精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
UEFA probes Chelsea-Barca incidents Thu 10 Mar, 12:01 PM LONDON (Reuters) - UEFA is looking into the incidents that marred the end of Chelsea's Champions League victory over Barcelona at Stamford Bridge this week. UEFA正在調查藍軍和巴賽比賽結束後的汙點事件。 "I am only in a position for now to say we are investigating the incidents and gathering more information," a spokesman for European soccer's governing body said on Thursday. 歐洲足球管理體的一位發言人說:「我只能透露我們正在搜集這起事件的資料 。」 Barcelona's Cameroon striker Samuel Eto'o told reporters a Chelsea steward had abused at him as he left the pitch after his team's 4-2 defeat on Wednesday. 巴賽前鋒Eto'o和媒體們說他被藍軍的工作人員種族歧視。 Chelsea, who won the first knockout round tie 5-4 on aggregate, denied the accusations in a statement on Wednesday. 贏得第一輪淘汰賽的藍軍在星期三否認了這些指控。 A scintillating see-saw match that was incident-free for the 90 minutes was marred by angry scenes near the tunnel afterwards with stewards hurrying Barca players and coach Frank Rijkaard off the pitch. 這場激情四溢的球賽原本是沒有風波的,但在比賽結束後卻出現了這種汙點, 工作人員趕緊將巴賽球員和主教Rijkaard帶離球場。 Chelsea raced into a 3-0 lead in 19 minutes, turning the tie their way, but Barcelona hit back with two Ronaldinho goals before halftime and would have qualified on the away goals rule but for John Terry's 76th-minute winner. 藍軍在前19分鐘就取得三比零,而巴賽憑藉著小羅的兩記入球,在半場前成功 反擊藍軍。要不是隊長的頭球得分,巴賽將根據客場入球規則晉級八強。 A plastic bottle was thrown from the area of the crowd where the Barcelona fans sat as Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich made his way to the dressing rooms. 當阿布走向更衣室時,一只塑膠瓶從巴賽球迷的區域丟來。 The bad blood between the two sides began during the first leg at the Nou Camp when Chelsea accused Rijkaard of attempting to influence Swedish referee Anders Frisk at halftime. 雙方是從16強對決的第一回合開始交惡。 Chelsea are already under investigation by UEFA for sending their players back out onto the pitch late for the second half in Barcelona and failing to attend the mandatory post-match news conference. UEFA正在調查藍軍在第一回合的行為。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: