精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/sport/football/articles/16963128?source=Evening Chelsea to get only a warning in Euro row (選錄) By Matt Hughes, Evening Standard 1 March 2005 Chelsea are likely to escape with a warning following a UEFA investigation into the conroversies that overshadowed last week's Champions League defeat in Barcelona. Chelsea have until 14 March to respond and their case will be heard at a meeting of UEFA's control and disciplinary body 10 days later. The west Lodon club are expected to be warned as to their future conduct but they could also receive a small fine. Despite public criticisms made of referee Anders Frisk, Chelsea have yet to submit their own report to UEFA detailing claims of a half-time meeting between the official and Barceona coach Frank Rijkaard. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://soccernet.espn.go.com/feature?id=326371&cc=4716 The mastery of Mourinho (選錄) Norman Hubbard Kicked up the backside (allegedly), kicked out of the first final of Chelsea career and kicked when he was down, Jose Mourinho has endured a mermorable week. Frank Lampard's ever expanding range of passing may be the resulf of his desire for self-betterment. Joe Cole seems to be on a desperate quest for his manager's approval. And if decision to let the banned Carlo Cudicini lead Chelsea out at the Carling Cup final. Perhaps it is part of Mourinho's pact with his players that remains the centre of attention, allowing them to concentrate on football. Because, whether celebrating maniacally or not, the cameras are on Mourinho. He has succeede in breaking English football's duopoly in mind games. He seems to share Fergusion's fun in winding up Arsene Wenger. Now the Scot has Mourinho in his sights, attempting to plant the seeds of a slump with his comments. But to upset Mourinho, he must first understand him. And who does? Is it inner anger or staged rage? Because, whether exitable or impassive, humourous or histrionic, Mourinho is predictable only in his unpredictability . And to think that Chelsea initially wanted Sven-Goran Eriksson. Second-guessing the Swede has become a national pastime; Mourinho's next move is far harder to call and all the more eagerly anticipated. http://tinyurl.com/5wfla 屌! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: