精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1013311,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65344&extra=page%3D1 REACTION: WRIGHTY RIGHT ON TIME 賽後回應:及時出現的小賴特 來源:切爾西官網 翻譯:切爾西中文網 / dav Another good team performance is in the can after Wednesday's win at West Ham but when it comes to individual achievement, there was one clear hero on the night. 週三在西漢姆的勝仗是球隊又一場出色的演出,但談到個人成績的話,這晚上卻有一個脫 穎而出的英雄。 Invigorated and inspired in recent weeks by Jose Mourinho's decision to move him infield to the right of the midfield diamond, it was the goals of Shaun Wright-Phillips, especially a perfectly timed second, that broke Hammers resistance. 近數周被安排到鑽石中場右邊的肖恩.賴特.菲力浦斯,受到何塞.穆裏尼奧這項決定所 鼓舞和激勵,在這天貢獻了兩個入球破壞了錘頭幫的抵抗,特別是於最佳時機打進的第二 球更加是比賽的關鍵。 The Blues were on the road to our biggest win ever at Upton Park. 藍軍踏上了在厄普頓公園取得最大勝仗的路途。 The goals, his first in the league for Chelsea following on from three during the FA Cup run and one in Europe, were the polish on all-round fine 90 minutes that marked Wright-Phillips down as top candidate for man of the match. 在足總杯連續取得三個進球和在歐洲賽取得一粒後,賴特.菲力浦斯今天取得了在聯賽的 首個進球,以兩粒進球擦亮了一場表現全面的比賽,更令他成賽事最佳球員的頭號人選。 After the game, his fellow England internationals were queuing up to pay compliment. 他的英格蘭國家隊隊友在賽後都排著隊輪流稱讚他。 'Massive credit to Wrighty. He was the one that won it for us today with two unbelievable goals,' praised Frank Lampard. 弗蘭克.蘭帕德如此讚揚他:"小賴特今天功不可沒。他以兩記令人難以置信的進球為我 們取得了勝利。" 'It was potentially a very tough game with the position West Ham were in and it being a local derby. We knew they would come at us but I think we played exactly the right game. "基於西漢姆在聯賽的位置,再加上這是一場德比,這場比賽本來有可能是很難應付的。 我們料到他們會進攻我們,但我認為我們正好發揮了所需要的表現。" 'Wrighty was outstanding but the whole team performance, especially the patches when we passed the ball well and moved it about the diamond, was top draw. "小賴特今天表現突出,但整個隊伍的表現都是同樣地上乘的,特別是我們在鑽石型中場 傳球時所表現出的連接性。" 'West Ham had a go in the first-half but once it went 2-1 and then 3-1 it was game over.' "西漢姆在上半場原本有不錯的機會,不過當比分變成2-1然後3-1後,勝負便已肯定了。" John Terry confirmed the timing of Wright-Phillips's, and Chelsea's second goal, coming as it did less than a minute after the equaliser, had been the key moment of the match. 約翰.特裏亦認定賴特.菲力浦斯為切爾西取得的第二球(在對手剛剛扳平後一分鐘內打 進)是比賽的關鍵時刻。 West Ham manager Alan Curbishley agreed, bemoaning the fact that it wasn't the first time in a desperate season that his players had appeared more focused on celebrating a goal than the restart to the game. 西漢姆教練阿蘭.柯比什利亦同意這一點,同時亦慨歎球員們已經不是第一次專注於慶祝 入球多於重新投入比賽中。 'Chelsea had a real go straight from the whistle,' he pointed out. 他指出:"切爾西在哨子響起後便馬上很認真地繼續比賽。" Terry said: 'Their fans were just starting to get behind them and it was giving them a lift but Shaun responded with another great goal and we killed the game from there. 特里說:"(進球後)他們的球迷開始對他們表示支持,令他們的士氣有所提升,不過肖 恩以另一記漂亮進球作出了回應,自此之後比賽便已成定局。" 'Shaun has scored some brilliant goals recently and has been playing fantastically well. Credit to him for keeping fit and keeping on his toes. He has been producing the performances and the goals as well.' "肖恩近來取得了一些絕妙的進球,表現得非常好。這歸功於他一直保持身體狀態並隨時 做好上陣準備。他近來也開始有好表現而且取得進球。" The recent impact Wright-Phillips has made has marked him down as a crucial part of the climax to the season. Bookmakers Coral list the player as a 14/1 bet to score the first goal again on Sunday when Chelsea travel to Newcastle. Click on bet to see all the odds for this game. 賴特.菲力浦斯近日所做的影響令他成出球季高峰的一個重要部份。賭博公司Coral在周日 切爾西作客對陣紐卡斯爾的比賽中把他取得首個進球的賠率定為1賠14。點擊'賭博'查看這 場比賽的所有投注項目。(各版友就當然要玩論壇博彩和戰事版競猜了) Fans of Wrighty can also purchase his adidas shirt online. 小賴特的球迷亦可以在網上訂購他的阿迪達斯球衣。 'It is not always easy when you are not in the team and then you come in,' Lampard points out. 蘭帕德指出:"當你不是球隊的主力時,被提升上陣總是不容易的。" 'But the players that do come in are now really showing their quality. Shaun Wright-Phillips, John Mikel, Salomon Kalou, they are really performing for us.' "不過被提升的球員現在的確展示著他們的本領。肖恩.賴特.菲力浦斯、約翰.米克爾、 薩洛蒙.卡勞,他們真的履行著他們在球隊的工作。" Wednesday's double scorer rated his volleyed second higher than his quick-footed manoeuvre and well-struck shot for the first. 週三兩度破門的小賴特給予他的第二個淩空進球的評價,更高於他施展快速純熟腳法然後 準確地打進的第一球。 'I have to give credit to Bridgey because it was a great cross from him for the second goal,' he said. 他說:"我不得不稱讚布裏奇,因為能夠打進第二球全賴他漂亮的傳中。" 'The feeling is indescribable. I have to thank the lads because they have been behind me the whole time. They have believed in me since the start.' "那種感覺實在無法形客。我必須感謝我的隊友因為他們整場比賽都支持我。他們自開賽 一刻起很信賴我。" In the days leading up to the game, Lampard had discussed the perils of regularly relying on last-ditch winning goals, stating: 在比賽之前數天,蘭帕德談論過經常地依靠最後一刻的絕殺球來取勝的危機: 'It would be nice to go and win a game comfortably here and there. It is not easy to keep scoring late in games.' "能夠輕鬆地到處取得勝利會是一件美好的事。一直維持在比賽末段進球並不容易的。" In east London, he got his wish. 他在東倫敦亦得以如願。 'We have been speaking a lot about not killing off teams,' he said after the game. 'That has been something we've been focussing on and we put that right here. 他在比賽後說:"我們近來常常談到不能乾淨地解決對手的問題。這是我們一直所專注的 ,而我們亦成功在這裏糾正了這個狀況。" 'It has been coming.' "這種情況已經開始到來了。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: