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http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=463208 http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65658&extra=page%3D1 Casillas hails 'perfect' Cech 凱西利亞斯向"完美"切赫致敬 By Vasek Kadlec - Created on 25 Apr 2007 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / fall_ark Real Madrid keeper Iker Casillas has revealed his admiration for Petr Cech, describing the Chelsea shotstopper as 'perfect'. 皇馬門將凱西利亞斯透露了自己對彼得·切赫的仰慕,形容這名切爾西門將是"完美的"。 Casillas first came up against Cech in the UEFA Champions League six years ago and says he realised he was a special talent instantly. 凱西利亞斯第一次和切赫對陣還要追溯到六年前的一場歐冠聯賽,他說在那一個瞬間他就 感受到了切赫的非凡才華。 "I could not overlook him," he said in an interview with MF Dnes. "He was already absolutely focused at that time." "我不可能忽略他(那麼優秀的球員),"在接受捷克《今日報》的採訪時凱西答道,"他 當時表現得全神貫注。" The Spain international believes he is heading down the same route as Cech, but admits the Chelsea man is constantly improving. 這名西班牙國門相信他和切赫走的是同一條道路,同時也承認切爾西門將每一天都變得更 強。 "We are following a similar course, but Cech now has more trophies than me. "我們走的是相似的道路,但切赫如今已經比我擁有了更多榮譽。" "I don't know him personally, but he looks serious, concentrated, professional and cool. He has great reflexes and he generally gets better and better with every year. I like his style of goalkeeping. "私下裏我並不認識他,但他看上去認真、專注、非常職業和冷靜,他的反應非常快,更 是每一年都在不斷進步,我很喜歡他守門的風格。" "He is perfect - one of the best goalkeepers in the world. And he looks nice in the helmet he plays with now." "他是完美的--當今世上最棒的門將之一,他現在戴著頭盔的樣子也很不錯。" Casillas saw footage of the incident that left Cech with a fractured skull, and believes keepers should be given more protection. 凱西利亞斯看過導致切赫頭部骨折那次意外的錄像,他認為門將應該得到更多的保護。 "It was very dangerous. Goalkeepers are not protected enough from various tackles." "那(個鏟球)太危險了,守門員在面臨這類碰撞時得到的保護還不夠。" He revealed he has the most respect for the keepers who have stayed at the top of their game for extended periods, and aims to rank himself among the game's greats. 他透露他最尊敬那些能長時間保持高競技水平的守門員們,並致力於有朝一日能躋身偉大 門將的行列。 "(I admire) those who are on top on a long-term basis. It is extremely difficult to stay at the top level. "我最欣賞那些能在很長時間內保持顛峰狀態的球員,想要維持這種狀態是非常困難的。" "(Gianluigi) Buffon, (Oliver) Kahn, Cech and (Edwin) Van der Sar - hopefully I can put myself among the best ones." "布馮、卡恩、切赫、範德薩--或許有一天我也能成為最優秀的之一。" And he believes he can achieve everything he wants at the Bernabeu. 他也相信自己完全能在伯納烏得到他想擁有的一切。 "I have a lot of motivation. Without it, I will be written off. At that moment, I will end my career, and I believe I will end it at Real." "我從不缺乏動力,當有一天失去動力時我會主動離開,到那時,我會結束我的球員生涯, 而我相信那一刻我仍會在皇馬。" He is refusing to completely rule out a move away, however. 不過他並不肯完全排除轉會的可能性(也是,想想耶羅)。 "Who knows what will happen next? In football, you can never say never. If so, I would try to play in the USA for the last half year. Not because of money, but because of English and of having a new experience. "誰也不知道會發生什麼,足球的世界裏我們無法許諾永遠。假如真的要離開,我或許會 在最後半年裏去美國踢球,不是因為錢,而是因為想學英語和新的體驗。" "But, as you know, Madrid is my city. If I stay at Real for the rest of my life, I will be happy." "不過,你知道,馬德里是我的家,如果我能在皇馬度過我的餘生,我就很幸福了。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
guns:想學英語? 他應該想說英超吧XD 04/26 15:19
zygotic:有點在示愛的感覺.... 04/26 16:31
X89999:跟誰?某貝嗎....... 04/26 17:29
IronChef:Casillas其實也很強...沒有他西班牙國家隊早就崩潰了 04/26 18:09
acmonkey:"布馮、卡恩、切赫、範德薩--或許有一天我也能成為最優秀 04/26 18:45
acmonkey:的之一 其實他已經是最優秀的之一了吧 04/26 18:45
ERP2:卡西謙虛了(或偽善?) 他早就名列 最強GK名人堂了 04/26 18:48
NiniC:或許聖卡對自己的標準是乾淨表單....... ㄜ,皇馬(默).... 04/26 18:49
stranck:我對皇馬後防線的印象一向都... 囧 04/26 18:54
stranck:Buffon 跟 Kahn 實在是太經典了,一個會扭球過人, 04/26 18:58
stranck:一個時會做出驚人之舉... 04/26 18:59
acmonkey:范德薩也玩過帶球過人啊 在富勒姆的時候... 04/26 19:00
meja:驚人之舉是說獅吼嗎... 04/26 19:22
actin:我以為是說用拳頭把球搥進去…… 04/26 20:02
Santos:Casillas他自己早就已經拿下兩面歐冠獎牌了 04/26 20:06
Santos:Casillas較矮速度快些,但切赫處理高球(角球)跟落點判定 04/26 20:08
Santos:比較優 04/26 20:09
heavygauge:神卡幫切賀背書XD 神卡太謙虛了 04/26 20:15
assassio:真怪 卡西是前輩吧 04/26 20:18
stranck:懂得謙虛才會越來越強 Casillas 不錯乖 04/26 20:19
yashirochi:真不愧曾經是我最愛的男人= =b 04/26 20:23
Santos:還有切赫的爬行速度比Casillas快的多...orz 可以參照06 04/26 20:23
Santos:世界盃Cech Vs Inzaghi... 04/26 20:23
stranck:Cech 那場有點慘到,十打十一 orz 04/26 20:25
kenyshsu:Cech最慘的應該是對迦納那場 讓人看了很傷心@@ 04/26 21:03
heavygauge:切赫的高球處理真的很讚 判斷準速度快出擊乾脆 04/26 21:15
MatteoN:Casillas不是sweeper+GK嗎 切赫贏不了阿(還好贏不了XD) 04/26 21:27
Santos:對阿 Casillas出擊速度跟反應比較快 04/26 21:31
laimeter:對我來說如果切赫的是完美那卡西就是神奇的=w= 04/26 22:20
meja:我看成那卡西...囧rz 04/26 22:37
maiminna:樓上透露出年齡了?XD 04/26 23:52
stranck:那卡西是什麼? 04/27 00:11
sheva7:Casillas真謙虛 其實他也很優秀! 04/27 00:28
meja:那卡西的由來→http://tinyurl.com/2dg3xa 04/27 00:28
sheva7:樓上的..你認真了... XD 04/27 00:36
stranck:有溝 有代溝 04/27 13:35