精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65117&extra=page%3D1 Look at it this way - Epic reaching climax 另類視角——傳奇篇章邁向高潮 Mon, 16th Apr 2007 新聞來源:http://www.chelseafc.com/xxchelsea180706/index.html#/page/Homepage/article_1011482 新聞翻譯:fall_ark 版權聲明:切爾西中文網 http://www.chelseafc.net.cn/ Neil Barnett has been writing, editing and broadcasting for Chelsea for over 20 years. 尼爾·巴尼特已經為切爾西擔任寫作、編輯和解說工作超過20年。 We know no club has ever won the Quadruple, but don't forget that no club has ever won the Domestic Treble. 很多人知道還從沒有一支俱樂部能夠成為四冠王,但請不要忘記,也不曾有一支球隊可以 達成過(英國的)本土三冠王。 The Premiership, FA Cup and League Cup have never been lifted by one club in the same season. Chelsea in mid-April still has a chance to rule England like no other club in history. 從沒有一支球隊能在同一個賽季中先后舉起聯賽、足總杯和聯賽杯的冠軍獎杯,而在四月 中旬切爾西仍保持著這前無古人的君臨英格蘭的可能。 Yesterday's extra-time win over Blackburn came at the end of a week when Chelsea had travelled to Valencia to play and win a Champions League quarter- final in the last minute, while Blackburn had enjoyed a free week of training. 昨晚在加時賽中淘汰布萊克本的比賽,踩在這樣一個星期的尾巴上:切爾西在周中飛往瓦 倫西亞參加冠軍聯賽的四分之一決賽並在最后一分鐘戰勝對手,而布萊克本則安然度過了 一周的訓練。 Victory added another game to our schedule, the FA Cup Final, and we will now contest at least 64 games this season. Previously, the highest number we had played in a season was 61, in 1999/2000 when the Champions League had two Group stages and we reached and won the FA Cup Final. 這場勝利使我們的賽程表上又多了一項:足總杯決賽,也使得我們這個賽季所參加的比賽 數量達到了至少64場。從前我們一個賽季中最多只打過61場比賽,那是在1999/2000賽季, 當時歐冠還有兩次小組賽,我們還拿下了足總杯的冠軍。 That, of course, was the last FA Cup Final at Wembley, and we will now contest the first one back there. The last major game at Wembley was England's 1-0 World Cup qualifying defeat to Germany. Michael Ballack played in that, so he should appear in the last and first major games at old and new Wembley. 而那——沒錯——正是在舊溫布利體育場所舉行的最后一場足總杯決賽,現在我們又將在 新溫布利的第一場足總杯決賽中亮相。在溫布利舉行的最后一場重要比賽是世界杯外圍賽 中英格蘭0-1負於德國隊,巴拉克在那場比賽中上場,因此,他很有可能在新溫布利的第 一場重要比賽中也登場競技。 Frank Lampard not only scored his 21st goal of the season yesterday, but his 60th in the last three seasons. The only two Premiership players to have bettered this for their clubs are Thierry Henry (30, 33 and 12: total 75) and Didier Drogba (16, 16 and 30: total 62). 弗蘭克·蘭帕德在昨晚打進了他個人本賽季的第21枚入球,這也是他近三個賽季以來的60 個進球——自英超開始以來只有兩名球員曾在三年里為球隊打進過更多的進球,他們是亨 利(30+33+12=75球)和德羅巴(16+16+30=62球) It seems crazy to have to remind ourselves, but the other two are, of course, centre-forwards. Frank is a central midfielder. 這簡直有點不可思議——我們不得不提醒自己,這兩名球員都是前鋒,而我們的小蘭則是 一名中場戰將。 He also moved alongside Gianfranco Zola on 11 FA Cup goals for us, fourth equal in Chelsea's all time list behind Bobby Tambling, Roy Bentley and Peter Osgood. 他也憑借此球和佐拉並列以11粒足總杯入球排在球隊在這項賽事中射手榜的第四名,前三 名是博比·塔布林、羅伊·本特利和彼得·奧斯古德。 Lampard and Drogba have already played in over 50 Chelsea games this season. Salomon Kalou is set to achieve that milestone at West Ham on Wednesday. Many more players are in a queue behind. 蘭帕德和德羅巴本賽季已經為俱樂部出場超過50次了,假如卡勞在週三對西漢姆的比賽中 出場,他也將出場滿50次,還有許多球員也同樣有達成這一目標的可能。 As fitness coach Rui Faria left Old Trafford yesterday, he responded to a question about the fitness of Chelsea's players by pointing to his head. 'It is all in here,' he smiled. 當體能教練路易·法里亞昨天離開老特拉福德球場時,面對關於切爾西球員體能狀態的提 問,他微笑著指了指自己的腦袋:“一切奧妙,盡在此中。” Jose Mourinho has always said that psychological fitness is more important than physical fitness because you can't attain the latter without the former. 何塞·穆里尼奧一貫都強調,“精神能量”遠比“身體能量”來得重要,因為沒有精神上 的強健,就不可能達到身體上的強健。 There is no doubt about the psychological fitness of Chelsea's players. And it is improving. 切爾西球員們精神的強健可說毋庸置疑,而這種能量仍然在積蓄和成長。 Take Shaun Wright-Phillips. He was so unable to affect games when coming on as a substitute until recently. Yet, once again, here he was yesterday starting a move in his own half, getting on the end of it to reach the by-line, and pulling the ball back for what eventually became Michael Ballack's winner. 以肖恩·萊特-菲利浦斯為例吧,直到最近,他還都不能在那些僅有的替補出場時間中對比 賽造成任何重大的影響——而在昨晚的比賽中,他再一次延續了近來的狀態,在己方半場 策動進攻、在對方半場接球帶至底線、把球回敲,最終讓巴拉克打進了制勝的一球。 His transformation, particularly being used on the right of the midfield diamond, has been massive. 他的變化,尤其是當被安排在中場菱形站位右翼時的表現,不可謂不巨大。 Trying him there was, perhaps, more understandable than trying the 'Zidane' style Mikel as the holding midfield player. But something made Mourinho do that, and Mikel's transformation has been the second most unbelievable story of 2007. 將小萊特安排在那個位置,應該說,比起安排“齊達內式”球員的米克爾去打馬克萊萊位 置,要容易理解得多。穆里尼奧卻正是做出了這樣一個看似難以理解的決定,而米克爾狀 態的大幅提昇,足可稱為是2007年中第二不可思議的傳奇。 He will not be 20 years old until this coming Sunday. It could be argued he is doing enough - especially if we win further trophies this season - to launch himself into out 'Best Teenagers Of All Time' debate, nestling under Greaves, Bonetti, Harris, Osgood, Hollins, Hudson and Wilkins. 他要到本週日才剛剛年滿20歲,他的表現——尤其是假如我們能在這個賽季贏得更多榮譽的 話——已完全可以躋身於球隊“史上最佳年輕球員”的行列,與格里弗斯、博內蒂、哈里 斯、奧斯古德、霍林斯、哈德森和威爾金斯並列,成為球迷們爭論的主題了。 The most unbelievable story of 2007 has, of course, been the return of Petr Cech from his fractured skull. After another extraordinary performance yesterday, chelseafc.com's very own Paul Mason turned round and asked: never mind best goalkeeper in the world, what about the best goalkeeper of all time? 而2007年最不可思議的傳奇則——很顯然——是從頭骨骨折中復出的彼得·切赫。在昨晚 又一次精彩非凡的表現之后,球隊官網的保羅·梅森轉過頭來說道:“我們別在爭論他是 不是世上最佳門將了,直接討論他是不是有史以來最佳門將如何?” He is 24 years old and has over 50 caps. He has been an international for five years. He could be the first player to win 200 caps. 切赫才24歲,卻已有超過50場國家隊比賽經曆,他成為國家隊成員至今五年,完全有可能 成為史上第一個達到200場國家隊出場的球員。 But to keep this Chelsea book of 2006/07 rolling, there is no possibility of bathing in the temporary glory of another Cup Final being reached. Mourinho started his post-match Chelsea TV interview with me yesterday by saying: 'The most important thing now is to win at West Ham on Wednesday.' He was already plotting. 而切爾西06/07賽季之書的翻動是如此迅速,我們沒有一點點時間來為進入本年度第二項賽 事的決賽沾沾自喜了,昨晚的賽后穆里尼奧面對我的採訪第一句話就是:“現在最重要的 事是贏下週三在西漢姆的比賽。”——他的引擎已然開動。 That will be Game 56 of the season for us. It will be Game 39 for them. They played 90 minutes on Saturday after a free midweek. We played 120 minutes on Sunday after the midweek game in Spain. Who do you think will look the fitter? 那將會是我們本賽季的第56場比賽,而僅是西漢姆的第39場,他們周中無比賽、在週六踢 了九十分鐘,而我們在周中往返西班牙、在週日打滿120分鐘,你認為在下一場比賽里哪支 球隊會表現得更精神呢? The team flew home as quickly as possible after last night's victory. That wasn't, however, as quick as they would have liked. Ashley Cole and Lampard were randomly selected for drug tests at the end of the match and despite drinking copiously neither could provide a sample for ages. Lampard was feeling under the weather as he had suffered a bad night with some sickness. 球隊在昨晚的勝利之后以最快的速度飛還倫敦,但仍比他們所預計的要晚了不少——阿什 利·科爾和蘭帕德被抽中在賽后進行葯檢,而兩人雖然大量飲水卻都花了許久時間才完成 提供樣本的“工作”。蘭帕德前晚有些小病以至沒有睡好,昨天他仍然感覺不太舒服。 They arrived at Gatwick soon after 11pm, and train today at 11am. 他們在昨晚11點后不久到達蓋特維克機場,將在今天11點開始訓練。 -- -- 莫里尼奧:沒想到美國的這個新藥這麼厲害      看來切爾西隊稱霸世界只是早晚的問題 藍帕德:(針) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: