精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1017980,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65813&extra=page%3D1 REACTION: ALMOST OVER AS JOSE LOSES CARVALHO 賽後訪談:穆帥失去卡瓦略,冠軍希望渺茫 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / cumtowen Our dreams of the quadruple took a severe dent when we surprisingly squandered two points at home to a depleted Bolton side. 在主場,我們意外的在疲軟的博爾頓身上丟掉兩分時,我們的四冠王夢想受到了沉痛的打 擊。 And, as if that wasn't bad enough, Jos? Mourinho reported post-match that the knee injury to centre back Ricardo Carvalho, which saw him substituted on 28 minutes, will rule him out of Tuesday night's Champions League second-leg tie at Anfield. 不過,似乎這還不是最壞的消息,賽後穆帥在接受採訪時表示中衛卡瓦略的膝部受傷,他 在比賽第28分鐘被替換下場,他將會缺席週二晚上冠軍杯半決賽第二輪在安菲爾德球場的 比賽。 "Ricardo is bad," Mourinho lamented. 穆帥很傷心:"卡瓦略的情況很糟糕。" "He's out for Tuesday. How big a blow is that?" queried the head coach rhetorically. "Our best defender for the whole season, it's as simple as that. "週二他將缺席比賽,這是一個多麼大的打擊啊!"這位主帥感慨道:"他是我們整個賽季 最好的中衛,所以(他的缺席會對我們造成怎樣大的影響)是再明顯不過了。" "We lost in Liverpool without him in the Premiership and we go again there without him. In that moment, we had to play with Paulo [Ferreira] at centre-back but in this moment we have better options than Paulo to play centre-back." "英超聯賽中,我們上次在利物浦輸球,他缺席了比賽,而這次我們又將失去他。上次我 們不得不把費雷拉安排踢中衛,不過這次在中衛的位置上有了比費雷拉更好的選擇。" With nine points still available and Manchester United leading the race by five points (and of course a far superior goal difference), the odds are heavily stacked against us retaining our title. Seemingly resigned to the inevitable, Mourinho fell short of actually conceding our crown until it is mathematically certain. 在還剩下9分可以爭取的情況下,曼聯仍領先5分(同時他們的淨勝球也比我們多得多), 我們要想衛冕冠軍的幾率已經越來越小,雖然現實殘酷,而且只有理論上奪冠的機會,但 穆帥仍不想放棄。 "It is almost over but in football almost is a big question mark," he said positively. "Almost is almost - it's not over. "這個賽季奪冠的希望幾乎已經很小了,不過對於足球來說,現在還是個問號。"他堅定的 說:"幾乎只是幾乎--它並不意味著結束。" "Mathematically there is a chance and you have to believe. You have to chase the opportunity and wait for things. We have to win and we have to wait so it is much more difficult. Manchester United have to lose two matches and Chelsea to win all three. "理論上講,我們還有機會,你必須相信這一點。你需要去把握這些機會,並等待事態的 進一步發展。我們需要去贏球,同時還要等待(曼聯犯錯誤),這是相當困難的一件事。 曼聯需要輸掉2場比賽,而切爾西同時要贏得所有的3場比賽(我們才有機會)。" "I think in this moment Manchester United feels very close. They don't feel pressure, they feel quite comfortable. They can come to Stamford Bridge and lose and still be champions. So I think they are very close to it. But almost is almost." "我認為現在曼聯已經與冠軍很近了,他們已經沒有壓力了,他們會感到很自在。即使他 們在斯坦福橋的比賽輸球,他們還是可以贏得冠軍。所以我覺得他們與冠軍很近。不過他 們只是希望很大,還沒有變成事實。" Even bearing in mind the Champions League semi-final next Tuesday, many fans were still surprised at the starting line-up, with big guns, Drogba, Lampard and Joe Cole all on the bench. Yet Mourinho explained that he didn't feel this was one risk too many. 儘管知道球隊下週二要踢冠軍杯半決賽,很多球迷對本場比賽的首發仍然感到意外,我們 的火力點德羅巴、蘭帕德、喬.科爾都坐在了替補席上。不過穆帥解釋說他並不覺得安排 這個陣容會冒多大的風險。 "The changes were made consciously of the situation. If I played this afternoon the same team I played against Liverpool, nobody can tell me it would be better. "陣容的變化是隨著實際情況而變化的,如果今天下午我在對陣利物浦時也派上這樣的陣 容,沒有人會覺得這個改變會更好。" "To be fair, when I see the pace of Joe Cole, the pace of Lamps, nobody can tell me if I played all of them it would be better. They are super characters, great personalities but no heroes in football, no supermen. I had to give them a little bit of a rest because we have also a big game on Tuesday." "說實話,當我看到喬.科爾和蘭帕德在場上沉重的步伐時,如果我還派他們上場,沒人會 說這個換人會更好。他們特點鮮明,個性偉大,不過在足球裏面,沒有英雄,沒有超人。 我不得不讓他們得到一點點的休息,因為下週二我們還有一場硬仗要打。" Mourinho dismissed suggestions that he was let down by his weary side, playing their 59th game of the season. 對於這場本賽季切爾西踢的第59場比賽,穆帥否認平局讓他對這支疲倦的球隊有所灰心。 "We win as a team, we lose as a team, we do it always together in good moments,in bad moments," he said. 他說:"勝利時我們是一支球隊,失敗時我們同樣是一支球隊,無論是順境還是逆境,我 們永遠會團結在一起。" "We lost the points today on set pieces. Set pieces are not about tactics and physical condition. It's about a very specific duel in the box where Bolton is normally very strong and where we could not stop them." "今天我們在定位球上丟了球,定位球與戰術和身體無關,那是一場在狹小區域內的特別 的決鬥。博爾頓在這方面很強,我們沒辦法阻止他們。" So, with this result in mind, did he feel it would have an adverse effect on the rest of our season, and in particular on Tuesday night's Champions League game? 那麼對於這個結果,穆帥是否會認為這將對本賽季我們剩下的比賽產生負面影響呢?特別 是週二晚上的冠軍杯比賽呢? "It's always better when you win because happiness helps your legs. Physical condition is, in my opinion, always affected by happiness or sadness." 他說:"贏球時你總是會感覺更好,因為開心有助於你的雙腿(奔跑),我個人的看法, 身體情況總是會被開心或沮喪所影響。" And for anyone looking for significant omens as to how Tuesday's game might panout, Mourinho offered optimistically: 對於有很多人希望知道這場比賽的結果對週二的比賽會有多大重要的預示作用時,穆帥樂 觀的回答說: "When we lost the semi-final (to Liverpool) two years ago, we beat Bolton two days before, we celebrated the Premiership title two days before. And who knows, this time we lose two crucial points against Bolton and we go there and win the tie and go to the final." "兩年前我們在冠軍杯半決賽上輸給了利物浦,就在那之前兩天,我們擊敗了博爾頓並慶 祝自己贏得了英超兩連冠。而這次我們在博爾頓身上失去了關鍵了兩分,誰又能知道我們 會不會在後面冠軍杯的比賽中晉級闖入決賽。" By Gill Lester -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tomuya:"勝利時我們是一支球隊,失敗時我們同樣是一支球隊," 04/30 08:01
tomuya:無論是順境還是逆境,我們永遠會團結在一起。 04/30 08:02
tomuya:淚推上面這段話Q_Q 04/30 08:05
gyver:落後五分了...今年目標放在歐冠就好了吧?! 05/01 11:03