精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65138&extra=page%3D1 http://home.skysports.com/football/ JT: Stalled talks not an issue JT:中止的談判不算什麼 By Graeme Bailey - Created on 16 Apr 2007 翻譯:切爾西中文網 / 末日重現 ---------------------------------- John Terry has reiterated his desire to stay at Chelsea for life, despite the fact talks over a new contract have stalled. 儘管新合同的談判擱淺了,但是JT反復的表示了他對於留在切爾西的渴望。 The England and Blues skipper has revealed that talks have indeed broken down - but he insists that is normal and that he does not see a problem in prolonging his stay at Stamford Bridge. 這位英格蘭和藍軍的隊長透露說談判的確中止了--但是他堅持說這是很正常的,他也不覺 得這會對他留在斯坦福橋產生什麼影響。 "I am in negotiations with the club at the moment," he told Sky Sports News. "現在我正在和俱樂部協商,"他告訴《天空體育》。 "The contract is being talked about and they have broken down, like they have many times, it is still widely open. "我們已經談論過合同了,可惜就像之前的許多次一樣,談判擱淺了,但是機會還是很多 的。" "I have two years on my current deal and I am sure things will be sorted, I am Chelsea, through and through - I want to stay for life, I love the club, love the players, love the manager, Roman - and I want everyone around me when I do stay." "我現在的合同還有兩年才到期,我保證一切都會有所著落的,無論如何,我是切爾西人 --我希望在這裏生活,我熱愛這個俱樂部,我熱愛我的隊友們,我熱愛我的老闆,阿布-- 當我留下來時,我也希望所有人都沒有離開。" Terry added that he feels Jose Mourinho and close-friend Frank Lampard should also be handed new deals. 特裏補充說,他覺得穆裏尼奧和他的好友蘭帕德都會得到一份新合同。 "I've made it clear, Frank has and the manager has, that we all want to stay," he said. "我想澄清一下,無論是弗蘭克還是教練,我們都想留下來,"他說。 "We are a tight-knit family and we want to keep it that way for many years. "我們是親密無間的大家庭,我們希望長久的在一起。" "If we can keep Frank and the manager, we can achieve great things at Chelsea over the years." "如果我們能留住弗蘭克和教練,我們就能年復一年的創造輝煌。" Terry also admitted the club have been boosted by the news that owner Roman Abramovich and manager Jose Mourinho appear to be getting on better. "特裏同時承認,老闆阿布拉莫維奇和教練穆裏尼奧關係的和解,使得俱樂部的士氣大大 提升。" Talk of a rift between Abramovich and Mourinho has dogged Chelsea's season - but still the Premiership champions have maintained their form. 關於阿布與穆裏尼奧不和的消息貫穿了切爾西整個賽季--但是即使是這樣,這支冠軍球隊 仍然保持著戰鬥力(沒有被打垮)。 They are still in with a chance of completing a remarkable quadruple having come through Sunday's FA Cup semi-final with Blackburn. 周日足總杯半決賽戰勝了布萊克本後,切爾西仍然在繼續著令人瞠目的四線作戰。 After the Blackburn win, Abramovich and Mourinho embraced - which Terry feels is 'great' for everyone at Chelsea. 而在戰勝布萊克本後,阿布與穆裏尼奧擁抱了在一起--特裏覺得這對於每一個切爾西人來 說,感覺都"很棒"。 "It is great for the players to see pictures of that in the paper today, nothing better and that should give us an extra boost and it is fantastic to see," he continued. "隊員們能在今天的報紙上看到這幅圖片,真的是很棒,沒有比這更好的了,這也大大提 升了我們的士氣,看到這個場景簡直太美妙了,"特裏接著說道。 "As a group of players all we can do is perform well on the pitch and now hopefully the results can settle things outside. "作為一個團隊,我們球員能做到的只能是在球場上兢兢業業,並且希望這些努力能帶來 好 的結果。" "He [Mourinho] has been such a big part of it, he is the best manager in the world for me and certainly a lot of other players. "他(穆裏尼奧)是如此的重要,無論是對於我還是許多其他球員來說,他是世界上最好 的教練。" "He has come in and brought us players on leaps and bounds, and certainly any other player will tell you that from Chelsea. "他來到了球隊,帶領我們快速的進步,當然你一定也在球隊的其他人那裏聽到過相同的 話了。" "It is about the players, the manager, the backroom staff, it is like a family club at Chelsea, all fighting and pushing in the right direction." "所有的球員,教練,以及幕後成員,都像一個大家庭,所有人都在向著正確的方向努力 奮鬥。" Terry also feels Abramovich's continued presence is equally important to Chelsea. 特裏還覺得,阿布連續幾場出席觀看他們的比賽,對於他們來說也是十分重要的。 "With Roman in charge as well with what he has brought over the years he is phenomenal and with him, the manager in charge and the group of players that we have got, who knows what we can achieve in the next few years," he added. 特裏補充說:"阿布,以及他所帶來的理念,掌管著球隊,他是非同尋常的人。只有他支 持,教練才能更好的管理好我們現在這支球隊,而我們也就知道在將來的幾年中我們能 創造怎樣的輝煌。" http://sports.sina.com.cn/z/pl0607_34/photo/42097/index.shtml 特里改行 XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
selinachen:很老套但也很中肯的一句話:家和萬事興。 :) 04/17 11:52
※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (04/17 14:38)
jeanswiss:蔣公、小蘭和鳥叔算是綁到一塊了 04/17 15:25
chelseamiyu:簽了它!蔣公你快簽了它! 04/17 19:51