精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1015568,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=65586&extra=page%3D1 PAT NEVIN: WATCHING FROM AFAR 派特.內文--在海外眺望 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / cumtowen This week, Pat has joined the large band of supporters who, during an eventful week, have all followed the Chelsea from over land and sea 本周,派特加入到龐大的切爾西球迷當中,在這個至關重要的一周,他在遠隔千里的海外 依然牽掛著切爾西。 Sometimes you just do not know whether to laugh or cry. The failure to capitalise on United's slip up against MiddleSuper Boyrough, with a win on Sunday at Newcastle, felt like we had passed up the most glorious chance of becoming favourites for the league title. 有時候你真不知道到底是該笑還是該哭,曼聯在米德爾斯堡身上翻船,周日只要戰勝紐卡 斯爾,我們就可以進一步縮小與曼聯的差距,可惜我們失敗了。感覺如同我們錯過了成為 英超冠軍熱門人選的最好機會。 Before we had time to digest that and get too upset, Jose and the club underlined that there will be no parting of the ways come the end of the season. I receive a lot of e-mails through the weekly quiz on this page, many of you taking the time to add a little message to your answers, and one message has been hugely more popular than any other, 'please tell Jose Mourinho to stay.' 就在我們回憶上場比賽並為之感到心煩意亂時,穆帥和俱樂部都強調這場比賽並不意味著 我們已經告別了這個賽季。上周專欄裏我的問題提出之後,我收到了很多球迷的答案,很 多球迷都答對了,而且你們的答案後面都會附上一些其他的留言,留言中出現次數最多的 就是:"請告訴穆帥,讓他留下!" Well now he is and though I would love to report it was down to me incessantly nagging him, it was probably more to do with his love of the club and some of the underlying problems finally being ironed out upstairs. 現在他的確這麼做了,儘管我忍不住要說這歸功於我整天在他耳邊嘮叨這件事,不過更多 的是因為他對俱樂部的熱愛以及一些根本的問題最終被解決。 He will however have been acutely aware of the strength of feeling from the fans and that must have had an effect. So well done all of you in playing your part in encouraging Jose and the club to get their heads together and concentrate on the most important thing, winning these trophies. 不過他也一定強烈感覺到了來自球迷的強大支持,你們的支持也肯定發揮了作用。所以球 迷們做的很不錯,你們總是鼓勵穆帥和俱樂部管理層團結起來,把注意力集中到最為重要 的事情上面,那就是獲得冠軍! As I sat in a bar in Hong Kong with a horde of Blues fans fully expecting the lads to get their obligatory late winner at St James' Park, it became clear that tiredness was finally beginning to play an increasing role in the proceedings and I do not mean just with those at the bar. 當我坐在香港的一間酒吧裏與一群藍軍球迷一起觀看切爾西的比賽時,我們都十分希望小 夥子們能在聖詹姆斯球場上演最後時刻的絕殺,不過很明顯,疲勞由始至終都越來越影響 比賽的進程,當然我不僅僅是指在酒吧裏看球的球迷。 Battling on all fronts is taking its toll on the Chelsea players, but it is worth remembering that it is doing the same to Manchester United. As a player whenever I felt tired I always told myself that my opponent must be at least as tired as I am and that thought would get me through. Not showing your tiredness, or indeed any weakness to your opponent is vital in any competitive sport. 多線作戰已經向切爾西的隊員們敲了警鐘,不過我們不要忘記,曼聯的處境也是如此。當 我還是球員的時候,每次感到疲憊的時候,我總是告訴自己說我的對手肯定至少和我一樣 累,這樣的想法會使我堅持下來。千萬不要表現出你很疲憊,其實在任何一項競技項目中 ,最為重要的就是不要向你的對手暴露你的弱點。 If the Blues could have sneaked a late goal on Sunday, it would have been a hammer blow for Sir Alex Ferguson's men, but I strongly believe that there will be more chances between now and the end of the season. 如果藍軍能在周日的比賽中最後時刻進球的話,這對弗格森爵士的球隊絕對是個打擊。 不過我十分相信從現在到賽季結束的這段時間裏,我們仍有很多的機會。 In the most realistic light, they had a home game and we had an away tie, at the start of the weekend we would have hoped for a win while they would have expected a win. We haven't lost ground and as I said last week, I am not convinced they can win all their games away from home between now and the end of the season. 最為現實的一點就是,他們剩下一場主場比賽,而我們卻只剩一場客場比賽,本週末,我 希望我們獲勝,而曼聯也同樣期待一場勝利。上周我就說過,我們並沒有失去主動權,我 並不相信他們從現在到賽季結束能贏得所有的客場比賽。 We do however have to make sure that when the next chance presents itself, we grab it with both hands. Jose feels that playing a few hours after United each week is a negative thing, but it can also work the other way. We will know when they slip up and just what we have to do. 當然我們也必須保證下次曼聯犯錯的時候,我們也同時能抓住機會。穆帥認為每週的聯賽 總是安排在曼聯比賽之後並不是件好事,不過我們也可以反過來看待這個問題,我們可以 知道什麼時候他們會犯錯,然後我們必須要怎麼做。 As usual that will have to wait because the incidental matter of a Champions League semi final will have to be considered before Wednesday. Liverpool have the advantage of playing the away tie first and they will not be quite as drained because they haven't been pushing just as hard on just as many fronts. They have also managed to develop the type of squad that is more easily and radically rotated than any other in the Premiership, which also aids recovery. 不過我們要象平常一樣去耐心等待這個機會,因為在本週三之前我們必須要考慮冠軍杯半 決賽的比賽,利物浦有先打客場的優勢,而且他們體力充沛,因為他們不用面臨多線作戰 的艱難,他們還進一步完善了球隊陣容,使他們比英超其他球隊更容易進行輪換,這是也 有助於他們體力的恢復。 The down side of that is many Liverpool fans are not exactly sure what their best team really is. They cannot however be underestimated and wily old Rafa Benitez is a master at shaping his team up for European competition. I strongly believe that for the second time in three years, the winner of this tie will lift the trophy, this time in Athens, and it is just too close to call right now. 不過不利於他們的是很多利物浦球迷並不確信他們具備了最強大的陣容,不過也不能小看 他們,老謀深算的貝尼特斯可謂是冠軍杯的大師。這是3年來我第二次堅信這一看法。切 爾西和利物浦的勝者必將會最終獲得冠軍,這次是在雅典,而且離最後的捧杯也越來越 近了。 Do not be surprised if there is only one goal in it after two matches, lets hope that it is actually a goal that decides the tie this time and not a ball the nearly went over the line, not that I am still bitter or anything, perish the thought. 如果這次雙方兩次交手只有一粒進球,你也不用太驚訝。這次讓我們希望這是實實在在的 能夠決定比賽命運的一球,而且不是那種幾乎將滾進球門的進球,我這並不是在訴苦或者 表示其他什麼,請打消這種念頭吧。 Last week I asked you who was the last current Chelsea player to play at the old Wembley? I thought that was pretty tough, I was wrong again. Over 500 of you got it right, knowing fine well it was Michael Ballack playing for Germany against England in a friendly won be the visitors way back in 2000 - Does it really take that long to build a stadium? 上周我問大家切爾西的現役球員中,誰是最後一位在老溫布利球場參加比賽的。我本以為 這個問題相當有難度,不過這次我又錯了,超過500名的球迷都答對了,你們都很清楚是 巴拉克,那時在2000年他代表德國國家隊與英格蘭在這裏進行了一場友誼賽並取得勝利, 建造一座球場是不是真的花了很長時間? The winner from a long list of entrants, once again from all over the planet, was Russell Terrett from Chessington. 答對的人員名單再次彙集了世界各地的人們,本期的獲勝者是來自區斯頓的Russell Terrett。 Because I am writing this from Hong Kong, this time I would like to know the name of the Chelsea striker who briefly played for Hong Kong Rangers? The extra clue is that this guy has already been the answer to one of the previous questions in this column over the last few months. If you know send your answer to me at [email protected] for the chance to win a copy of the book Chelsea - The Official History in Pictures. 由於這次我是在香港寫的這篇文章(那麼本期的問題也與此有關),我要問的是哪位切爾 西前鋒曾短暫的效力過香港流浪者隊呢?額外的提示是這名球員曾在幾個月前的專欄競猜 的答案中出現過,如果你知道,請發郵件至[email protected]告訴我,你將會有 機會獲得一本《切爾西--圖解官方歷史》。 Good luck to you and to the team on Wednesday night. Remember they are tired sothey need all the support they can get. 祝你好運,同時也祝球隊在週三晚上的比賽好運,請記住他們很疲勞,所以他們需要得到 你們的全力支援。 I will be tired too as I will be staying up through the night here in Hong Kong to watch. It just reminds me of how much effort our fans around the world have to make to follow the team, just as long as you all know that we appreciate it here at the club. 我也會很累,因為我將會待在香港熬夜觀看比賽,這也使我明白全世界的切爾西球迷為支 持球隊付出多大的心血,而且你也會明白,切爾西俱樂部十分感謝你們。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: