精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=260248 Friday, Mar 04, 2005 Eidur Gudjohnsen has been cleared of any drink-driving allegations and has emphsised his innocence of any misconduct. Following the police declaration that he has no charges to answer, he said: “I am delighted that the police have confirmed that I will not be charged with any offence arising from the events of the evening of February 13th, 2005. “The tests on the samples taken from me have proved that I was not over the legal limit to drive and had not therefore broken the law. “It is now clear that I did not commit any offence. “I would like to thank the staff at Chelsea Football Club and all the other people who have given me support over the last few weeks. “I can now look forward to the rest of the season comfortable in the knowledge that my name has been cleared” --- 耶!! 明天進球慶祝XD ---- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
JamesCaesar:艾德還是不要先發好,為週中保留體力 03/05