾在球員時代作為前鋒贏得1997年足總杯冠軍的主帥說: "我認為我們的表現與更為 出色的切爾西相比差不了到哪去,我甚至懷疑他們本賽季是否還會經歷象這場一樣艱難的 比賽了。" 'But it wasn't to be for us and I feel extra-time came too soon. We had such good momentum that with another 10 minutes, I felt we could win the game. And it was a great chance at the end for Pedersen. In that situation, he is normally the guy you want to be faced with a header in the middle of the goal.' " 但是比賽並不屬於我們,我覺得加時賽進行的太快了,我們的士氣正盛,再踢10分鐘我 們就可以贏得比賽。在結束前彼得森有一次絕好的機會,在那種情況下,你期望他做的就 是用頭把球頂進。" Mourinho, who went out of his way to praise referee Alan Wiley and his fellow officials ('If they made mistakes, they didn't make many'), pretty much agreed totally with his opposite number's reading of the game. 同時穆帥也一反常態,對本場主裁判艾倫-韋利以及其他幾位裁判進行了表揚("即使他 們有錯判,這種情況也不多"),他也很贊同對手對本場比賽的評價。 'When they scored their goal and I saw the game going towards the end, I was afraid,' the Chelsea boss admitted. 'If they score again the game was probably over and they had a chance to do it with Pedersen at the far post. When it was extra-time, I was not afraid because we had 30 minutes to play. 這位切爾西主帥承認:"當他們進球後,我看著比賽結束一步步的逼近,我有點擔心了。 如果他們再進一球,比賽估計就會結束了,彼得森在遠點有一次這樣的機會。當比賽進 入加時後,我不再擔心了,因為我們還有30分鐘的時間去努力。" 'I had told the players at half-time we don't need a difficult game but when we missed chances like we did to kill the game when Blackburn was not playing well, we have this kind of risk, especially against a team that has top people at set-pieces. The delivery is normally very good from Bentley and Pedersen.' "在中場休息時,我告訴球員們我們不需要一場艱苦的比賽,而當布萊克本表現不好,而 我們也錯失終結比賽的機會的時候,我們就有可能面臨這種風險,尤其是在與一支擁有 任意球高手的球隊交手。本特利和彼得森的表現歷來很出色。" Indeed it was a Morten Gamst Pedersen free-kick that led to Jason Roberts equalising Frank Lampard's opener. Fortunately, Ballack was on the ball late in the game to send Chelsea to a shiny new Wembley and possibly a trio of competition deciders against Man United. 事實也正是如此,在蘭帕德先進一球的情況下,正是彼得森的任意球幫助羅伯茨扳平比分 ,幸運的是,巴拉克最後的進球幫助切爾西進軍新的溫布利球場,同時也很有可能與曼聯 進行三項冠軍的最後爭奪。 Mourinho revealed that he and Roman Abramovich had congratulated each other in the Old Trafford corridors after the final whistle. He then added: 穆帥還透露說,在終場結束後,他與老闆阿布在老特拉福德的走廊上見面,並相互祝賀勝 利。他還表示: 'What Chelsea and Man United are doing this season is absolutely unbelievable and I will be happy if we have the chance to play these three games in a week. I just hope the game at Stamford Bridge is a final, not a game with no interest. "本賽季切爾西和曼聯的表現都十分出人意料,如果我們有機會在一周之內進行3場較量的 話,我也會很開心。我希望在斯坦福橋的比賽會是一場決賽,而不是一場無關緊要的比賽 。" 'I hope it is an all-English Champions League Final. English football deserves that and it will be the icing on the cake.' "我希望冠軍杯的決賽雙方都是英格蘭的球隊,這是英格蘭足球應得的,這會給英格蘭足 球錦上添花。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: