精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65085&extra=page%3D1 http://www.chelseafc.com/xxchelsea180706/index.html#/page/NewsHomePage/list_2209 Petr the great example 切赫樹立榜樣 Mon, 16th Apr 2007 翻譯:切爾西中文網 / fall_ark As the dust settled on a dramatic afternoon at Old Trafford, Jose Mourinho saved words for two of his victorious team - winning goalscorer Michael Ballack was one, but first came Petr Cech. 在老特拉福德的這個精彩下午決出了勝負之後,何塞·莫里尼奧稱讚了兩名他的球員--其 中包括打進制勝球的巴拉克,但最先提到的是切赫。 For many watching the FA Cup semi-final, the Chelsea goalkeeper was the clear Man-of-the-Match for a series of sharp reaction saves and towering catches as Blackburn exerted sustained pressure. 對許多觀看了這場足總杯半決賽的人們來說,切爾西門將是當之無愧的本場最佳,在布萊 克本持續地向對手施加壓力時,是他的高接低擋決定了比賽。 Mourinho joined the admirers. 莫里尼奧也表達了自己的欽佩讚揚之情。 'Petr Cech is more than special. That he is the best in the world I think everyone knows but to be the best in the world after that surgery is amazing. "即使用'特殊'也不足以用來形容切赫的優異,每個人都知道他是這世上最好的門將,但 能夠在經歷了那樣的手術之後仍然保持第一的水準實在讓人歎為觀止。" 'When we saw him after the surgery without hair and a big scar and then when we saw him with a helmet, there were a lot of question marks. Can he be the same? Is he afraid? Will he go in goal and think about what happened? "我們在手術後看到他剃去了的頭髮和額頭上的疤痕,以及在賽場上戴著的頭盔,人們不 禁要問,他還能恢復當初的神勇嗎?他會不會畏縮害怕?當他站在門線上時,會不會想起 那場噩夢?" 'And the guy goes to the goal and immediately becomes absolutely fantastic and I think this a big example for people, even for people who are not football players. "而他穩穩地站在門柱之間,很快就找到了顛峰的狀態--我認為他為我們、包括足球運動 員之外的所有人,都樹立起了一個榜樣。" 'People who have had big accidents and are maybe scared to go to normal life, this guy is an incredible example to everybody in this situation.' "對於那些在生活中遭遇了重大意外、可能因此終日惶惶無法回到正常生活中的人來說, 切赫的復出是一個完美的範例。" On Ballack, whose goal was his eighth of the season and his fourth winner, Mourinho said: 當談到攻入了個人本賽季第八個進球、同時也是第四個制勝球的巴拉克時,莫里尼奧說: 'He is a player loved by the manager and I think that gave him the confidence to carry on because he was feeling the manager was happy with his contribution. "他是一名我很喜歡的球員,我想他感受到了主教練對他表現的肯定,這也給了他繼續奮 鬥的信心。" 'His life was not easy at the beginning and I think only a guy with such experience, a real leader, could resist that pressure. "他初到後的經歷並不理想,我覺得只有像他這樣經驗豐富的領袖式球員才能承受得住如 此巨大的壓力。" 'This a goal for Chelsea history. If people remember a Di Matteo goal to win the Cup, a Zola goal to make the Final, this Ballack goal is also for the history of the club and I think the boy deserves that.' "這粒進球足以載入球隊的史冊,假如人們願意記住迪·馬特奧那枚贏下足總杯的進球、 記得左拉那枚把球隊送入決賽的進球,那麼巴拉克所進的這球也同樣值得銘記,我覺得他 配得上此等榮譽。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chelseamiyu:大推穆帥溫馨感言 04/16 22:01