精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/050303/1/9fdp.html 應該是最新消息吧 Blues hit by double charge Thu 03 Mar, 2:22 PM Uefa has confirmed that Chelsea are facing a double disciplinary charge followi ng their controversial Champions League clash against Barcelona in the Nou Camp stadium last week. 歐足協証實了藍軍將面臨兩項紀律指控,起因於上個禮拜,藍軍在Nou Camp 與Barca 充滿爭議的對決。 Chelsea are in the process of making a formal report to the European governing body about Barca coach Frank Rijkaard's half-time discussion with Swedish refer ee Anders Frisk, but in the meantime Uefa have begun disciplinary proceedings a gainst the Premiership leaders on two fronts. 藍軍正在研擬有關於Barca 主教練Rijkaard在半場休息時與瑞典籍主裁Frisk 不尋常交談的正式報告。(這句話真長 =_=)在此時歐足協已對藍軍展開紀律處 理。 European football's governing were unhappy with the team's late arrival onto th e pitch for the second half of the game and with manager Jose Mourinho's decisi on not to attend the compulsory post-match press conference. 歐足協對於藍軍在比賽下半場時延遲出場感到不爽,對於老大賽後不出席記者 會更不爽。 A Uefa spokesman confirmed: "We have started a disciplinary case against Chelse a for the late arrival on to the pitch from the dressing room for the second ha lf and the non-appearance of the coach at the post-match media conference. 一位歐足協的發言人同意道:「關於藍軍延遲下半場出場時間和賽後記者會的 缺席,我們已經展開了紀律調查。」 "We have notified the club that the matter will be dealt with on 24 March and they can submit a statement to us." 「我們已經通知藍軍,我們會在三月24日處理這件事情,藍軍可以提出他們的 說明。」 Uefa will make use of all the available evidence before deciding whether or not to punish the Carling Cup winners. This will include Frisk's own report of the game, video evidence, Uefa's own delegate report as well as any statements pro vided by the club or their players. 歐足協會根據所有可能的証據來決定處罰藍軍與否。這些証據將包括Frisk 的 報告,錄像帶,歐足協委員的報告,還有來自藍軍方面的報告。 (最後一句不確定 @@) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 補上網址 ※ 編輯: DemonRing 來自: (03/03 23:26)
JamesCaesar:來吧....orz 03/04
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