精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/050311/1/9lqt.html Chelsea 'Agree Joaquin Deal' Fri 11 Mar, 10:09 AM Real Betis' Spain international winger Joaquin Sanchez could be on his way to C helsea this summer after the player's father claimed the two clubs have reached an agreement over his future. 華金的老爸說藍軍和皇家貝蒂斯已經對華金的前途達成了一致同意。 Aurelio Sanchez, who is also Joaquin's representative, told Radio Sevilla that he expected his son to leave Betis this summer with Chelsea a possible destinat ion. Aurelio Sanchez,華金的代言人,跟Radio Sevilla透露他希望他兒子這個夏 天前往藍軍。 "It is going to be a busy summer and I think Joaquin is going to move then," sa id Aurelio. 「這個夏天會很忙,我想華金這個夏天會移籍。」 "Chelsea are going to offer more than 30 million euros (?1million) for Joaquin and (Betis president Manuel Ruiz de) Lopera is convinced by the offer." 「藍軍將提出三千萬歐元以上的轉會費,Lopera感到很滿意。」 "Now they will have to convince Joaquin." 「現在,他們必須要說服華金。」 Convincing Joaquin could be the major sticking point to any move to England. 說服華金可能是這場轉會中的困難之處。 For several months Joaquin has hinted that he would prefer to join Real Madrid, and flirted with the club in the days before the two sides met in the Primera Liga less than a fortnight ago. 過去幾個月來,華金暗示他比較希望加入皇家馬德里。 The fact that Jose Antonio Reyes, another Andalusian and friend of Joaquin's, i s struggling to adapt to life with Arsenal, could also influence his decision. Jose Antoio Reyes,安達盧西亞人,華金的朋友,目前正在掙扎著適應兵工 廠的生活。這件事也可能會影響華金的意願。 Nevertheless, Joaquin's father is optimistic he could still join Chelsea. 然而,華金的老爸對於加入藍軍保持著樂觀的看法。 "If the difference in offers is not much, then Real Madrid has a strong appeal. However, if there is a huge difference, he'll have to go to England." 「如果雙方價錢差不多,皇家馬德里顯然更有吸引力。但要是雙方價差過大, 華金會加入藍軍。」 "We have a friend there who sent us a fax and we were shocked when we saw the o ffer on the table. It was in pounds and euros and we couldn't believe it." 「我們在英格蘭的一位朋友給我們發了封傳真,我們對於價碼感到十分吃驚。 它以英磅和歐元計,我們真是不敢相信。」(難道要用西班牙幣嗎?@_@a) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
u1302094:用台票計算如何? 03/12
DemonRing:印尼盾啦 @@ 這則新聞只有雅虎有耶,獨家嗎? 03/12
hotchc:其實我不會很希望華金來耶 03/12
hotchc:雖然說他是很不錯拉 03/12
hotchc:可是我喜歡杜夫 03/12
thern:人滿為患,羅本受傷後,前場破壞力-80%,,對巴薩 03/12
thern:喬科爾狀態出色,但前幾場真的不行,希望他加入 03/12
Ivanov:會不會是用pounds and Euros來代表很多很多!! 03/12
Ivanov:就像 "rain dogs and cats" 一樣(瞎猜一堆....:P) 03/12
DemonRing:不知道耶,我是英文小嫩嫩,每篇都亂翻。 XD 03/12
jftsai:他老爸好像更在意能撈多少,這種感覺很不好 03/12
DemonRing:對啊,一付要撈我們一票的樣子。jog8 03/12
DemonRing:再提醒一次,我目前只看到雅虎有這新聞 @@ 03/12
yincheng:這條新聞西班牙媒體已經報很多天了.... 03/12
JamesCaesar:華金的新聞老實說已經看到沒感覺了.... 03/12