精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://skysports.planetfootball.com/list.asp?hlid=259561 Sir Bobby joy for Jose by Tom Adams - created on 2 Mar 2005 The Portuguese tactician learnt his trade as Robson's translator, then coach, during spells at Sporting, Porto and Barcelona and has now set out to cement his own legacy at big-spending Chelsea. 老大從Sir Bobby身邊的翻譯員發跡,之後執教過 運動里斯本 波爾多 巴薩, 現在老大在藍軍這裡留下了功勳。 The first piece of the jigsaw, winning his first trophy for Roman Abramovich's club, was achieved by beating Liverpool 3-2 in the Carling Cup final last week. 三比二擊敗利記,贏得卡林盃冠軍是成就阿布藍軍霸業的第一部份。 Robson was delighted to see his former charge triumph at The Millennium Stadium, and believes that the European Cup winner should end the season with at least one more prize. Sir Bobby很高興老大在千禧年球場的勝利,Sir Bobby相信老大在結束賽季前, 至少能再贏得一項榮耀。 "Two teams play and Liverpool had a bit of bad luck here, there and everywhere, but Chelsea were the better side and deserved it so I was really happy for Jose," Robson told Sky Sports News. "That's one in the pot and he's got two more to follow, a big game with Barcelona next week and he looks as though they can win the championship as they're a vast number of points above Manchester United. "Manchester United will keep going but so will Arsenal, but Chelsea are in a good position and I would now expect them to go on and win it. "So if he wins two in his first year I think that's remarkable and wonderful." Prior to the Carling Cup win the London side lost two games on the trot, leading some to question whether the Chelsea juggernaut was slowing somewhat - a suggestion that angered the Blues boss. 在贏得卡林盃之前,藍軍連續輸了兩場比賽,召惹了一些人懷疑藍軍的霸 業是否能遇到了障礙, 然後老大就怒了(XD)。 Robson believes that Mourinho can only learn from such experiences, and insisted he was willing to draw on his experience to advise Mourinho, if such help was requested Sir Bobby認為老大能從中吸取經驗,如果老大向他請教,Sir Bobby很願 意給老大一些建議。 "He knows where I am if he needs me," Robson continued. "He had a difficult fortnight, he learnt more in the last fortnight than the previous eight months because Chelsea always win, win, win, not lose. "It's the easy part of football, anyone can win, but when it goes against you and you lose it's not quite right. 每個人都能贏,這是足球中簡單的部份。但當它和你作對而你落敗時,一切 就不對勁了。(這句我不會翻 @@a) "He will learn from that and get it straight." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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