精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/europe/4332865.stm Last Updated: Wednesday, 9 March, 2005, 13:19 GMT The battle of Stamford Bridge 斯坦福橋之戰 By Mandeep Sanghera Our man at Stamford Bridge Emotions were white hot at the end of Chelsea's intense and breathtaking Champi ons League tie victory over Barcelona on Tuesday. While Chelsea were ecstatic Barcelona were despondent and a tunnel skirmish inv olving the Catalan outfit encapsulated a bad-tempered affair. 當藍軍正欣喜若狂,巴賽正低頭沮喪時,通道裡加泰隆尼牙人發生了一場令人 不快的衝突。 Chelsea scout Andre Villas banged the side of his fist against the perspex of t he players' tunnel and grimaced at Barcelona boss Frank Rijkaard. 藍軍的助理教練(斥候)Andre Villas朝球員方向揮拳,並且向Rijkaard做鬼臉 。 Rijkaard was walking off to lick his wounds after the defeat but Villas' action s caused the usually cool Dutchman to snap. Rijkaard正準備離開球場,在失敗後療傷止痛。但Villas的動作讓一向冷靜的 荷蘭人突然抓狂了。 He attempted to confront the Blues official only for stewards to hold the seeth ing Barca boss back. Rijkaard要上前理論,藍軍的工作人員拉住了他。 Rijkaard was joined at the mouth of the tunnel by his players as they began to trudge off and they also became embroiled in a struggle with stewards. 隨即Rijkaard的隊員們也加入了這場衝突。 Barca striker Samuel Eto'o claimed he was racially abused by a steward, who say s he was spat at by the Cameroon international. Eto'o說他被某位工作人員種族歧視,而工作人員說他被Eto'o亂吐口水。 These incidents are unsavoury, unwanted and unnecessary but the game was on edg e throughout in the wake of the fall out of the first leg. 這些事情可真令人倒骨口,不想要也不必要。但他們被第一回合落敗的對手擊 敗了。 Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho did not turn up to the post-match news conference af ter the 2-1 loss at the Nou Camp and was unhappy with referee Anders Frisk who had sent-off Blues striker Didier Drogba. 老大在2-1敗戰後沒有出席賽後記者會,老大也頗不爽Anders Frisk的判決, Frisk把Drogba送出場。 Chelsea said a report would be sent to Uefa about an apparent half-time meeting between Frisk and Rijkaard while the build up to the return leg started with B arca's players criticising the tactics of the opponents. 關於Rijkaard和Frisk的會面事件,藍軍說他們將會遞交正式報告。同時間巴 賽的球員們紛紛批評這種小動作。 Rijkaard denied the meeting with the referee but any influence he tried to exer t on match official Pierluigi Collina at Stamford Bridge did not go down well w ith Mourinho. Rijkaard否認了指控,而他在Collina身上施加的壓力,老大並不歡迎。 He gestured for the Barca boss to sit back down after Rijkaard sprung to the touchline to remonstrate to Collina about a challenge on Andres Iniesta. 當Rijkaard衝向邊線與Collina抗議Andres Iniesta的判罰時,老大向Rijkaard 比了比手勢,叫他坐回去。 To the Dutchman's disdain the free-kick went to the home side but the abrasive gestures, which are becoming a Mourinho trademark after he put his finger to hi s lips in the Carling Cup win over Liverpool, were not finished. 將手指擺在嘴脣之上,已經變成了老大的註冊商邊。 The Portuguese seemingly blew a double helping of two-handed kisses in the dire ction of Barca fans as he walked off down the tunnel. 老大在離場前還向在場的巴賽球員飛吻致意。 Rijkaard's calm exterior at the news conference betrayed the burning fire in hi s eyes. Rijkaard在新聞發佈會上的冷靜著實地背叛了他眼中的雄雄烈火。 But, after all the accusations, anger and acrimony has been spent, the quality of the football and engrossing nature of such a heavyweight encounter will live long in the memory. 儘管充斥著這些指控,憤怒和刻薄, 這場吸引人目光而又光芒四射的重量級對決將會長存於我們的記憶之中。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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