精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/european_football/article1720022.ece http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65849&extra=page%3D1 Mourinho's main man 莫里尼奧的紅人 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / cumtowen Michael Essien is showing why he is so vital to Chelsea 18 months after making a tackle that nearly derailed his career 埃辛在經歷了一次他職業生涯中的重大挫折之後,向大家證明了在加盟切爾西的這18個月 來,他為什麼是如此的重要。 It is April 5. The morning after a rough night before. Jose Mourinho admits he can't sleep after matches. He sits at home, watching the video, pondering errors, plotting improvements. A few hours after a tactically outmanoeuvred Chelsea had drawn 1-1 with Valencia in London, their Champions League campaign, and with it, their manager's future at the club are in peril. 4月5日,在經歷了一個艱難的夜晚之後,莫里尼奧承認比賽之後他一直無法入睡,他坐在 家裏,觀看著比賽錄影,思考著比賽中的失誤,思索著改進的方法。冠軍杯第一輪的比賽 ,切爾西在倫敦被老謀深算的瓦倫西亞逼成了1:1平,在比賽之後的幾個小時裏,莫里尼 奧在俱樂部的前景也陷入了困境。 Mourinho heads to his medical department, seeks out the club's "rehabilitation physio" and delivers his nocturnal conclusions. "I need Essien," the manager tells Thierry Laurent. "You have until next week to get him fit to play in Valencia." 莫里尼奧把目光轉向了球隊的醫療部門,把希望寄託在了俱樂部的"理療康復計畫"上,穆 帥向他們傳達了自己的想法。 "我需要埃辛!"他告訴Thierry Laurent說:"下周你需要讓 他康復,使他能參加在瓦倫西亞的比賽。" April 10, second leg tied at 1-1, Estadio Mestalla steeling itself for extra time, Michael Essien drives down Valencia's left flank and collects a pass from Andriy Shevchenko. He shapes to cross, but notices Santiago Canizares drifting off his line. "I saw the goalkeeper try to anticipate the cross in so I just shot a quick one into the near post," he says. "Normally you don't score that kind of shot, but I was a little bit lucky and got that in." 4月10日,雙方第二輪交手戰成1:1平,梅斯塔尼亞球場的鋼鐵防線即將把比賽拖入加時。 這時埃辛從瓦倫西亞的左側高速插上,接到舍瓦的橫傳。他本打算傳球,但是發現卡尼薩 雷斯已經出了球門線。"我看到門將意圖將傳球斷下,所以我快速射球門的近角。"埃辛說: "一般情況下,這種射門不大會破門,不過我多少有些運氣,這腳射門進球了。" Fortunate or inspired, Essien's strike let Chelsea complete the single most impressive away-leg recovery in European competition this season, reinstated Mourinho as the Champions League's tactical tsar, and steered his team back en route to the quadruple. 運氣也好,一時的靈感也好,埃辛的進球讓切爾西完成了本賽季冠軍杯上最精彩的一場客 場翻盤的比賽,也是莫里尼奧冠軍杯戰術大師的美名得以恢復,莫里尼奧和他的球隊重新 踏上了四冠王的征程。 Essien had injured himself keeping Chelsea in the FA Cup, straining the medial ligament of his right knee badly when 3-1 down to Tottenham, yet playing on through the first half, and refusing to be substituted at the break. "The doctor was asking the boss to substitute me but I told him, 'I can, I want to play'," says Essien. He carried on and at one point had a shot that inflicted further damage. "I grabbed my leg because it was just really painful, and we had no substitute left so I had to keep going. I really made it worse after the game," he recalls. 埃辛在切爾西足總杯的比賽中受傷,3:1戰勝熱刺的比賽中,他膝部韌帶嚴重受傷,但他 仍堅持踢完上半場比賽,並拒絕被替換下場。埃辛說:"主教練詢問隊醫我是否要被換下, 不過我告訴他:'我能堅持下來,我想要繼續比賽。'"他繼續堅持比賽,同時攻入一粒進球 進一步鞏固了球隊的勝利。他回憶道:"我努力控制我的腿,因為它的確是太疼了,而我們 也沒了換人的名額,因此我必須堅持下來。比賽之後我的確感覺到腿上的傷更糟糕了。" Cue Laurent and the Frenchman's specialised recovery programme. Chelsea have both the biggest medical department in the Premiership and a reputation for getting their injured players back on the field faster than any other club. When Mourinho prioritises a player, the attention to the task is startling. "I had one physio to work on me exclusively," says Essien. "I'd go in every morning at, like, 10 and leave around five. I have to do massage, I have to work in the gym, ride on the bicycle, go out and do some endurance. It's really boring. Sometimes I'd sleep at the training ground because I had to be there for so long." Laurent帶領的醫療部門以及由法國人組成了特殊康復計畫小組,切爾西同時擁有了英超球 隊中最大的兩支醫療部門,這兩個部門素以能迅速使傷病球員重返賽場而聞名。當穆帥特 別需要某個球員時,他們的工作就開始了。埃辛說:"有一個康復小組專門為我工作,每天 早上大概10點鐘我都要在那裏接受治療,直到下午5點左右。我要接受按摩,還得在體育館 訓練,騎自行車,同時還要出去做一些耐力的訓練。說真的,這很讓人乏味,有時候我會 在訓練室睡著,因為我不得不在那裏待很長的時間。" If a prodigious appetite for shut-eye - "13 or 14 hours on average" - and daily phone calls to mother Aba in Accra are two of Essien's most endearing traits, an overzealous approach to tackling at one point threatened to stall his progress in England. The Ghanaian's first months at Stamford Bridge after a ?24.4m transfer from Olympique Lyon-nais were dynamic, with possession stolen and muscular runs past, or occasionally, through, opponents. Then, in a December 2005 Champions League group game with Liverpool, Essien raised his boot to claim possession and brought the weight of the world down on his head. 埃辛的一個愛好就是睡覺--"平均13到14個小時"--同時每天還會給遠在阿克拉(加納首都) 的母親Aba打個電話,這是埃辛最可愛的兩個特點。在英格蘭他對每個球都玩命拼搶也影響 了他在英格蘭的發展。這位加納人以2440萬英磅的身價從里昂轉會來到了斯坦福橋。他在 切爾西的一個月表現可謂是動力十足,積極的搶斷,極富衝擊力的奔跑,不過偶爾有時也 會衝撞到對手。之後在2005年12月冠軍杯對利物浦的比賽,埃辛在拼搶時的飛腳引來了全 世界的輿論批評。 His tackle was poorly timed in three ways. First, in the most literal sense, going high and into Dietmar Hamann's right knee. Second, in arriving 22 minutes into a goalless tie so devoid of spectacle it was highlighted in match reports and provided gruesome viewing and a talking point for television producers starved of highlights. Third, in coinciding with the height of dissatisfaction with Chelsea's cocksure PR and pragmatic football. 他這腳鏟球出現的時間並不討巧,體現在三個方面。首先,按照當時最確切的場景,他的 腳抬的太高,鏟到了哈曼的右腳膝蓋;其次,比賽只進行了22分鐘,而0:0的比分對於那 些進行賽事報導的人來說,也沒有什麼亮點可言。埃辛的犯規給他們提供了一個噱頭,同 時也給苦於尋找比賽亮點的電視製作人提供了談資。第三,很多人也利用這次犯規表達了 對切爾西在日常事務中的強硬以及實用主義的踢球風格的不滿。 One columnist demanded that this "high-paid hitman . . . be drummed out of the footballers' union". Embarrassed that their referee had failed to show a yellow card, Uefa deemed Essien guilty of "gross unsporting conduct" and suspended him for two games against Barcelona that saw Chelsea exit the competition. Though Essien publicly apologised more than once, he could not put his error to bed. 有一個專欄作家聲稱對於這種"拿著高工資的惡人……必須被驅逐出足球領域",那場的裁 判當時沒有出示黃牌,之後歐足聯認定埃辛有"有違體育精神的行為",對他進行停賽兩場 的處罰,使他無法參加對巴薩的冠軍杯比賽,只能眼睜睜的看著切爾西被淘汰出局。儘管 埃辛不止一次的在公開場合進行道歉,但他依然無法得到媒體的原諒。 Sitting in a lounge of the Cadogan Hotel, Essien is all shy smiles and amused giggles, talking of his love of London and a Ghanaian restaurant in Tottenham where you should "eat jolof rice or fried yam. It's good, but it's heavy". Then the Hamann incident is mentioned and he turns serious and reflective. "I think it was very unfair, I didn't deserve that," he says. "I think people do much more serious things than what I did, and I said I didn't mean to do it. I didn't like the way they treated me. It shocked me. I think they showed every one or two minutes on Sky TV - it was unbelievable." 當現在悠閒的坐在卡多根酒店接受採訪時,埃辛臉上總是掛著害羞或是開心的笑容,談論 著他對倫敦的喜愛以及在熱刺的一家加納餐館,在那裏你應該"嘗嘗jolof rice(一種非洲 食品)或者油炸芋頭,那味道不錯,不過分量可不輕。"之後當談到那次哈曼的事件時,他 變得很嚴重,並陷入了沉思:"我覺得這不公平,而且我說過我的那個舉動並沒有什麼惡意 ,我不喜歡他們威脅我的方式,這挺讓我震驚的,他們告訴每一個人,還在天空電視臺上 足足播了兩分鐘的鏡頭--這太讓我吃驚了。" The European ban was preceded by an injury, and when Essien returned he was a more introverted footballer, questioning his natural style while opponents pressured officials into bridling it. "It affected my game. Any time I went in for anything the players would come out and the referee would just show some cards [there were three in his next six appearances]. It changed a little bit my game, but I think at the end I came back strongly to finish the season." 歐足聯的禁令保護了受傷的一方,當埃辛禁賽期滿重返賽場的時候,他變得更加內向,對 手也不斷用正式的途徑來質疑他原本的比賽風格。"這些都影響了我的比賽,不論什麼時候 ,只要我和對手稍微有些拼搶,這種議論就會出來,裁判就會給我亮牌。(在他複出後的6 場比賽裏他得到了3張黃牌),這多少影響了我的比賽,不過我覺得最後我還是堅強的歸來 去完成賽季的比賽。" Essien was suspended again for last week's semi-final first leg, so his Champions League reacquaintance with Liverpool will be on Tuesday and he will strengthen the dominant Chelsea side that won 1-0 at Stamford Bridge. Mourinho can use him on the right-hand side of his midfield diamond, adding still more competitiveness to the centre, or at right-back, where Essien defends more robustly and counters more tellingly than Paulo Ferreira or Lassana Diarra. 上周冠軍杯半決賽第一輪,埃辛再次被停賽,所以他與冠軍杯上的老熟人利物浦的交手會 推遲到這個週二,他將會進一步鞏固切爾西之前在斯坦福橋的1:0勝果。莫里尼奧安排他 踢菱形中場的右路,也可以讓他踢中衛或是右後衛,在後者的位置上埃辛的防守更加硬朗 ,同時也比費雷拉或迪亞拉更加有效。 Essien has played in every position in defence and midfield this season and carried out all with elan. Critics have turned into admirers. "I think the idea has changed," he says. "They know the sort of player that I am, I'm not like this one who goes out to hurt people. I'm aggressive, yes, and as a midfielder you try to win every tackle, every ball, and that's what I'm doing. I always go for the ball, not the man. When I was a kid they always told us: 'You have to be first to to the ball'. And I think I still have that in mind." 本賽季,埃辛打滿了中場和後衛的所有位置,並且都有很好的發揮。之前那些批評他的人 又成了他的仰慕者。"我覺得現大家的觀點已經發生了改變,"他說:"他們瞭解我這種風格 的球員,我不是那種總想傷人的傢伙。不錯,我是拼的很凶,做為一名中場,你會盡力去 贏得每次拼搶,控制每一個球,而這就是我所做的,我總是沖球去的,而不是沖人。當我 還是個孩子的時候,人們總是告訴我:'你必須是第一個得到球的人!'現在我仍然牢記 著這句話。" Amused again, Essien laughs at that the thought that his unusual,take-the-pass-ahead-of-the-striker approach to central defending is educated by the coach who trained him in Awutu when he was 12. He smiles once more when asked to describe his personality on and off the field. 氣氛又再次輕鬆起來,埃辛笑著說他覺得他那種不同一般的、總是能搶斷對方送往前鋒線 上的傳球的類似於中衛的能力是他在安烏圖(非洲的一個小鎮)訓練時教練教出來的,當 時他只有12歲。當被問到對他在場上場下的性格進行描述時,他又笑了起來。 There is a long pause. "I think I'm a very calm person, very shy," he says. "I don't talk much when I don't really know a person. And I'm always happy - always smiling. When I'm on the pitch I'm a different man, I'm more aggressive and I mean business. It's like I'm in the office - I have to work hard so on the pitch I look very different, I look much more aggressive. I don't joke with my work." 他想了很長時間,"我覺得我是個很冷靜的人,十分的害羞",他說:" 當我不是很想瞭解 別人的時候,我不會說太多。而且我總是很開心--總是保持笑容。不過當我上場比賽時, 我就是另外一個人,我更富有侵略性,我的意思是就如同商業一樣,我就是一個辦公室白 領,我不得不努力工作,所以在球場上我變得不同,我看上去拼的更凶,我不會拿自己的 工作開玩笑。" He can't explain the difference: "Before the game I'm very relaxed. Sometimes I crack a few jokes in the dressing room, but as soon as I cross the white line everything changes. It's just walking on the pitch, seeing the ball that does it." 他也解釋不出這是為什麼:"在比賽前我沒這麼認真,有時我還會在更衣室裏講些笑話, 不過一旦我越過球場的邊線時,一切都改變了,在場上只需要不停的跑,關注球並控制住 它。" The man who kept Mourinho at Chelsea. All he had to do was show him a football. 是他使莫里尼奧留在了切爾西,他所做的一切只是在向大家展示他的足球。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
assassio:埃辛週二加油!!!^^ 04/29 21:55
nancyshen:至少還有愛心!! 04/29 22:12
dyce:我還是想要煙霧彈啦﹐不想看埃辛打後衛﹐他打中場超威Q_Q 04/29 22:27