精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2058925,00.html Ballack has double vision Dominic Fifield Tuesday April 17, 2007 Scoring the winning goal in the FA Cup semi-final against Blackburn looks like completing an unusual double for Michael Ballack as, having played at the old Wembley Stadium in the Germany side who toppled England in the last game played there, he is likely to be in the Chelsea team who head to north London for the first competitive match at the new arena. "For the history it's good for me," the Chelsea midfielder said. "I played in the last game at Wembley for Germany when we won and now I can play in the first final at the new Wembley. I hope we can win the game like I did before with Germany. "That would be fantastic and make it very special for me. I was happy to score the winning goal against Blackburn and I think I can score some more. I like to score important goals. I'm happy for the team and for the fans and it will be great to play in the final. Everybody wants to play at Wembley and I know how special it is." Joe Cole is another who is absolutely delighted about the prospect of playing his first game at the new national stadium, even though he is likely to finish his career with many more matches there for his country. "It means everything to be going to Wembley as a young English player. To get the chance to play against Man United at Wembley is what dreams are made of," he said. "We're very happy but we've got to focus on our next game now which is only two days away. We've got some big games with Man United coming up, but we're not looking that far ahead. We're only thinking about West Ham [tomorrow] and we've got them to play before then." And Cole is supremely confident of the outcome on May 19. "For me this is the best side I've played in and we have some great players. I'm just delighted to be back playing and delighted to get 90 minutes because I didn't think I would. I'm happy with that. I think there is a lot of character in this side and a lot of big players. "We've been together for three years and that builds up the character of the side. We don't know when we're beaten. There are still games to play this season and we've just got to keep going. " We've got West Ham and we want to get another good result. It's been a tough old season for me. I'm delighted to have played. I'm getting fitter every day and it was five months since my last start. I'm getting fitter and stronger all the time." ~~~~ 這篇關鍵字就是 HAPPY ! ~~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (04/18 09:54)
jftsai:小喬要把前面休息的在這個緊張的階段全部都贖回來 XD 04/18 09:55
Santos:光看標題以為巴拉克有散光 XD 04/18 10:47
alixia:以為巴拉克有散光 +1 04/18 12:46
NiniC:double vision不是雙瞳嗎    我還翻了一下我的DVD 04/18 15:44
nancyshen:芭樂有近視是真的 04/18 18:38
heavygauge:球員可以戴近視眼鏡上場嗎 我只看過davids戴眼鏡 04/18 18:43
dyce:聽說芭樂都是戴隱形﹐有專家建議他戴戴維斯這樣的﹐ 04/18 19:47
dyce:被臭美的他一口拒絕這樣 XD 04/18 19:47
lowlydog:我也都是戴日拋的隱形眼鏡上場~ 04/18 19:54