精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://chelsea.sina.com.cn/news/2007-04-19/21102320.html SPY ON THURSDAY - WELL DONE, TAKE A BREATHER Thu, 19th Apr 2007 Chelsea's Spy In The Camp has been bringing inside news, banter and comment for 20 years in the matchday programme, on Chelsea TV and now on the web. Spy In The Camp 是切爾西比賽日手冊裡一個辦了20年的欄目,為球迷們帶來內幕新 聞、趣事和評論,現在這個欄目也辦到了切爾西電視台和切爾西官方網站。 The first thing Jose Mourinho did last night when he returned to the dressing room after the win at West Ham was tell the players they could have today off. 在客場取勝西漢姆之後,當莫里尼奧回到更衣室時,他做的第一件事就是告訴球員們 他們能放一天假。 In his schedule for April, the only day off was the Wednesday after Valencia away, and even that wasn't a full day due to not getting back into England until the early hours. 在他四月的日程表上,唯一的一天假期是客場與瓦倫西亞比賽後的週三,即便如此, 那也沒有放滿一整天,因為球隊在凌晨之前並未回到英格蘭。 But the month has gone as well as it could have, and after nine consecutive Premiership wins to keep us alive in the race for the title, and with a Sunday kick-off at Newcastle, he feels the players warrant and can afford another day's rest. 但這個月和可能的一樣順利,在英超九連勝之後,我們仍然在爭奪冠軍。週日將客場 與紐卡斯爾比賽,他感覺到球員們需要並且他們可以獲得另一個休息日了。 That does not extend to the injured, of course, so the likes of Arjen Robben and Andriy Shevchenko who weren't fit for last night are working on their rehabilitation. Therefore, it doesn't extend to some of the medical staff either, nor to Mourinho himself. 但那當然沒有被擴大到傷員身上,所以像羅本和舍甫琴科這樣沒有參加昨晚比賽的球 員仍然在為他們的康復而努力。因此,假期沒有擴大到醫療部門身上,莫里尼奧自己 也沒有。 By the way, nine consecutive Premiership wins puts us in line to equal our record of ten when we go to Newcastle on Sunday, according to our statman Paul Dutton. Chelsea really do seem to have found some form at the right time of the season. 順便提一下,英超九連勝將我們帶到了一個邊界上。依數據專家保爾˙達頓的說法, 如果我們週日能在紐卡斯爾取得勝利,那麼我們將追平10連勝紀錄。在賽季的正確時 刻,切爾西看上去的確找到了狀態。 On Tuesday at lunchtime, I sat down with Jose in the Health Club at Stamford Bridge and recorded a half-hour interview which you can see tonight (Thursday) at 7pm on Chelsea TV. 週二中午,我和何塞在斯坦福橋的健康俱樂部中坐了下來,並錄製了一段時長為半小 時的採訪,你可以在切爾西電視台今晚(週四)7:00看到它。 A lot of it was about the changes he has introduced in the play of specific individuals recently. One of those was Shaun Wright-Phillips who, of course, has been pulled in and back from the wing to operate on the right of a midfield diamond. 其中很多是關於他在最近比賽中做出的換人,其中的一個是賴特菲利普斯,他重新出 現在了邊路,處於菱形中場的右側。 Jose said that when Shaun doesn't feel that his job has been to play one-on-one with the full-back, he seems to be freed to play his game more. He talked about how his second season has been so much better than his first. 何塞說,當肖恩感到他在與邊後衛一對一的較量中難以占據上風時,他看起來似乎要 缺席更多比賽了,但他談到了他的第二個賽季是多麼的優於第一個。 Incredibly, in the FA Cup semi-final, Jose changed from wingers to a midfield diamond when he introduced Shaun. And the run Shaun made off the ball in the move that set up Michael Ballack's winner, was identical to the run he made last night in advance of his first goal. A touch on the right, a simple pass, and a diagonal acceleration before receiving the ball back. 不可思議的是,在足總盃半決賽中,何塞將邊鋒改變到了菱形中場的陣型,他又一次 派上了肖恩。肖恩帶球突破,為巴拉克的致勝球助攻,而昨晚,他在第一個進球中突 破同樣是重要的,在右路接球,簡單的傳遞,隨後就是一個斜向的加速,然後重新接 到了球。 It's very reminiscent of the run Dennis Wise used to make when he played on the left for us: a pass, a driving diagonal run, and he would finish up in the inside-right position. Steve Clarke once joked about Wise's play: 'He does it every time! He's only got one run! He never does any others. That's his game! It's just that it's a great run! It's the best in football!' 這讓人想起了懷斯曾經為我們踢左路時的突破,當他斜向突破時,他往往會在中路靠 右的位置停下來。史蒂夫˙克拉克曾經對懷斯的打法開玩笑:“他每一次都這麼踢! 他只是突破!他從不做其它事。那是他的比賽!這完全是一次漂亮的突破!這是足球 中最漂亮的!” All the players are so genuinely pleased that Shaun's game has taken off, even the ones whom he will now compete with for a place in the team. This is just one more example, of which there have been so many this last three years, of the extraordinary spirit in the camp. 所有球員都為肖恩在比賽中找到狀態感到由衷的高興,即使是他將在球隊中與之爭奪 位置的球員。這只是一個例子,在過去三年中,這樣的例子有很多,這是訓練場上非 凡的精神。 That spirit is not just about players. Jose, in his interview, talked about Denis Talbot. He's the French physiotherapist club doctor Bryan English introduced, and he has worked closely with both Petr Cech and, latterly, Joe Cole, as they have rehabilitated, and look at the form of those two following long-term injuries. 這種精神不只在球員身上出現。在他的採訪中,何塞談到了丹尼斯˙塔爾博特,他是 隊醫布萊恩˙英格利什推薦的法國理療師,他曾經近距離治療過切赫和喬˙科爾,看 看他們兩個在長期受傷之後的狀態吧。 In Valencia, the first person out of the dressing room after the game was travelling chef Andrea Cavenaghi - he does all the away games - and he was punching the air like he was Michael Essien and had just scored the winner. 在瓦倫西亞,比賽結束後第一個走出更衣室的人是隨行廚師安德列˙卡文納吉 — 所 有的客場比賽他都會參加 — 他在空氣中揮拳,好像他是埃辛剛剛打進致勝球那樣。 Rest is undoubtedly needed. But with this group it has probably been the last thing on their minds. They'll all be panting for training again tomorrow morning. 毫無疑問,球隊需要休息,但在這個團隊裡,也許一直有東西在球員們的腦裡存在。 他們在歇口氣,將在明天上午重新開始訓練。 -- “沒有幾人能像他一樣在37歲就累計過百億的財富,沒有幾個人能像他一樣狡黠。” by 俄羅斯《真理報》記者謝爾蓋 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar 來自: (04/22 15:14)