精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/050310/4/9l37.html Blues And Rovers Pay The Price Thu 10 Mar, 4:09 PM Chelsea and Blackburn have been fined by the Football Association over the brawl which marred the end of their Barclays Premiership clash on February 2. 足總根據二月二號藍軍和課本比賽中的爭執對兩家俱樂部罰錢。 Claude Makelele sparked the trouble towards the end of Chelsea's 1-0 win when he pushed over Morten Gamst Pedersen and players from both sides confronted each other. 馬克萊萊惹出了這個麻煩,他推了Morten Gamst Pedersen一把。然後一群人 就圍了上來。 The Blues denied a charge of failing to ensure their players conducted themselves in an orderly fashion while Blackburn admitted the same charge. 藍軍否認了沒做好管教球員的指控,不過課本接受了。 Chelsea were fined ?5,000 and warned about their future conduct by the FA's disciplinary commission, while Rovers were given a ?0,000 fine and a future conduct warning. 藍軍和課本同時被罰款和被足總紀律委員會警告。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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