精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65166&extra=page%3D1 派特.內文專欄 -- 觀賞遲來的絕殺演出(官網) PAT NEVIN: WATCHING THE LATE SHOW 來源:切爾西官網 翻譯:切爾西中文網 / dav 日期:2007年04月17日 Is there a secret to winning games late on? No, just good, solid football reasons says Pat, a veteran of 242 Chelsea appearances and more recently our Tuesday columnist. 到底在賽事的末段致勝有沒有什麼秘訣?一位曾經為切爾西上陣242次的退役球員,現在 成為了我們的週二專欄作家 -- 派特 -- 告訴你:"沒有秘訣,理由只有優秀和牢固的足 球。" There is very little doubt that we are smack bang in the middle of the most exciting time in the history of Chelsea Football Club. 無疑我們正在邁向切爾西足球俱樂部史上最令人興奮的時刻的途中。 Right now the almost mythical quadruple is still a distinct possibility, though to be honest it is still an outside chance considering the rigours and pressures of the schedule over the next month or two. 目前我們仍有可能像神話般當上四冠王,雖然老實說要達成這個神話的機會是微乎其微的 ,特別考慮到接著一兩個月的賽程是如何的嚴苛和具壓迫力。 Sunday at Old Trafford was yet another glorious and torturously small step towards that incredible goal. Torturous because yet again, it was an extremely tense occasion and yet again we finally won with another late late goal from one of our world class performers. 周日在老特拉福德的比賽是另一次朝著不可思議的輝煌目標但又折磨人的小步伐前進。 受折磨是因為這場比賽又再度非常緊張,而我們亦再一次憑著我們其中一個世界級高手 在比賽打進一記很遲很遲的入球來取得最終的勝利。 Many have gone on about the fact that Chelsea might be just a little bit lucky with the fact that we so regularly get these winners at the death, but in reality a lot of the time it is not down to luck. It is amazing when you look down the years and see just how many teams grind out championships by grinding out tight results on a regular basis. 或者有很多人會看事實來說話,認為切爾西可能只是有一點點運氣才得以經常性取得這種 絕殺入球,但實際上很多時候不完全是靠運氣。回顧多年以來,你會驚訝地發現有那麼多 的球隊就是常常單調地取得緊湊的勝仗,而最終亦藉此地贏得了冠軍。 Liverpool were the masters for years, and Everton in their last championship year appeared to win 1-0 every other week, regularly having very few chances but taking the important ones. It was usually down to their defence, with two top class centre backs and a world class goalkeeper, rarely being breached - remind you of anyone? 利物浦就是多年來的佼佼者,另外還有上一次在歐洲賽出現的那支埃弗頓 -- 看似每隔一 周就會以1-0贏球,經常缺乏機會但卻把握住最重要的。通常這種表現(單調而緊湊的勝 利)都全靠他們的防守:兩個頂級的中衛加上一個極少被破關的世界級門將 -- 能令你想 起任何人嗎?(遠在天邊,近在…斯坦福橋) It isn't luck; there are good technical reasons. Very good sides with top players are always there to be shot at and others raise their game for the occasion. They go at it from the first whistle using all their energy to close down every inch of space. This extraordinary effort cannot be kept up for 90 minutes, no matter how fit they are, it must dip near the end and space opens up with the tiredness. 這並不是運氣,而是有很充分的技術性原因的。一支擁有頂級球員的出色球隊總是會成為 全民公敵,而令對手份外賣力。對方從開場一刻起便拚盡全力去壓迫球場上的每一分每一 吋。不論他們有多強的身體素質,這份格外的精力並不能維持90分鐘,必然會在接近終場 時下滑,然後空間亦會隨著疲累而打開。 When that happens, top players make use of that space. That is why our boys who are technically, skilfully and (crucially) mentally better make chances and score goals so regularly from 80 minutes onwards. 一旦出現這種缺口,頂尖球員就會好好利用這些空位。這就解釋了為何切爾西球員不論在 技術上、熟練度上和最重要的精神上也比對手優勝,能夠那麼經常地在80分鐘後製造機會 從而取得進球了。 Michael Ballack's winner against Blackburn Rovers occurred when that space opened up in the opposition penalty area. Other players might have lashed at it in panic, tensing up with the importance of the moment. The German was calm, casually passing the ball into the net. Occasion, the moment, or even the incredible form of the opposition keeper didn't faze him on the day. It could be summed up in one word, class. 邁克爾.巴拉克對陣布萊克本流浪時的致勝入球就是當對方禁區的空位打開了以後所發生 的。換著是其他球員的話,可能已經被這個重要關頭搞的緊張不堪,然後便驚慌地胡亂起 腳射門了。但這個德國人卻很鎮靜,如常地把皮球送進網窩裏。偉大的場面、重要的時刻 、以及對方門將的驚人表現,這一切都困擾不了他。這種表現只有兩個字形容 -- 一流。 Sir Alex Ferguson was looking on while Chelsea set up the second of what could be still be three enthralling fixtures against his men and he must have cursed to himself at the spirit on view. It is a spirit that his teams of old were just as famous for; remember the two late goals to win the European Cup in 1999. 當切爾西建立起有可能與曼聯引人入勝地三度碰頭的賽程的第二場時,弗格森爵士亦有 在場觀看,而且他看到切爾西所展示出的不屈不撓精神後必定有暗自咒?。然而他過往 所帶領的一支球隊亦曾經以這種精神而聞名 -- 在99年以兩個遲來的進球奪得了歐聯冠 軍。 Before all that there is West Ham United on Wednesday at Upton Park. I believe away games will decide the destiny of the Championship this season. 在這所有的大戰前我們先要在週三於厄普頓公園對陣西漢姆聯。我相信今季英超冠軍的命 運將會取決於作客比賽之上。 Teams who grind out results, tend to be able to get these points away from home, but for some reason the more open sides such as United are slightly more prone to slip up. Remember in United's last three away games they lost at Portsmouth and Roma, and drew with MiddleSuper Boyrough in the FA Cup. 能夠奮力爭取勝利的球隊比較傾向有能力在客場取得三分,而在某種原因下,好像曼聯一 樣隊形比較散開的球隊就稍為較易於出錯。別忘記曼聯在近三場的作客比賽中他們先後不 敵朴茨茅斯和羅馬,還有在足總杯中與米德爾斯堡打成平手。 The usual performance from the Blues should however deliver the points on Wednesday, even if the Hammers are fighting for their Premiership lives. They will have to attack Chelsea, because they need a win, and we all know just how good Chelsea are at breaking in these situations. 即使錘頭幫正為留在英超而拼命,不過只要藍軍在週三有正常的演出便應該可以全取三分 。正因錘頭幫需要一場勝仗,他們將會需要對切爾西作出攻擊,而大家都知道切爾西是如 何地擅於在這種狀況中乘虛而入的。 United have some very difficult away games before the end of the season and if they do win these games, they should take the title, but it is a very big if. A derby against Manchester City, a trip to Europe chasing Everton and of course the little matter of us at the Bridge. 曼聯在球季結束前有些非常困難的作客賽事,假如他們真的贏了這些比賽的話,他們理應 獲得英超冠軍,但這卻是個非常大的假設。這些難以應付的比賽包括了對陣曼城的德比戰 、作客為參加歐洲賽而努力的埃弗頓,當然還有在斯坦福橋和我們對陣的決勝戰。 The late winning goals that we have enjoyed have another important source of course and that is the judicious use of substitutes. Ballack's semi final winner came from good play from the fresh legs of Kalou and Wright- Phillips. Jose has ever been afraid of making bold substitutions and taking Sheva off, while Didier was hobbling, was a risk, but as usual it paid off. 我們所體驗到的這些絕殺入球亦有另一個重要的來源,就是精明地運用替補球員的力量。 巴拉克在半決賽的致勝球正是由體力充沛的卡勞和賴特.菲力浦斯的美妙配合而製造出來 的。何塞從來都不怕作出大膽的換人調動,當迪迪爾蹣跚而行時他卻把舍瓦換下來就是一 個冒險的舉動,但卻如常地獲得了回報。 It will be tight again at Upton Park; it always felt like the smallest playing surface in the league partially because of the proximity of the fans and the suffocating intensity in the stadium. Joe Cole's ability to perform in the tight areas will be vital, but as I have said already some space will develop at the end, so do not be surprised if it is yet another heart pounding late, late show against our London rivals. 在厄普頓公園比賽的將會是又一場緊湊的賽事,而這個球場總是令人覺得是聯賽中擁有最 少球場面積的,一部份是因為貼近球場的球迷席,另一部份就是球場中令人窒息的群情洶 湧氣氛。喬.科爾能夠在緊密區域表現的能力將會是極其重要的,不過正如我所講一些空 位會在末段顯現出來,所以別感到意外!或者這次對陣我們的倫敦對手又會是另一場令人 心跳加速而且很遲、很遲才到來的絕殺演出。 Last week I asked which ex Chelsea player scored a couple against Chelsea in a cup semi final at Stamford Bridge and then was attacked by a so-called fan. It was of course, Clive Walker, then of Sunderland, in the League Cup in 1984/5. Karen Fletcher, a Blues exile in New Jersey USA answered correctly and will receive the prize. 上周我問大家那一位前度切爾西球員曾經在一個杯賽半決賽中,於斯坦福橋對陣切爾西時 打進了兩粒,然後被一名所謂球迷的人襲擊。當然答案就是--克裏夫.沃克爾--在84/85 那一年的聯賽杯上為桑德蘭上陣。一位來自美國新澤西州的藍軍球迷Karen Fletcher正確 地回答了問題,將會獲得一份獎品。 With West Ham coming up I was tempted to ask which fairly average Chelsea player helped destroy West Hams hopes of winning the title in 1986 with a towering header to make it 2-1? But instead with an appearance at the new Wembley to look forward to, I would like to know who was the last current Chelsea player to play in a competitive match at the old Wembley stadium. 快將對陣西漢姆原本促使我問大家哪一位相當有水準的切爾西球員,在1986年以一記鶴 立雞群的頭球打成2-1的比分,並粉碎了西漢姆奪冠的希望?不過取而代之,乘著期待在 新的溫布利裏作賽,我有興趣知道現今的切爾西球員中,哪一位是最後在舊溫布利球場參 加正式比賽的? Answers as ever to [email protected] to win a DVD of Chelsea's most recent cup final win - the Carling Cup Final back in February. 一如既往把答案發到[email protected]以贏取一張切爾西最近的決賽勝利 -- 二 月的聯賽杯決賽 -- 的DVD。 ~~~~ DAV 真是辛苦!!! ~~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
DemonRing:就賽程而言,也許能在倒數第二輪絕殺曼聯。 04/18 12:42
DemonRing:充滿「絕殺」的一年。 04/18 12:42
wei7515:接下來賽程就是要見隊殺隊,見佛殺佛了... 04/18 13:25
wei7515:偷偷問一下剛剛好像有selinachen的心得, 04/18 13:26
wei7515:怎麼老人家一恍神就不見了 囧 04/18 13:26
alixia:對啊! 怎麼去看個 VA 屠殺報導回來就不見了... 04/18 13:36
jftsai:是喔! 可能還有很多話要講吧,大家等著. XD 04/18 13:45
selinachen:噗 我是要修文章卻按到delect... >_< 04/18 14:14
selinachen: delete 04/18 14:15
alixia:啊.. 那就......... 再寫一篇吧! 04/18 14:19
jftsai:你再寫一篇,我另外再給你稿費. 04/18 14:31
selinachen:晚上等球賽的時候再補回來 T_T 04/18 17:54