精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65870&extra=page%3D1 No problem with Neville – Jose 何塞:內維爾是清白的 新聞來源:http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,16368,1773_2096120,00.html 新聞翻譯:cumtowen 版權所有:切爾西中文網 Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho insists he has no hard feelings towards Everton's Phil Neville after his own-goal blunder on Saturday. 切爾西主帥穆里尼奧表示在週六比賽上給曼聯送上烏龍球大禮的埃弗頓后衛菲爾.內維爾並沒 有什麼問題。 Former Manchester United defender Neville put through his own goal in the 68th minute to haul Sir Alex Ferguson's side level at 2-2 before Wayne Rooney and Chris Eagles completed a remarkable fightback. 比賽中,前曼聯后衛菲爾.內維爾第68分鐘的烏龍球幫助弗格森爵士的球隊2:2扳平比分,之 后曼聯又依靠魯尼和伊格爾斯的進球完成了一次驚天大逆轉。 United's victory at Goodison Park left them five points clear at the top of the table and Mourinho felt obliged to concede that the title race was virtually over. 曼聯在古迪遜公園的勝利使他們在積分榜上取得了5分的領先優勢,穆里尼奧也不得不承認本 賽季英超冠軍的爭奪實際上已經結束了。 Chelsea were a goal down after 19 minutes through Lubomir Michalik but Salomon Kalou and an own goal by Jussi Jaaskelainen put them in front by the interval. 切爾西比賽第19分鐘,對方后衛梅查理克先攻入一球,但是卡勞和雅斯克萊寧的烏龍球幫 助切爾西在半場結束時取得領先。 However, a 54th minute header by Kevin Davies all-but finished off their title dreams. 不過第54分鐘凱文.戴維斯的頭球幾乎使他們的英超冠軍夢想破滅。 Mourinho has never been slow to make the most of a conspiracy theory but he refused to become involved in such a controversy over Neville's unfortunate howler. 穆里尼奧從來沒有拋出過什麼陰謀論的說法,這次他也拒絕卷入對賽后認為自己很倒霉的內 維爾的評論。 Mourinho declared: "I have not seen the goal. But I am nobody to doubt the moral integrity of a player and have no reason to." 穆里尼奧表示:“我並沒有看那個進球,但是我不會去懷疑一名球員的職業道德,這種懷 疑是毫無根據的。” Chelsea's failure to beat Bolton may have ultimately cost them the title but Mourinho was quick to shrug off the disappointment by focusing on their Champions League semi-final return leg against Liverpool. 切爾西沒能擊敗博爾頓最終很可能使他們付出無法奪冠的代價,但是穆里尼奧只是失望的聳 聳肩,然后就把注意力放到了冠軍杯半決賽第二輪對陣利物浦的比賽。 But even then he was faced with more problems after Ricardo Carvalho, arguably his best defender this season, was forced out of Tuesday night's return at Anfield with a knee injury. 不過他仍會面臨更加嚴峻的考驗,本賽季發揮最出色的后衛卡瓦略由於膝傷將無法參加週二 晚上在安菲爾德球場的比賽。 He was substituted in the opening half and with midfielder Michael Ballack also out after undergoing knee surgery, Chelsea's hopes of reaching the final in Athens on May 23 are diminishing. 他在前一場比賽的上半時就被替換下場,同時中場大將巴拉克也由於膝部手術將缺席比賽, 切爾西進軍5月23日雅典冠軍杯決賽的希望越來越嚴峻。 Midfielder Michael Essien will return on Tuesday after missing the opening leg, which Chelsea won 1-0 thanks to a Joe Cole goal and Khalid Boulahrouz may be called upon to help fill the defensive gap left by Carvalho's absence. 另一名中場埃辛在缺席雙方首輪比賽后,本週二將重返賽場。雙方首回合的較量中,切爾西 依靠喬.科爾的進球1:0獲勝。而本場博拉魯玆很有可能將填補卡瓦略缺陣后的位置。 The Dutch defender has found it difficult to get back into the side after dislocating his shoulder in the FA Cup win over Norwich in February, but he is ready to help if needed. 今年2月,這位荷蘭后衛在足總杯戰勝諾維奇的比賽中肩部脫臼,不得不缺席比賽,復出后他 發現要想重返主力的位置並不是件輕松的事。 Boulahrouz said: "I'd worked so hard to come back from a knee injury and was feeling very strong. I had no doubts at all about the knee, which was feeling great. 博拉魯玆說:“膝傷康復后,我一直努力訓練,我感覺動力十足,對於膝蓋我再不用擔心什 麼了,這種感覺很不錯。” "And then two minutes before the end of the first half I dislocated my shoulder. It was must very bad luck. “然而那場比賽上半時結束前2分鐘,我的肩膀脫臼了,真是太倒霉了!” "But there is nothing you can do about it when these things happen. You can get made, you can get sad. But for me I just try to stay as relaxed as possible and focus on my recovery. “但是當這一切發生之后,你自己並不能幫什麼忙,你可以接受治療,你也可以很沮喪,不 過對於我而言,我只是盡量放松的待著,關注我的復原。” "Now I am over the shoulder and the team are doing well, so I will have to fight for my place. “現在我已經從肩傷中康復,而球隊的狀態不錯,所以我必須去努力爭取我的上場位置。” "Everybody is incredibly motivated and the spirit and atmosphere between everyone is fantastic." “球隊每個人的動力都令人吃驚,球員的精神以及整個氛圍都太棒了。” Chelsea will also have to gamble on including Didier Drogba in their side against Liverpool. 對陣利物浦的比賽,包括德羅巴在內的球員都不得不奮起一搏。 While the title is now almost within United's grasp, the Champions League is the priority. 隨著英超聯賽冠軍已經逐步落入曼聯手中,冠軍杯成了切爾西的重中之重。 Drogba is one yellow card away from a ban and will miss the final if he is booked on Tuesday night. 德羅巴還差一張黃牌就要被累計停賽了,也就是說如果他在週二晚上的比賽中再吃牌,那麼 他將肯定無緣決賽。 But there is also the fatigue element and although Mourinho tried to rest a number of players against Bolton, he ended up playing Drogba and Frank Lampard as well as Joe Cole. 在對陣博爾頓的比賽中,盡管穆里尼奧讓一些球員輪換休息,但是疲勞仍是影響切爾西發揮 的一個重要因素,最后他還是派上了德羅巴、蘭帕德以及喬.科爾。 Fitness coach Rui Faria knows exactly just what the players have been through to get Chelsea within touching distance of the quadruple and why Carvalho will be sorely missed. 切爾西的體能教練路易.法里亞很了解球員們是如何度過這段為四冠王而浴血拼搏的艱難曆程 ,他也明白為什麼卡瓦略會因傷缺席比賽。 Faria said: "He's a crucial player. He's played games when not 100% right, played with problems. His desire to play for the team means even when he was not in the best physical moment, he was still great." 法里亞說:“他是球隊的關鍵球員,在他身體並不是100%的恢復,仍有傷在身的情況下,他 仍堅持比賽。即使他身體狀況不是很好,他仍渴望為球隊而戰,他實在是太偉大了!” Anfield will be a boiling cauldron and defeat will leave them with just the FA Cup to play for - assuming United go on to take the title. 安菲爾德球場將會成為焦點,一旦被擊敗,他們本賽季就只能力拼足總杯了——與出色的 曼聯爭奪杯賽冠軍。 Mourinho though is looking to omens for help. 不過穆里尼奧認為有些前兆會預示著他們將獲勝。 When Chelsea were beaten by Luis Garcia's disputed goal in the semi-final of the Champions League two years ago, they had won the title at Bolton the previous weekend. 兩年前他們在冠軍杯半決賽上因為路易.加西亞的爭議進球被淘汰出局,而就在那場比賽的上 個週末,他們在博爾頓捧起了英超冠軍獎杯。 Now, after drawing at home to Bolton and effectively handing their title to United, Mourinho is hoping for better luck at Anfield. 而現在,在主場戰平博爾頓,同時也把冠軍的主動權交給了曼聯,穆里尼奧希望在安菲爾 德球場會有更好的運氣。 Mourinho added: "When we lost the semi-final two years ago we beat Bolton two days before to lift the title. This time we lost two crucial points against Bolton and we hopefully go there to win the tie and go to the final." 穆帥表示:“兩年前我們冠軍杯半決賽上被淘汰,而就在那兩天前,我們擊敗博爾頓贏得 聯賽冠軍。這次我們在博爾頓身上丟掉關鍵的兩分,我們希望在冠軍杯上能贏得比賽,進軍 決賽。” -- 評論內維爾跟預兆部分看看就好 重點是滷汁回歸打中後衛~ 能解放愛心到中場或是打奇兵右後衛真是太重要了~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Santos:愛心本人應該也覺得很鳥 犧牲打中後衛還被大家喬... 04/30 14:24
jftsai:滷汁加油!!!!!拜託拜託!!! 04/30 14:31
DemonRing:我不會譙愛心,我會直接譙老大… 04/30 19:12
stranck:我不會譙老大,我只會直接譙把球員踢傷的人 04/30 19:16
dyce:我支持食人魔上﹗不過我更支持他上一場就上 04/30 19:23
dyce:上一場讓卡瓦略帶傷出場太冒險了...... 04/30 19:24
nancyshen:就這樣賠了卡瓦羅 嗚 04/30 19:29
guns:剛看了英超精華 愛芙頓那場好可惜阿 不過我們自己也沒贏就是 04/30 20:03
guns:愛心不要再打中衛了 印象中沒好事過 對利記 福樂姆 熱刺... 04/30 20:05
willy7112:其實愛心打中衛沒那麼差 只是他在致命的場次出過致命的 04/30 20:41
willy7112:失誤使人印象深刻...但這個位置還是要給專業人士來 唉~ 04/30 20:45
shinana:魯汁魯汁!! 04/30 23:14
stranck:Boulahrouz 形象破滅可說是始於客場對熱刺 (Poll 那場) 04/30 23:35
stranck:先發打回大家對你的信心吧!不然明年可能要走路了 囧 04/30 23:35
shinana:我覺得穆帥不放棄任何球員,除非是球員本身想走. 04/30 23:37
shinana:所以魯汁一定要加油,回復到歐冠對巴薩強悍!! 04/30 23:38