精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://footballmsn.skysports.com/list.asp?hlid=261064 Uefa blast Jose talk by Paul Higham - created on 7 Mar 2005 The Italian official has been appointed to take charge of Tuesday's clash at Stamford Bridge - but Uefa are not happy with Mourinho's comments. After accusing Frank Rijkaard of talking to Anders Frisk in the first leg, Mourinho called for a stronger referee such as Collina to take charge in West London. Uefa's director of communications William Gaillard told Sky Sports News that they did not appreciate Mourinho's comments. Gaillard insists Uefa had already decided to appoint Collina for the match, but Mourinho's outburst put pressure on their decision. "We appointed Collina but we didn't really appreciate Mourinho saying at the start of the week that we had assured Chelsea Collina would be refereeing the game - it is not true," Gaillard told Sky Sports News. "It's not true at all. "He was trying to put some undue pressure on us because we had decided in a certain way to appoint Collina even before we considered the incidents so it made it difficult for us to do so. "If we do it sounds like we are bowing to pressure from Mourinho, if we don't do it then we are being influenced in appointing someone else when we wanted to appoint Collina." Gaillard says Uefa do not take too kindly to coaches or players calling for certain referees to officiate in matches - and it puts pressure on their decisions. "Frankly we don't like coaches or anyone from a team telling us which referee we should appoint. This is not within the fair play spirit we want in the game. "Therefore we like our referees committee to be independent and that's why we decided to appoint Collina anyway. "On this subject I think Mourinho should not start picking out which referee he likes and doesn't like. This is not his job. "Jose Mourinho is a great coach and tremendous tactician and everyone recognises his great qualities. "So I think we all have to calm down now and make sure a different spirit shows in the game." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
JamesCaesar:哈哈 03/08