精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=423092&cc=4716 來源:soccernet Robben not thinking of Chelsea exit The agent and father of Chelsea winger Arjen Robben claims there would be no shortage of interested clubs if his son was to leave Stamford Bridge. Hans Robben insists his son, who is contracted to the Premiership champions until 2009, 'is not thinking about leaving Chelsea'. 'I think that he is a player for Bayern Munich because he would have a lot of opportunities to play well in German football. 'There are six or seven clubs that would come into question. FC Bayern is one of them.' But he added: 'Arjen is not thinking about leaving Chelsea and there is no clause which allows him to move or makes one easier. 'But you never know what happens in football. In the end, it is my son who decides what to do.' -- 總而言之,換句話說,羅本爸只是想想而已 ╮(﹀_﹀")╭ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: wei7515 來自: (04/20 22:48)
Santos:羅本爸的話也不能相信就是 XD 04/20 22:52
wei7515:之前還想過他兒子去巴薩咧 XD 04/20 23:03
dyce:嗯﹐好像是沒有什麼實質性內容的文章=.= 04/21 00:31
Santos:好像球員的老爸兄弟是經濟人的話都不是什麼好東西 XD 04/21 00:33