精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
UEFA send top ref Merk to Chelsea-Liverpool semi http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=424459&cc=4716 UEFA have appointed one of their top referees to take charge of the first leg of Chelsea's Champions League semi-final against Liverpool. Markus Merk will be the man in the middle at Stamford Bridge on Wednesday in a repeat of the controversial last-four clash in 2005. On that occasion, Luis Garcia scored a second-leg winner which referee Lubos Michel allowed to stand, although replays could not prove the ball went over the line before Chelsea cleared. Merk, who is a dentist by trade, has established himself as one of the best referees in Europe and has featured in World Cups. The German will be in the spotlight as Jose Mourinho has accused referees of favouring other clubs following a weekend where they were denied a penalty at Newcastle with the Chelsea boss claiming it was 'forbidden' to award penalties against Manchester United. Their fixtures with Liverpool - there have been 13 since Mourinho was appointed - have been eventful matches. Liverpool midfielder Xabi Alonso had his foot broken in a tackle by Frank Lampard in 2005 while the Spain midfielder was suspended for the Champions League semi-final second leg later that season. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 就在穆帥砲轟英超裁判不公時,歐足聯也不敢怠慢,祭出了他們的頂級裁判德國的默克 (以前是當牙醫的那位) 來執法週中對立物普的冠軍盃比賽。默克是歐洲頂級裁判之一, 多次執法世界盃賽事。 兩年前的裁判Lubos Michel因為判了一粒有爭議性的進球給利物 普,結果被魔力鳥罵到臭頭,直到今天還在鞭 :D 所以說魔力鳥的發言其實也滿有份量的 :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
stranck:德國牙醫... 04/23 23:26
momo7426:因為老大其實有歐巴桑個性..會一直唸唸唸唸唸.....XD 04/23 23:30
wei7515:老大好會記仇 囧 04/23 23:33
※ 編輯: Santos 來自: (04/23 23:43)
jftsai:唸了不一定有人理,不唸更沒人理你,還是大聲提醒一下比較好 04/23 23:42
wei7515:唸一唸裁判也會比較謹慎 04/23 23:47
qaisgood:不嘴砲就是完全被人欺負而已 碎碎念的老大.... XDDD 04/23 23:54
dyce:推老大的歐巴桑個性﹗有空念一念﹐有益身心 XD 04/24 00:51