精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65625&extra=page%3D1 GILES SMITH'S MIDWEEK VIEW 史密斯周中觀點 Published: 25 April 2007 新聞來源:http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1016105,00.html 新聞翻譯:katekui 版權所有:切爾西中文網 Our columnist this week has found cause to ask one of the fundamental questions of life. Do footballers know anything about football? 本周我們的專欄作家有理由要問一個生活中的根本問題。足球運動員到底懂足球嗎? Have you seen the PFA Premiership team of the year? It was announced at the PFA Awards ceremony, which took place on Sunday night in a hotel in what my sworn allegiance to the Journalists' Oath obliges me to describe as 'London's glittering West End'. 你看到本年度PFA英超最佳陣容了嗎?是上週六晚在一個酒店舉行的PFA頒獎典禮上宣布的 ,由於我的忠於記者職業的誓言,所以只好迫使自己把這里稱為“璀璨的倫敦西區”。 The PFA awards are voted for by the players, which is why people tend to grant them a bit more credence than, say, the Laureus Sports Awards or the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award or any of the other tiresome and by definition redundant end-of-term prizes on offer to athletes. (Redundant, because sports tend to have their own honours system built in. We call them 'trophies'.) 因為PFA獎項是由球員投票產生的,所以同勞倫斯體育獎、bbc體育年度最佳個人獎或者其 他的一些無聊的、確切的說多余的獎比起來,人們總是給予該獎項更高的信任度。(多余 ,是因為體育本身有自己內在的榮譽。我們稱其為 “獎杯”) This year, though, you look at what the pooled wisdom of the professional game has come up with and, unavoidably, you end up asking yourself, 'Don't these people know anything about football?' 然而,今年,當你看到這些職業人士提交的結果時,你會忍不住問道“這些人一點都不懂 足球嗎?” It's just, unless there has been some kind of misprint in my newspaper, the team of the year appears to contain eight Manchester United players. Yes, eight, including their entire defence. You know the one: the one with Gary Neville in it. The one that's shipped more goals (24) in the Premiership this season than both Chelsea (20), and Liverpool (22). The one with Edwin van der Sar in goal. 應該是這樣的,除非我的報紙打印錯了,本年最佳陣容包括了8名曼聯球員。是的,8個, 包括了他們整條后防線。你知道的,就是這條后防線:里面有加里內維爾;本賽季在聯賽 中失球數(24)多於切爾西(20)和利物浦(22);把手大門的是範德薩。 Now, before we cut to the nub here, can we just take a moment to recap the season that Petr Cech has had? Kicked in the head at Reading, removed from the field under an oxygen mask, required to undergo surgery on his skull, shaved and scarred, with serious doubts raised about the likelihood that he would ever play again, Cech nevertheless defeated medical expectation to return to the side within months and play, uncannily, as if rejuvenated by the experience. It's been quite a season for him, you'd have to say, what with one thing and another. 在我們談及重點之前,可不可以先占用一點時間,回顧一下本賽季切赫的經曆?同雷丁的 比賽中被踢中頭部,帶著氧氣罩從球場被移走,要在他的頭骨上進行手術,開了刀並留下 了疤痕,讓人十分懷疑他能否再進行比賽了,然而並沒有像醫學估計的那樣,切赫在幾個 月內就重返賽場了,似乎這次的經曆反而讓他更有活力了。你不得不承認,由於本賽季接 二連三發生在他身上的事情,使得這個賽季對他來說很不一般。 He's not in the team of the year, though. He missed a bunch of games, you see. So, as far as the PFA are concerned he didn't really have a season. Because, you know, coming back from a brain-threatening injury and putting together a string of consecutive Premiership clean sheets while playing to a standard that, in most people's eyes, reconfirms him as the world's number one, never mind the Premier League's, doesn't really constitute a story. 但是,他卻不在最佳陣容里。你知道,他錯過了一些比賽,所以,在PFA看來,他連個完展 的賽季都沒有。因為,從很危險的腦部傷病恢復過來,聯賽中保持了一連串的不失球記錄 ,而且在大多數人的眼里,他復出后的表現再次證實他是世界第一流的門將,更不用提在 英超里了,就是這樣,也還是不能說明問題。 So what do you have to do to make goalkeeper in the PFA team of the year? Swim crocodile-infested waters? Escape a burning skyscraper in a hail of machine gun fire while hanging from a helicopter by one arm? 那要怎麼做才可以成為最佳陣容中的門將哪?在一個充滿鱷魚的水里游泳?拿一支手抓住 直昇飛機,逃離被機槍攻擊中的起了火的大廈?。 No. You have to be Edwin van der Sar. Edwin van der Sar! That's the same Edwin van der Sar that Italy's Gazzetta Dello Sport thoughtfully described this week as having endured 'a see-saw season' and identified as the principal weak link that AC Milan could usefully exploit over the course of their Champions League semi-final. 不,這樣也不行。你要是範德薩才行。範德薩!就是那個本周被意大利Gazzetta Dello體 育報描繪成經曆了一個“表現反復”的賽季的範德薩,並被認為是ac米蘭在冠軍杯半決賽 中攻擊對手時可以利用的一個主要弱點。 One could eventually, perhaps, come to understand the oversight by which there is no place in the PFA team of the year for Ricardo Carvalho (week after week, the best central defender in the country, but less famous, I guess, than Rio Ferdinand) nor for Michael Essien, who must have played in too many different positions and therefore confused people into voting for Steven Gerrard instead. (Gerrard was largely anonymous this year, but at least he was anonymous in roughly the same area of the pitch from week to week.) 最終也許可以理解PFA的一點疏忽,那就是卡瓦羅(一周接一周里,我們國內的最佳中后衛 ,但是我猜想,可能沒有費迪南德出名)也不在最佳陣容之中,埃辛也不在,一定是因為 他踢的位置太多了,所以搞得一些人糊涂了,於是投票給了杰拉德。(今年杰拉德一直沒 什麼表現,但至少,他是幾乎一直在場上踢同一個位置而毫無表現。) One could also factor in, on the plus side, the presence in the side of Didier Drogba (leading scorer, so therefore a no-brainer). But for the absence of Cech? well, I hope professional footballers take a good look at themselves over this, and hang their heads in scandalised shame. 有人會提出,有好的一面,那就是的德羅巴在這個陣容中(最佳射手,所以這個不用腦也 會選吧)。但切赫的缺席?我希望職業球員們在這一問題上能夠好好反省一下,能夠為此 感到羞愧。 Cristiano Ronaldo, incidentally, beat Drogs to the Player of the Year award, for which the trophy appears to be a length of gold-plated drain pipe. Being young, the winky one also went home with the Young Player of the Year award, the first person to do the double in this area since Andy Gray shrugged of a truly horrendous hairstyle to take both the awards in 1977, back in the days when the ceremony was lit by oil lamps and the players pitched up on horse back. 順便提一句,c羅擊敗了德羅巴獲得了最佳球員獎,這個獎杯怎麼感覺像金的排水管一樣。 因為是年輕球員,所以還捧回了最佳青年球員獎,是自安迪格雷后第一個在此領域獲得雙 項獎的球員,留著一頭尤為恐怖的發型的安迪格雷,在1977年拿過這兩項獎,當時的頒獎 典禮現場還是用煤油燈點亮的,球員是騎在馬背上的。 Ronaldo's response was outstanding, and tended to confirm what one has always suspected about his priorities: 'Now it would be fantastic to win the Premier League, which would be a kind of icing on the cake.' c羅的發言很精彩,也證實我們的一個猜測,那就是到底什麼對他是最重要的:“現在如果 再能贏得聯賽冠軍那真是太美了呀,簡直就是錦上添花。” Note: personal awards handed out in meaningless televised ceremony under gaudy hotel chandelier; the cake. Trophy for which his team has been busting its guts for an entire season; merely the icing. Lovely player, and all that; but it kind of sums him up, doesn't it? 提示:在浮華的酒店燈光下,一場電視直播的頒獎典禮上頒發的個人獎是“錦”;他的隊 友們一整個賽季費力拼來的獎杯是“花”。可愛的隊員,但他的話總括了他自己,不是嗎 ? Still, it all adds some further colour to the end of the season. Our players might not be good enough for the PFA team of the year, but they may yet prevent Ronaldo from icing his cake. It would be a consolation, I imagine. 不管怎麼樣,這還是給本賽季的末段帶來了一些色彩。也許我們隊員沒有那麼好,不夠資 格進入最佳陣容,但是他們卻可以阻止c羅錦上添花。我想,這總該是點安慰吧。 -- 傷當精采~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
clx:傷當精采~ 每次看史密斯都很開心 XD 04/25 23:49
meja:的確像排水管.... 04/26 00:02
dyce:可是沒有算利記我不習慣 XD 04/26 00:21
dyce: ^酸 04/26 00:22
Santos:噢 這個工作已經交給魔力鳥去進行了 本來要貼的 詳情可以 04/26 00:23
Santos:去看紅軍版最新文章們~ 04/26 00:24
Santos:賽前嘴炮炒氣氛+下點賭盤+逆轉補時進球=完美的比賽.. 04/26 00:31
dyce:哈﹐看到了﹐老大真是個認真負責的教練....隻是這樣﹐賽完又 04/26 00:42
dyce:握不到手了吧 XD 04/26 00:43
meja:可能會握手 但其實都沒看對方一眼 XD 04/26 00:45
dyce:你是在說爵爺和教授嗎﹖ XD 04/26 01:02
guns:2點踢還是45分踢? 04/26 01:34
dyce:2:45,置底的賽程裡加7個小時就對了 04/26 01:35
guns:喔喔 還以為是2點 應該多睡些XD 04/26 01:37
Ladywolf:切赫那一段真是完全說出了我的感覺 04/26 01:38
Supasizeit:握手會握啦 只是踢完沒有酒喝(?) 04/26 02:27