精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1015046,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65540&extra=page%3D1 LOOK AT IT THIS WAY - NOW MAN UTD HAVE FOUR AWAY 另類視角--曼聯迎來四場客場 新聞翻譯:cumtowen / 切爾西中文網 Neil Barnett has been writing, editing and broadcasting for Chelsea for over 20 years. 尼爾-巴尼特已經為切爾西擔任寫作、編輯和解說工作超過20年。 Scott Parker, Newcastle's captain and former Chelsea midfielder, stood outside our dressing room after yesterday's draw shaking his head in disbelief. 昨晚的平局之後,紐卡斯爾隊長、前切爾西中場帕克站在我們的更衣室外,不大相信的搖 著頭。 'The boys must never be at home,' he noted sympathetically. 他同情的表示:"這些小夥子總不能一直保持主場的表現吧。" It is true. Chelsea players have just finished a run of four consecutive away games. They have come away with three wins and a draw. And people are, understandably, disappointed with the draw. 的確如此,切爾西的隊員們剛剛打完連續的4個客場,取得3勝1平的戰績。同時人們也對 這場失望的平局表示理解。 But look at the future. After their home game with Milan tomorrow, Tuesday, Manchester United must play four consecutive away games. 不過讓我們看長遠些吧,明天,也就是週二,曼聯在主場對陣米蘭之後,他們必須連續打 4場客場比賽。 For us, there was Valencia in Spain, a top European side, a deficit at half-time, and two second-half goals including a last minute winner to set the four games rolling. That was a Tuesday. 而對於我們來說,剛結束的連續4場的客場之旅先是迎戰西班牙的瓦倫西亞,這是一直歐 洲的頂級球隊,上半時我們比賽落後,不過下半時的兩粒進球(其中一粒是在比賽最後1 分鐘的絕殺)還是讓我們繼續迎來冠軍杯下階段的4場比賽。這場比賽是在週二進行的。 Come the Sunday, we were at Old Trafford in Manchester for the FA Cup semi-final, a game that needed extra-time to get the win. 接下來就是周日,我們在曼聯的老特拉福德球場進行了足總杯半決賽的比賽,我們通過加 時取勝。 Then the one London game was away to West Ham last Wednesday, and after a highly competitive first-half we were able to run out easy winners. 上週三我們在倫敦進行了一場客場挑戰西漢姆的比賽,通過上半時的激烈交鋒,我們輕鬆 取勝。 Finally, there was a trip to the Premiership's most northern side, Newcastle, and a tired 0-0 draw was what was achieved. 最後,我們挑戰位於英超最北部的一支球隊,客場對陣紐卡斯爾,最終以0:0戰平。 Following tomorrow's game, Manchester United go to Everton, Milan, Manchester City and ourselves. 明天冠軍杯比賽之後,曼聯將連續客場挑戰埃弗頓、AC米蘭、曼城以及我們切爾西。 There's been a development with English teams in recent seasons where the ones going for top honours, when hit by injuries or significant losses of form at the wrong time, find themselves jettisoned from more than one tournament in a short period. 最近幾個賽季,英格蘭的球隊都有了一定的發展,當一支球隊為各項冠軍榮譽而努力時, 由於遭遇傷病或主力缺陣的不利局面,他們很快就會發現他們在不止一項賽事中被淘汰。 Three years ago Arsenal, during their record breaking undefeated Premiership season, were beaten at home in consecutive games by Manchester United in the FA Cup and ourselves in the Champions League. They had just drawn at Stamford Bridge in the Champions League first leg and at home to United in the League - four games without a win and out of two tournaments! 三年前的阿森納,就是他們打破英超連續不敗的場次記錄的那個賽季,在主場連續吃了敗 仗,先是在足總杯上輸給曼聯,然後又在冠軍杯上輸給我們。之前冠軍杯第一輪在斯坦福 橋的交鋒他們只是和我們打了個平手,聯賽中他們主場對曼聯也戰成平局。他們連續4場不 勝而且被淘汰出了足總杯和冠軍杯。 This season Arsenal were beaten by us in the Carling Cup and Blackburn in the FA Cup in the same week. 本賽季阿森納在一周內又是連續落敗,聯賽杯輸給了我們,同時足總杯上又被布萊克本淘 汰。 Liverpool lost at home to Arsenal in both the FA Cup and Carling Cup in the same week this season. 這個賽季的利物浦也有相似的命運,他們一周內在的足總杯和聯賽杯比賽中兩次輸給阿森 納。 If, like Manchester United and ourselves, you get to this stage of the season and are still competing in so many competitions, then there is the strong possibility of a couple of sudden dumpings. 如果你像曼聯和我們一樣,本賽季踢到現在仍然參加著多項賽事的話,那麼很有可能會突 然遭遇一連串的失敗。 Despite our tired draw yesterday, we have avoided what looked the worst possibilities. Now United start their away sequence, and we must wait to see what happens. Meanwhile, of course, we must keep on winning at home. 儘管我們昨天因為疲憊而戰平,但看上去我們還是避免了最壞的結果,現在曼聯要開始他 們的客場行程了,我們必須得耐心得等待他們犯錯誤,同時我們也必須保證在主場取勝。 The players have to get refreshed following these journeys to be in the best state of mind to face Liverpool. We are undefeated for 21 games, since our reverse at Liverpool in January. 經歷連續的客場之後,我們的球員必須得重新振作,把注意力集中在對陣利物浦的比賽上 ,如今我們已經連續21場不敗,而之前的一次落敗正是1月份客場對陣利物浦的比賽。 Liverpool are unbeaten for eight. We have every reason for optimism. 而利物浦只是8場不敗,我們完全有理由去樂觀的看待這場比賽。 But even home games at this stage of the season are preceded by a night in a hotel. The players are at home very little indeed. 不過本賽季到了這個階段,即使是主場比賽,比賽前的晚上球員們也是在旅館過夜的,在 家裏過夜的機會寥寥無幾。 No wonder Scott Parker was sympathetic. Two weeks ago his wife gave birth to their fourth child, their third son. Congratulations to him. There is still no reason to believe that he won't be returning a few congratulations to our players for medal collecting before the season is finally over. 帕克對我們的同情,我們不用驚訝(畢竟他曾和我們一同奮戰過)。兩周前他的妻子給他 生了第四個孩子,也是第三個男孩,恭喜他又添貴子。當這個賽季結束前,當我們收穫一 大堆獎牌時,毫無疑問,帕克仍會向我們表示祝賀。 ~~~~ 恭喜帕克家族又添丁!!! ~~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: