精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65219&extra=page%3D1 GILES SMITH'S MIDWEEK VIEW 吉爾斯.史密斯的周中觀點 來源:切爾西官網 翻譯:dav 版權:切爾西中文網 –– 球迷論壇(http://bbs.qieerxi.com/) 日期:2007年04月18日 在那之前 先看看前英格蘭邊鋒Chris Waddle的言論,Chris Waddle曾在新堡,熱刺等 球會效力過 Man Utd must pip Chelsea - Waddle 曼聯一定要贏切爾西——沃德爾 Ferguson has won trophies the hard way - by entertaining 福格森贏得比賽走的是艱難的那條路——通過娛樂的方式 Chris Waddle Former England winger Chris Waddle hopes Manchester United beat Chelsea to the major trophies this season "for the good of football". 前英格蘭邊鋒沃德爾希望本賽季曼聯可以在重要賽事中贏過切爾西,因為這“對足球有好 處”。 The teams meet in the Premiership and FA Cup final next month and could also contest the Champions League final. 兩個隊下個月會在聯賽和足總杯決賽相遇,也有可能在冠軍聯賽決賽中相遇。 "For the good of football you need entertainers to succeed," Waddle, who won 62 England caps, told BBC Sport. “為了對足球有利,你需要有娛樂性的那個隊伍獲得勝利。”沃德爾,62次代表英格蘭國 家隊比賽,對bbc體育說。 "I think it would be better for the game if United won the trophies because of the way they've played this season." “我想從曼聯踢比賽的方式來說,如果曼聯獲勝,對這項運動來說會比較好。” Waddle added: "People obviously take notice if you're winning things. If C helsea win three or four trophies, people will think that's the way to play. “如果你一直贏,就會引起人們的注意。如果切爾西贏了3冠或者4冠,那人們就會覺得足 球就是像切爾西這樣踢的。” "Chelsea are a no-risk team and I don't get out of my seat watching them. “切爾西是個沒有冒險精神的球隊,看他們比賽的時候我都不會從自己的坐位上站起來。 ” "In contrast, watching United encourages young kids to dribble and to entertain. Our country is desperately short of this type of player." “相比來說,看曼聯的比賽會鼓勵年輕隊員去做動作,去娛樂大家。我們國家現在岌缺這 種類型的隊員。” Waddle also believes Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho cannot be classed as a "truly great manager" because of the football his side play. 沃德爾也相信,就切爾西的打法來說,他們教練穆里尼奧不應該被定級為“一個真正偉大 的教練”。 "He doesn't like flair, he likes machines," said Waddle. "Fitness, strength and organisation are the key things for Mourinho. “他不喜歡技巧,他喜歡機器。對穆里尼奧來說,足球的關鍵在於適應性,力氣和組織。” "A lot of people will say this means he can't be classed a great manager, even though he has been tremendously successful and has achieved a great deal. “很多人都會說這意味著他不能被稱為一個偉大的教練,即使他已經如此的成功,取得了 這麼大的成績。” "Of course, he can turn round and put two fingers up and say 'I've won the trophies'. “當然,他可以伸出兩個手指說我已經贏得了獎杯。” "But it's a lot easier to stop teams entertaining than to play entertaining football. “但是,去阻止別的球隊的娛樂性打法同自己去踢娛樂性足球比起來,要容易的多。” "This is why Manchester United's Alex Ferguson and Arsenal's Arsene Wenger are great, great managers. They've won trophies the hard way - by entertaining. “這就是為什麼曼聯的福格森和阿森那的溫革是偉大偉大的教練。因為他們選擇艱難的那 條路去贏的比賽——通過踢娛樂性足球。” "Ferguson has always entertained, mainly by playing two wide men who can produce magic. “福格森一直是這樣做的,主要通過使用兩個有創造力的邊前衛。” "Think of Lee Sharpe, Andrei Kanchelskis, Ryan Giggs and Cristiano Ronaldo - they're unpredictable players who the fans love to watch. “想想Lee Sharpe, Andrei Kanchelskis, 及格斯and C 羅,他們都是讓人無法預知的隊 員,是球迷願意看的人。 ” "Ferguson and Wenger have got the philosophy right and won trophies with entertaining football." “福格森和溫革的理念是對的,用娛樂足球來贏得獎杯。” Waddle says Mourinho should have produced more entertaining football because of the millions given to him by Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich. 沃德爾認為,穆里尼奧應該打造娛樂足球,因為他的老板阿布給了他大量的資金。 "The majority of teams in the lower leagues play a percentage game," stated Waddle."They succeed by being well-organised, playing at a high tempo and getting the ball forward quickly。“ “低級別聯賽中的大部分隊伍踢實用行足球,他們是通過好的組織,加快速度,把球快速 往前踢來贏球的。” "You can understand that because they don't have the resources to buy people like Cristiano Ronaldo. Players of that quality are hard to find. “這一點我們可以理解,因為他們沒有足夠的資源去買像c羅這樣的隊員。這樣質素的隊員 是很難找的。” "For the money and resources Chelsea have had, I think they should entertain more. ”就切爾西擁有的資源和金錢來說,我想他們該踢的更娛樂些才對“ "Mourinho can turn round and say 'I've got Arjen Robben, Shaun Wright-Phillips and Salomon Kalou' but he takes them off all the time. ”穆里尼奧可以說”我有羅本,小賴特和卡勞“,但是比賽中他總是把他們拿下。“ "He doesn't seem to want that type of player. If Robben was playing for Arsenal or Manchester United he would be unbelievable. He would be in the same class as Ronaldo by now. ”看起來他不想要那種類型的球員。如果羅本給阿森那或者曼聯踢球,那他現在一定是讓 人難以置信的好。現在已經是和c羅一個級別的球員了。“ "He needs a run of 10 games and to be told 'go out and enjoy it'. It's a confidence thing. Under Mourinho, if Robben loses the ball once or twice, he knows he's coming off." ”他只需要連續10場比賽,而且告訴他”去場上享受足球吧“。這是信心的事。在穆里尼 奧手下,如果羅本丟了一兩次球,他就知道自己快被換下去了。“ There has been widespread speculation that Mourinho could leave Stamford Bridge at the end of the season - largely because the rumours suggest Abramovich wants to see "champagne football" played by his team. 一直有傳言說穆里尼奧可能在賽季末離開斯坦福橋,主要是因為阿布想看到自己的球隊踢 的像個”冠軍隊伍“一樣。 Waddle said: "Abramovich has probably thought everything is going well apart from the entertainment. 沃德爾說”也許阿布覺得一切都還不錯,就是踢的不好看。“ "Apart from when they score, he never stands up. I bet he's not on the edge of his seat very often. ”除了他們進球的時候以外,阿布從不站不起。我打賭他不會經常處在坐在位子邊緣(隨 時準備起來)的狀態中。“ "When everyone is raving about Manchester United and Barcelona, he's probably thinking 'why can't we play like that?' ”當每個人都為曼聯和巴撒傾倒的時候,他也許在想”為什麼我們不能那樣踢哪。““ "Even if Manchester United or Arsenal don't win, you know you'll see moments of brilliance that could be worth the entrance fee alone. ”即使曼聯或阿森那不能贏球,但是你知道比賽中總會不乏精彩的時刻,讓你的門票物有 所值。“ "But, saying all that, the fans would be up in arms if Mourinho went because of the number of trophies he has won at Chelsea." ”但是,即便說了這麼多,如果穆里尼奧離開,切迷還是會起來反抗,因為他給切爾西贏 了好多獎杯。“ -- 然後是史密斯的反擊~ Love us or hate us, they can't ignore us. As another pundit attacks, Chelsea season ticket holder and columnist Giles Smith leaps to his team's defence. 愛我們也好,恨我們也好,他們也不能忽視我們的存在。隨著另一位權威出言攻擊,切爾 西的季票持有者兼專欄作家吉爾斯.史密斯馬上揮筆保衛他的球隊。 The best you can say for Chris Waddle's recent comments about the relative merits of Chelsea and Manchester United is that they provide a handy cut out 'n' keep grab-bag of the limpest cliches and most muddled half-thoughts that tend to come up in this area - or, at any rate, that tend to come up if you turn for an opinion to someone who has been watching the season through half- closed eyes and from the privilege of a paid-for seat and who brings to bear the slightly Olympian but also mildly bitter perspective of the retired and eternally disappointed England international. 對於克里斯.沃德爾近日有關切爾西和曼聯的優劣的言論,你最多只能說他們為別人方便 地剪輯和混雜了那些易於在這話題上被人提及的無說服力的陳腔濫調和大部份亂七八糟而 不完整的思維,又或者是無論如何當你向某些一直以他購買了門票的權利雙眼半開半合地 觀看這球季、運用那種稍微崇高但又有辛辣的觀點、退休了而且不朽地感到失望的英格蘭 國腳諮詢意見的時候,就更易於被提出來了。 They're all here, those easy cliches, in powdered form. Just add water. Manchester United 'entertain' (never more so, in my opinion, than when they were losing to Portsmouth, although I'm prepared to concede that they were quite entertaining, too, when they lost that first leg to Roma), whereas Chelsea are a 'no-risk team' who only 'stop teams from entertaining'; Jose Mourinho cannot be accounted a 'great manager', because stopping teams is 'easier' than playing 'with flair'; Arjen Robben under Sir Alex Ferguson would be unstoppable (actually, right now he would be injured: not even Sir Alex was able to heal the sick, last time we looked); and a victory for Manchester United over Chelsea in all of the season's remaining competitions would be 'good for football'. 這些說得容易的陳腔濫調都是隨處可見的,你只要隨便加些意見就可發表偉論了。曼聯會 『娛樂大家』(當他們在那個首回合敗於羅馬腳下時,我已準備好要承認他們也的確有點 娛樂性,不過依我看來,卻實在比不上他們不敵朴茨茅斯時更會娛樂大家了),反之切爾 西是一支只會『阻止對手娛樂大家』的『不敢冒險的球隊』;何塞.穆里尼奧不可以被稱 為一個『偉大的教練』因為阻止別的球隊要比自己『以天賦』來踢球要『容易得多』;在 阿曆克斯.弗格森爵士徽下的阿揚.羅本將會是銳不可當的(實際上,此刻他也可能一樣 是受傷中:從上一場比賽我們便可看出,即使是阿曆克斯爵士亦無法阻止球員受傷(範德 薩和費迪南德雙雙傷出));而曼聯在球季余下的所有比賽中分別擊倒切爾西將會是『對 足球有益的』。 To ask only one question here: good for whose football? 這里只要問一個問題:到底是對誰的足球有益? Still, these peculiar and unstructured ramblings probably ought not to trouble us unduly, bearing in mind their source. Waddle was a prodigiously gifted footballer in his time, it goes without saying: none better, as someone put it to me, for 'feigning to go one way, dropping the shoulder to go the other, banging the ball into the legs of the full back in front and then running straight into him.' You could earn 62 England caps for that, in Waddle's day. 盡管如此,只要記住這些又古怪又缺乏組織而且雜亂無章的說話的出處,它們大概也不該 過度困擾我們。沃德爾在他的球員生涯里是個才華橫溢的足球員,這是不言而喻的:正如 某人向我提出,沒有人可以更厲害了,在沃德爾的年代只要你會『裝作要向一邊走,然后 把肩膀垂向另一邊,把足球用力地從那個面前的邊衛胯下踢過去,然后不偏不倚地撞向他 』,你便可以因此而博得62次為英格蘭國家隊上陣的機會了。(這里所講的當然是主角… 沃德爾了) But, alas, it was his destiny to play for a succession of teams, both at club and international level, who, famously, could neither play with flair nor stop other teams from doing so. Accordingly he is mostly remembered these days for missing a penalty and advertising pizza. (Musical historians might additionally recall his misguided attempt to launch a pop career in company with Glenn Hoddle - but they are the truly unfortunate ones.) 不過,唉…一個著名地既不能以天賦去踢球亦不能阻止其他球隊這樣做的球員,不論在俱 樂部和國家隊層面上,他的命運也只能是接連不斷的為不同的球隊上陣。相應地他的球員 生涯中最能令人記起的時刻,就只有錯失了一個點球和為比薩做廣告而已。(愛好音樂的 曆史學家或許會另外憶起,他曾經誤入歧途地和格倫.霍德爾一起嘗試發展流行音樂事業 –– 不過他們實在是不幸的那群。) I had the privilege of interviewing Waddle once, when he was trying to keep the embers of his career warm at Sheffield Wednesday, and he spoke with thinly disguised longing of the days when Carlton Palmer would say to him, 'I'll win the ball for you, Chris.' 當沃德爾還在謝菲爾德週三試圖盡燃他球員生涯的余燼的時候,我曾經獲得一次採訪他的 特權,當時他裝作沒有憧憬那些查爾頓.帕爾默會跟他說:「克里斯,我會幫你把球搶回 來的。」的日子。 What he appeared to be referring to was an English mindset, now, thankfully, discredited, which said you needed two kinds of player in a team - a ball- winner and a ball-player. Except that, even at the point of our interview, courtesy of a new and exciting influx into football of foreign ideas, at clubs such as Arsenal and, of course, Chelsea, it had already become apparent that there was no reason why a decent midfield player ought not to be able to do both of these things - thus saving a team an entire player. 他似乎所指的其實是一種英格蘭式慣性態度,就是說你的球隊需要兩種球員 –– 一種贏 球的(帕爾默)和一種表演的(當然是…沃德爾),不過謝天謝地,現在這已經是不足信 的了。除此之外,承蒙一些既新鮮且刺激的外國思想注入了一些好像阿森納和切爾西(當 然地)的俱樂部中,顯而易見地一個像樣的中場球員沒有能力辦到這兩種事是根本沒有理 由的(即使在我們的訪問的年代亦一樣) –– 如此這般地替球隊節省了一個完全的球員 位置。 It's a sad fact, and one to which Waddle would understandably have some difficulty reconciling himself, but even were he still young enough to play football, he would find himself obsolete in the context of today's game. As such, he is perfectly suited to his role as an occasional contributor on Radio 5 Live, and we wish him all happiness and success in that. But overall, though, the best strategy, the next time he starts up on such topics as Chelsea, merit and greatness within the modern game, is probably to smile as warmly as one can, and then leave him with the comfort of his memories. 即使沃德爾仍然很年輕足以繼續踢球,他也會發現以今天的足球比賽來說他已經是落伍的 了,這是個令人惋惜的事實,卻是個令人可以理解他何以難於認命的事實。就這一點而論 ,他實在是十分適合他那個在《BBC五號直播電台》當臨時投稿者的角色,而我們亦祝願 他在那個角色上可以感到愉快而且取得成功。雖然如此,不過總括來說他下一次發起如切 爾西、現代足球的優點和偉大的話題時,最好的策略或許會是盡他可能地作出會心微笑, 然后再留戀於他那些美好回憶的安慰之中。 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lowlydog:打法很多種 硬要說人邪門歪道 真是夠了 04/18 20:21
michaelkobe:所謂的"前"某某球員充其量也只都剩嘴炮而已... 04/18 20:50
Ladywolf:史密斯反擊的第一句話好像就是蓋茲的對手用來評論他的 04/18 22:51
Ladywolf:這句真的很適合現在的藍軍.. 04/18 22:53
stranck:Waddle 先生顯然看漏了一樣東西:character 04/19 00:16
stranck:娛樂?我首先會想到的就是 06 WC 最佳娛樂隊伍... -___- 04/19 00:17
stranck:史密斯酸得真到位,不錯酸 04/19 00:18
smallwutw:這種論調真奇怪,比賽贏就是贏,輸就是輸,如果娛樂足球 04/19 01:16
smallwutw:足球可戰勝我們的團體戰術足球,那便是贏了,那有什麼娛 04/19 01:17
smallwutw:娛樂足球的曼聯"應該"要戰勝切爾西,這句我真的不懂,你 04/19 01:18
smallwutw:實力強就會贏啊,實力不行就會輸,什麼叫"應該"? 04/19 01:20
dyce:"娛樂論""底蘊論""花錢論"是已經令我無力到麻木的3個論調 04/19 02:17
dyce:看多了就習慣﹐隨它去 XD 04/19 02:18